Saturn in Capricorn in a woman and men in the horoscope


The Saturn Planet in astrology correlate with the concepts of discipline, order, restrictions, conscience, authorities, difficulties, responsibility, restraint, punctuality, prudence, sober vision of the world. If it strongly affects a person, he becomes incredibly serious, realistic, patient, purposeful, which has strategic thinking, always talking clearly and in the case.

It is not inclined to excess emotionality, can be too closed, always withstands a certain distance in communication. How does Saturn manifest in Capricorn, what characteristics does this situation have? Let's find out.

Planet Saturn

Saturn in Capricorn constellation: features of manifestation

The owners of the specified position of Saturn can be glad, because the planet went to his abode, which is very favorable. It gives his wards with the highest ambitiousness, a stunning ability to achieve their goals, plus expressed organizers and leadership qualities.

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The problem is only that the native often puts a career and prestige above ordinary human joys. He so want to realize his professional talents (especially when I am located Saturn in the 10th field, next to MS), that he is not paying enough attention to his home - wife / husband and children.

With competitors, it is very tough, often resorting to dishonest methods. It can either turn into a bright leader, or in the despot-careerist - everything depends on its level of spiritual development and work on itself. What is important to understand such a person is that people are evaluated not only by professional merit and social status, but on good spiritual qualities. After all, he is almost always not aware that the love of family is much more important than any certificates and regalia.

They are inherent in careerism

Of course, the roots of the like usually hide in the childhood of the very beginning: it grew up in a cold family atmosphere, with a high probability had a powerful father. His parents were too passionate about the external target, which led to the formation of his system of life values.

If he managed to add heart and soulfulness to his target and severe will, he has a chance to become a cult figure in history. But in order not to sign the solid conservative ram, it is important to navigate in the positive and negative qualities of this position of the planet:

  • Nat is very patient, hardworking;
  • has developed intelligence, leadership qualities;
  • It can independently form a system of values ​​similar to the one that was in his family or begins to change it;
  • He becomes a demanding boss who is not ready to compromise;
  • often suffers from the absence of a sense of humor, it can not communicate easily and easily;
  • He likes to be surrounded by authoritative personalities;
  • He has the talent of the speaker, the ability to persuade;
  • A real perfectionist who tries to do everything perfectly and does not forgive other people's mistakes;
  • It supports the hierarchical model of society, always subordinate to the orders of higher persons, bosses, even if I do not agree with them.

If the owner of Saturn in Capricorn will be able to become the head of a large organization, he is ready to work in the dinner and Nosno. But it will not be bought at the salary of his ward. Famous politicians having such a position of the planet: Winston Churchill, Barack Obama.

Saturn in Capricorn in woman and men

A fair sex with Saturn in Capricorn has many personal ambitions that seek to embody in life. At the same time, she is ready to show sacrifice and self-denial, if necessary. Of the other characteristic personal qualities, an incredible stubbornness can be distinguished, a greater extract, perseverance and the ability to embody everything intended in life early either late.

Strict woman

It does not demonstrate a whole range of emotions, as it usually happens with women. On the contrary, very restrained, modest, find contact with it - the task is not simple. In secret dreams about a high social position to be on the head higher than the rest of people. And success wants to achieve due to their own skills and talents, and not thanks to any assistance.

A man with such a situation of Saturn is a man of sensible, judicial, he is a great practitioner. In addition, it is inherent in strict temper, inner coldness, perseverance, irregularity, asceticism. In most cases, the health of the owners of Saturn in Capricorn is very good, so they live to deep old age.

These men dream about independence and independence, usually make a good career. But there are difficulties in building relationships - it is difficult for them to reveal the soul to another person, they cannot behave freely and relaxed.

And men, and women with Saturn in Capricorn have such drawbacks of character: selfish, too harmful, do not accept someone else's opinion, mercantile, angry.

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