Selena in Capricorn in a woman and men in the horoscope


In the horoscope, except for the planets that have a material body, there are also fictitious planets, that is, those who do not have a real astronomical body. One of these planets is a selenium or a white moon, which performs the exact opposite of Lilith (the Black Moon).

Selena, her zodiac sign and a house in which she got will tell about the area of ​​life in which NAV has committed the most good in his past embodiments on Earth. Let's find out how the Selena manifests itself in Capricorn in Natal Map.

Selena - Horoscope Guardian Angel

White Moon in Capricorn Constellation: Distinctive features

When you find seleniums in Capricorn, we understand that its owner in the past life voluntarily moved away from idle entertainment in order to serve other people. And he placed himself in rather harsh conditions, he had to be content with small, fulfilling his mission.

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For example, he could be yoga, monk, doctor, healer. If we are talking about a woman, then with a great perceptibility she was a monk. Or made a family feat - adopted other people's children or raised his offspring early from the life of their relatives, worked as a nurse in a military hospital.

In this embodiment, there is no more need to make such radical sacrifices, it is important to deal with the development of higher qualities of Saturn - discipline, responsibility, punctuality, moderation.

Discipline - Capricorn quality

Of course, the bulk of people does not remember their past lives, but the Guardian Angel Selena is now reliably protecting the revenue from malicious trials. She will be in touch, communicating with an internal voice either through the authorities, top officials, authoritative personalities.

Special support for the White Moon in Capricorn, her owner gets when he:

  • Plans serious business events, creates its company, business, turns to government bodies;
  • Submits documents for marriage or divorce;
  • creates durable projects - builds house, family business, chooses professional activities;
  • Looking for the meaning of life and performs appropriate asksuza that is - refuses meat, sexual jellies, temporarily starving;
  • Enters political and social movements, charitable organizations;
  • It works hard physically either intellectually, especially if it does not for your good, but as helping a close surrounding;
  • He studies geology, mineralogy, mathematics, archeology, agriculture, personnel management and office work, management, antiques, jewelry and clock case.

Such a person is extremely important to install a global goal, which could be elevated not only by himself, but also to improve the lives of many other people. Such a dream instantly gains support for the highest strength.

Interesting moment. To get rid of the accumulated negative, fatigue, it is worth contacting the energy of minerals or go to the mountains to conquer their vertices.

Mountains - their energy source

Selena in Capricorn in Women and Men: Manifestation Levels

In most cases, such a white moon begins to seriously manifest itself from children or youthful age, and later - when a person chooses a profession, granting school. There are, of course, exceptions from the rules. Then the native is forced early to face harsh reality: for example, his parents die in childhood, care for smaller brothers and sisters falls on his shoulders.

The manifestations of Selena in Capricorn are somewhat different depending on the level of spiritual development of its owner.

At the lowest level . A person sets up large-scale goals, often seemingly unreal and successfully achieves them thanks to tremendous patience and hard work. But if he starts to be proud of, fussing and showing arrogance - the White Moon will deprive his possibilities of career growth, because listed qualities are incompatible with the highest energy vibrations of Capricorn.

On the Middle level . Nat confidently makes his dreams real. It is easy for him to achieve a high leadership position, it has a fateful impact on the lives of other people. It continues to perform the karmic program, started earlier: it sacrifice to others, has disinterested help, using his high position, he is satisfied with small.

On the highest level . A person is ready to sacrifice himself to sacrifice himself to save the near in an extreme situation or can become a spiritual ascetic, a monk.

On which level of development was not the owner of the White Moon in Capricorn, on the recommendation of astrologers, it is best for his life a mountainous terrain or at least a house having a stone foundation.

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