Neptune in the Taurus in a woman and a man in the horoscope


In astrology, Planet Neptune is closely related to intuition, mysticism, inspiration, religion, illusions, fantasies, dreams and ideals. Neptune acts as a ruler of the constellation of the fish and the twelfth house. The energy of this celestial body allows you to look into other measurements, to be found at the highest levels of consciousness, accessing mystical knowledge.

In addition, Neptune sends a creative inspiration to artists, predictors, mysticalists and humanists. As Neptune manifests itself in the Taurus in the Natal Map - let's consider in this article.

Planet Neptune

Neptune in Constellation Taurus: Characteristics

  1. Neptune owners in the Taurus are very susceptible to the world around the world, you can safely call them "people's moods".
  2. They may experience difficulties with the achievement of material well-being and in the device of personal life. The reason for this - they want a lot, but do very little in practice. But if it is diligently to work and make efforts, then career growth and financial security are quite real.
  3. They have somewhat disrupted the correct vision of the material aspects of life, so they can engage in self-deception.
  4. If the person is developed harmoniously, there is a good artistic taste and creative abilities. They will be implemented in art, in particular, music, vocals, as well as in design and fashion.
  5. We strive to enter the highest society and stay there.
  6. Possess a very original ideological and philosophical position, which greatly affects mysticism and fatalism.
  7. They are unique in that they are surprisingly combined in themselves not combined: high spirituality, idealism, the love of nature and animals with pragmatism and materialism, high moral norms - with erotic sexual fantasies, sometimes reaching current perversions.
  8. Sex for them always plays a very important role in life.
  9. To feel in a state of secureness, they want to have a certain benefit of the material world.
  10. Neptune owners in Taurus have strong intuitive abilities that help them create material masterpieces.
  11. Be sure to deal with spiritual development - to show charity, maintaining its close surroundings. They can not be bought for money.
  12. Thanks to intensive internal experiences, mysticism and desire to reveal different secrets and secrets, the owners of the provisions of the planet may decide to study the occult disciplines - in particular, astrology, numerology, magic and others.

They love fantasy

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If Neptune in the natal map is damaged, then the native is experiencing an excessive attraction to representatives of the opposite sex, consolving, prone to an immoral lifestyle.

Neptune in the Taurus in a woman and a man

Such personals all the time need artistic and aesthetic and spiritual and moral landmarks. Often they comprehend the highest wisdom through love relationships, enjoy the second floor success. They usually cause only positive emotions in people - admiration, lunizing, but almost never aggression and envy.

A man with Neptune in Taurus in a horoscope is seriously interested in the world of magic, has brightly manifested extrasensory abilities. And if you add to the Mysticism of Neptune sound practicality of the Taurus, it is not surprising that he can start making a living using his gift. Many professional magicians had a combination of constellations and planets on the map.

often have magical abilities

For girls with the neptune under consideration, it is characteristic of receiving the existence of an unconventional existence, unusual for most ways. In addition, they are distinguished by great gullibility and frivolity. They are important to be extremely attentive, not to get involved in any spruce and fraud, since there is a big risk of losing significant financial sums.

They can also become nymphomans suspended on carnal joy. It should not be allowed that the low-alive animals of instincts take up the spiritual start and prevented their development.

Finished Neptune in Taurus is distinguished by self-sufficiency and pride, they will not waste their precious energy on those who are considered unworthy. To achieve their location, you need to cause a sense of trust, and it is not easy to do it.

If Neptune Telchikha will not receive enough attention and understanding from the chosen one, it will not endure, but will find a more suitable option for itself. They should be conscious when choosing a satellite of life and not to teach themselves with false illusions, because the result will be only complete disappointment.

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