Favorable days for operations in April 2020


Operations always carry certain risks to human health. To minimize them, you can seek help for astrology. In each month there are some of the most successful days for surgical treatment, and they depend on the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac, along which it passes. In this article, I will tell you when the most favorable days for the operation in April 2020, and when it is dangerous to go under the surgeon's knife.

Operations April 2020.

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2020

The most successful days for surgical treatment are those that fall on a decreasing moon. But the most negative periods will be eclipses, and not only lunar, and and solar. If earlier people had to independently calculate successful days for operations, then today you can simply take advantage of the finished lunar calendar.

April 1

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Quite a suitable day for operations. The only contraindication is weakened immunity.

April 2

DANGER Operating the spine and elbow joints. Even manual procedures in these areas are better eliminated. Excessive loads on the heart and spine can negatively affect health.

April 3

An inappropriate day for surgical intervention and intensive therapy. Any therapeutic procedures may have an unforeseen result.

April, 4

Today should not carry out operations, especially on the heart and spine. In addition, it is worth excluding physical exertion. Positive effect will have cleansing and preventive procedures.

April 5

A favorable day for surgical treatment, but the abdominal organs can be operated only in case of emergency. It is also recommended to carry out rejuvenating and cleansing procedures.

April 6.

Operations are allowed, including plastic. Increased sensitivity and vulnerability will have sense and eyes organs, so they cannot be overtaken.

April 7.

The day is great for plastic operations, detection and treatment of teeth. But to operate the pancreas, the bladder and the pelvis organs are not worth it. Also, it is also impossible to donate blood.

April 8.

Dangerous any surgery, because During this period, blood is updated, and the degree of its consumption is very low.

April 9.

Emergency operations are allowed. Any other procedures are best transferred to another day.

Lunar Calendar of Operations April 2020

April 10th

Surgical treatment of the kidneys, the circulatory system and the liver is better to exclude. It is also ultimately not recommended to hand over and overflow blood. Excessive physical exertion can lead to the injury.

April 11th

The treatment of kidneys is allowed only in case of emergency. Other operations will be quite successful. A good result will have cosmetic and cleansing procedures.

12th of April

DANGER Operation of the intestine and appendicitis, because They are in the stage of active blood saturation. Today there may be aggravation of mental illness. The ailments arising today will acquire a sluggish character, and it will be difficult to get rid of them.

April 13.

On this day, special attention should be paid to the back and spine. Injuries are possible, so it is not necessary to carry out operations in this area and physical activity. The excitement and stress today are undesirable.

14th of April

An unfavorable outcome may have a liver operating. On this day it is better to do cleansing procedures, phytotherapy and hardening.

April 15.

Operations at the bottom of the body can not be carried out. Physical exertion on legs and lower back are also contraindicated. Sharp movements can lead to injuries.

April 16.

Prohibited operations on the genitals, especially for women. Even from intimate proximity today is better to refuse. If there are problems with the spine, you can perform procedures and exercises to strengthen it.

April 17.

Almost any operations are allowed, with the exception of those relating to the area of ​​the armpits. From today, the disease will begin to retreat from which a long time could not get rid of.

April 18th

On this day, the ears will be most vulnerable, so they cannot be operated or calculated. Also enhanced sensitivity will have the sense of smell, therefore astmatics and people prone to allergies, you need to be extremely careful.

April 19.

Not the most successful day for operations, especially if they touch the legs. Treatment and dental removal will also be prohibited. But the procedures aimed at improving skin condition will be very effective.

20 April

Today it is not recommended to operate legs. The highest injuries are subject to shin, so even physical exertion on this day is worth limiting.

April 2020 operations

The 21st of April

The day is suitable for operational intervention, but it is not recommended to treat the brain and eyes. Hypertensive should be careful, because Today they will have sharp pressure jumps.

April 22.

Great health danger can carry the operations on the anus and the rectum. Cleasons and injections on this day will be very painful, so if possible, it is better to refuse them.

April 23.

You can conduct any operations, with the exception of those concerning the oral cavity. Treatment of teeth or jaw today may have an unpredictable result.

April 24th

An unfavorable day for surgical intervention. In addition, today is high risks of gaining serious injuries that may have a fatal outcome.

25th of April

Any procedures and manipulations associated with the throat are prohibited. It is also not recommended for a long time to stay in the cold. In patients suffering from asthma, seizures of suffocation may be more.

26 April

Operation of the gastrointestinal organs on this day is prohibited. Operational treatment of other organs is fully allowed. It is important to closely monitor its nutrition, because High poison risks.

April 27.

The day is well suited for operations - they will have a positive outcome. But it should be noted that the lungs and the upper spoken departments will acquire increased sensitivity, so their surgical treatment is better carried out only in case of emergency.

April 28.

Threats may be the respiratory organs, therefore, all manipulations associated with them today are prohibited. Cleaning procedures will be affected by the beneficial effect on health.

April 29.

Any operations are allowed, but it is necessary to show special caution in the treatment of the stomach. Stresses and emotional overvoltages will affect the work of the stomach, so you need to try to avoid negative emotions.

April 30

A completely inappropriate period for surgical intervention. On this day, weakening immunity and deterioration of well-being will be observed. Special caution should show those people who suffer from heart disease.


  • It is impossible to carry out operations during periods of lunar or solar eclipse.
  • Surgical intervention made on a decreasing moon promises the rapid restoration of the body.
  • Emergency operations should be carried out according to the recommendations of the doctor.

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