Orthodox mother's prayer for children in various needs


Maternal love is impossible to compare anything, and the care of the mother about their children is completed only with her last breath. Each mother wants to see her child healthy, successful, happy and respected in society. And with this can cope the prayer of the mother about children.

Father's brother, my uncle, told us how he constantly keeps the prayer of the mother: he works as a rescue. In the most dangerous moments when life literally hangs on the balance, unexpected help comes. In the article, I want to share with you the main Orthodox prayers for children who will retain them unharmed and help in any circumstances.

Mother's Prayer for Children

Power of maternal prayer

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Not all women know how to properly pray for children in the Orthodox tradition, how to ask God the best for your child. You can pray both in the temple and at home. In the temple, you need to light the candle to the holy candle to which you appeal. In the house, you can also light candles or lamps. The light of the candle will set up on a prayer way, ease of thoughts will disconnect and will help to focus. You also need to have the icon of the saint to which you appeal.

On a note! The house of the Orthodox believer must have an iconostasis and a lamp before him.

In Orthodox tradition, it is customary to refer to the Virgin, who is also a mother. It is believed that she better understands earthly women and is responsible faster to prayer requests. You need to choose that icon, where the Virgin is depicted with the infant Christ.

Mother's faith can turn the mountains, so strong. Maternal faith will save from the mercury enemies, will save in a difficult situation, will help to establish relationships between spouses and raise to feet with severe illness. They say the maternal prayer led by alive sons from the battlefield.

Great Power of Maternal Prayer and Baby. If the baby is tormented by night fears or insomnia, the mother's prayer near the bed will calm him and gives a strong healing dream.

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Maternal blessing will open many doors before the child and will help to succeed. The word mother listens to even death angels.

Orthodox women know that with any matters you need to contact the heavenly patrons of the child. They are obtained either during baptism or by tetail. The patrons may be several: one of them should be the namesque (when baptized, they take the name of the saint whose memory is honored on this day), and others can be chosen arbitrarily.

Prayer for illness

The good heart of the Virgin is always responsible for pleading about sick. If the child stacked, you can immediately contact her for help. The Mother of God constantly sees the face of his Divine Son and applies to her mother sick at the request. You need to hang over the baby cot any icon of the Virgin, where she is depicted with her son.

The Holy Martyr Trifon quickly responds to the prayers about sick. Trephon addressed:

  • before the surgical operation;
  • With severe illness.

Prayer support for the saint will help you easily transfer surgical intervention and quickly recover. It is advisable to read or listen to the Akathist to St. Trifon daily: it is especially well read by Schirchimandrite Eli (Nozdrin).

Prayer Saint Trifon about healing:

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Mother's prayer for children is very strong

Also, the mother can turn with a prayer to Christ himself. Icon saved Independent helps to save a child from bad influence and destructive habits to which he was addicted due to communication with non-resident peers. The Savior will instruct Chado on the path true, empty and enact.

We should not forget about the Angel Guardian of the child, whom he received with the holy baptism. The prayer appeal to it will strengthen the protection. It must be remembered that the power and power of the guardian angel increases with each prayer appeal to it. This is a guide star that leads a person in life from the moment of spiritual birth (through baptism) and before returning to the heavenly insidency.

Prayers in different needs

In the earth's life, the child faces the most different situations and circumstances. Who to pray in different needs? There are holy patrons that are especially helping in certain situations.

  • Nicholas Wonderworker protects on the road. It can be any journey (and by sea too), campaign or army service.
  • Holy Matronushka helps with ORVI, colds and febrile cramps in babies.
  • Holy George Victorious is a patron of men. His defense can be designed for his son - baby, boys, men. It does not matter how many years to the child, he always stays in the heart of the mother's favorite chad.
  • St. Peterburger Holy Ksenia helps with the mental retardation and various injuries of the child. She will facilitate suffering and calm the soul.

St Nicholas With his life, he showed a special care for children: gave them toys, helped her parents. The blessing of the saint is widely known when he presented the money to the dowry for the girlfriend. Appeal to holy raise can solve many issues related to learning, health and childbearing.

Mother's Prayer about Son

The day of memory of the Holy December 19 is Nicola Winter. Another day of memory - May 26, when the relics of the saint from the world of Lycian in Bari were transferred. The child is very easy to teach to faith with the help of Nicholas Wonderworker (pseudonym - Santa Claus or our grandfather Frost), if every year on December 19 he will find gifts under his pillow. The child will grow and become an adult, but the belief in the miraculous help of St. Nicholas will remain.

Mother's prayer for St. Nicholas icon:

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In front of which The icon of the Virgin Pray for children? Prayer about the child begins before His conception: a woman asks for the blessing of the icon "Mammal" and "in the childbirth". The kid should receive prayer support before his birth in this world, and God's mother helps him.

The "mammal" helps the baby grow strong and healthy, and in the case of the disease, the mother may apply to the "Tikhvinskaya" icon. This miraculous icon helped to hear from different ailments to millions of children.

Mother's prayer about children is very strong to the icon "Mammal":

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Mother's prayer for the Tikhvinskaya icon:

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Prayer for Children Maternal Strong Virgin

Tips parents

Creating prayers should not be hoped for an instant result. Sometimes you have to pray to pray for a long time so that any problem is solved. Why it happens? On all the will of God, it means that heaven is more visible when the answer to Molub should be given. Perhaps during illness or testing of the human soul is cleaned and formed. We are not given to know it, therefore it takes faith: we believe that you are unnoticed by our eyes and not hear ears. Continue to pray, because the Heavenly Father loves all his children.

Parents must become a worthy example of their children, because the kids are inclined to copy the behavior of the elders and to imitate them. Pray diligently, lead a pious life - and children will also go along your footsteps. The first prayer of God the child must learn from his parents. Then he with the same diligence will pray for his parents as they prayed for him.

Mother's prayer for children for every day:

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Starting a prayer, you need to remember the following:

  • dismantle from worldly and domestic problems;
  • stop growing in a heart on a hard fate;
  • stop accusing anyone in their troubles and failures;
  • stop pity for yourself "unfortunate";
  • Read prayers with faith in the heart and without any doubt;
  • Always thank God and saints for intercession and prayer assistance.

How often we just forget to thank the saints for the help that they received from God thanks to their intercession. It seems to us that everything happened by itself. But it is not. The holy worships petitioned before the throne of God for us and our needs. Therefore, reading thankful prayer and a lit candle is an important and necessary matter.

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