Uranus in 2 houses in a woman and a man


Uranus in 2 houses in the human natal map indicates the number and options for sources from which it can receive permanent income. In general, the planet can tell a lot about the costs, in general, about the financial habits of a person and his material life.

general characteristics

Uranus in the second house directly and openly points to all possible ways to earn a person, starting with young age. If you take advantage of this information, it will be possible to succeed very early, much faster than your peers.

Uranus in 2 houses in a woman

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The planet in this case throughout the human life will try to free it from all extra, unnecessary, interfering to develop and move forward. And it is important to celebrate these "calls" and change their behavior.

For example, if a person will forget about his creative potential, with his head just goes simply in making money, stops striving for more, develop the skills of communication and business, then Uranus will very quickly lower it from heaven to Earth, forcing everything.

Very important to such a person is a free schedule, no boundaries and frames. Both in thinking and in the outside world. Therefore, he is often engaged in creativity, remote work or creates a business that can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

Uranus in 2 houses in a man

Such a man often becomes a find for marketers. He is an emotional buyer, who, besides the trends, is trying to buy all technical innovations. And even if it was disappointed in some manufacturers, it will not hold back from buying.

Uranus in 2 houses in a man

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. This is a very creative and intellectually developed person. Sometimes his ideas "Beyond the Grand", often he is in step by step over the law. But fate still leads it from various adverse situations, his world protects.
  2. If uranium manifests itself in a negative aspect, then such a person can become a first-class and extremely inventive fraudster. But at the same time it will choose something sophisticated for profit. For example, it will be engaged in illegal affairs with antiques.
  3. To avoid the transition to a negative aspect, it is important to ignore proposals on all sorts of risky adventures. All that is associated with gambling, rates need to be avoided in order not to bring huge problems.

Astrologa Council: To satisfy the adventure, try to travel more, get acquainted with different people. Learn this world, try extreme sports and recreation. Never join in one place for a long time.

Uranus in 2 houses in a woman

From the early years, its manitis is all unusual. She appreciates and loves exotic, dreams about foreign travel and dating with foreigners. Loves to improve, decorate and transform the surrounding space. Appreciates and loves beauty in everything.

Uranus in 2 houses

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. If uranium in a natal map is manifested in harmonious aspects, it will be a very creative person. It is capable of a chungy desert to turn into a blooming oasis, and from a small company is a huge corporation with millions of turns. But this skill in itself need not only to see, but also to develop too.
  2. The main resource for it is people. Fate will constantly facilitate her with different bright personalities who are able to play a huge role in her life. The main thing is not to run from new acquaintances, but to welcome them in every way and provoke. For the same reason, it is not for the house for a long time.
  3. If uranium in a negative aspect. Such a woman becomes very unpredictable, and its inner negative is almost uncontrollable. Subordinates do not know what to expect from it, therefore, leadership positions in this case are simply contraindicated.

The Astrolov Council: it is necessary to train the self-discipline, learn how to competently dispose of money, develop the power of will and hard work. Otherwise, there is a big risk to plunge into laziness and procrastination is very long.

Check the video on the topic:


  • If uranium in the second house is strong enough, the financial life of a person will be similar to the permanent swing. He is rich and sick with money, then counts a penny to buy bread. And such permanent ups and downs are quite satisfied with it, the stability is pretty.
  • This is a man of freedom. Creative, creative. May be in the eternal search for yourself. It behaves quite eccentric. Promotes his insane ideas and projects, is engaged in charity. It seems to people very strange, but not repulsive. His few people understand.
  • He is easy to rise, never stops movement. Very generous, such a feeling like greed, he is completely alien. But it does not go to stable and ordinary work, but implements its original ideas that can bring money that he will also spend on charity.

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