Signs for the New Year to make money


We all strive for financial well-being and abundance. But, unfortunately, money is not always rushing to appear in life in the right amount. Therefore, many people seek help from special rituals and rites to attract financial flows.

New Year is a holiday to a certain degree mystical, New Year's Eve permeated by the atmosphere of mystery and anticipation of a miracle. Therefore, commemorations for the New Year enjoy great popularity, so that the money was found. Let's look at them in detail in this material.

Christmas cap with coins

Proper preparation for the celebration

It is important to pay attention not to certain actions performed on the night of the New Year, but also proper preparations for this event. After all, she also has his own signs and beliefs, sticking to which you can protect yourself from bankruptcy and back money egregor.

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So, what recommendations must be observed?

  1. Before the new year, 2020 will definitely calculate all the debts (even insignificant). Monetary Aura will be very strong from the presence of debts at the celebration of the holiday. Then all the next 12 months you will also suffer from debts.
  2. If long-term loans are decorated on you, then make another payment in time before the new year so that the proceedings do not arise.
  3. Making pre-New Year procurement, in no case do not waste all finances before the last penny. This is a very bad sign promising financial difficulties next year. Let a certain amount of funds remain in the wallet and on the map.
  4. It is necessary to make high-quality cleaning in the dwelling before the New Year holiday. Therefore, it is not to be lazy, but should be pretended even in the most hard-to-reach places at home. Let the apartment in the New Year shine perfect cleanliness.
  5. But cleaning is done no later than at lunch on December 31. After noon, it is impossible to induce orders, nor even just endure the garbage from the house, so that there is no luck and happiness together with it.
  6. It is impossible for the New Year's mood to spoil any business issues. Therefore, we will deal with all the affairs in advance, the holidays should be held in the atmosphere of joy and fun, and not in thoughts about work and problems.
  7. It is forbidden and to have debts before the celebration, and others lend money. Otherwise, you will come up with financial collapse over all the upcoming 12 months of the year. You will be expected to be losses and irretrievable loss of finance or important things. Therefore, do not give money to anyone.
  8. Money goes to money - famous folk sign. She suggests that Financial Egregor gives his preference to those people who correctly drawn money and knows how to create a harmonious space next to them. To the new year it is important to buy and dress up a Christmas tree (or pine tree), as well as correctly decorating your home - let the money see that you are a wonderful owner and are ready to take financial flows into your life.

An important nuance. Cash energy is better coming to those who can make savings. Try before the holiday to postpone the specific amount of finance in the piggy bank - so that the house is not empty, but thick.

Dollar Yelochka

Cash signs for the new year

Dreaming to spend next year in a state of wealth and financial abundance, it is worth using special monetary signs for New Year's Eve.

  • The most important attribute of the new year is decorated with fir. To lure the wealth to himself, it is recommended to lingerfully and brightly delight the tree, using Christmas tree toys, garlands and other types of jewelry. The more elegant the Christmas tree - the richer will pass the whole year.
  • Also known is the following sign on attracting money in a dwelling: the coniferous tree should be decorated not just toys, but also paper banknotes, fresh tubes, coins and sweets.
  • It is not necessary to save on the New Year's table: let him stand as much delicious yoke as possible, then the family will wait for all year round.
  • Planning a festive menu, be sure to use the following ingredients: wheat, rice, nuts and fruits, they will attract the energy of wealth.
  • At the New Year's table must be attended by Solonka with salt - she will scare away any evil. Additionally, put a little salt on the threshold of the house, thereby closing the entrance for dark entities.
  • Very good sign - on the eve of the holiday, accidentally wake up salt on the threshold.
  • To lure money to themselves, shook all guests for a feast grain.
  • I enjoyed festive dishes yourself, do not forget about the owner of the house - the house. He also leave a plate with food - usually this porridge and a glass of wine. By this, you put the Spirit for the whole next year.
  • If you wish to secure good luck in the new year - take care that your pockets in your clothes are filled with bills (ideally a large nominal value). It is more difficult for women here, because there are no pockets on dresses and skirts, so you can change a little, putting banknotes in the handbag. At the very worst end - just collect home all the boot in the piggy bank or place it on a bank account, such actions will also be counted.
  • Before the holiday, spend an audit on the pockets of all residents of the house to find holes in them. And if those were found, they certainly eliminate them with a thread of red: Then the financial energy will not flow through holes and go to nowhere.
  • There is one more interesting monetary sketch, according to which you need to warm up a new coin and place it in a champagne feud. And under the battle of the chimes, a volley has a drink, the coin is left in the wallet and performs the role of the overag for money. It is impossible to spend it.
  • When the clock in the New Year is finished to beat 12 times, make coins, setting money to yourself.
  • If during the celebration you will begin to hide the left palm - this is a wonderful sign that promises to receive large amounts of finance. But it is impossible to scratch your hand, you need to squeeze it into the fist, shove in my pocket and uncover there.
  • Pay attention to weather conditions on December 31. If the sky is clear or at night you can see a lot of stars - life will be prosperous, and a year is a crop.
  • If on the last day of the old year, the beggar will ask you to the alms - be sure to give it, then in the new year you will get rich.
  • I happened to join the manure or discovered horseshoe - expect profit.
  • For the New Year's celebration, it is worth buying new clothes if you dream within the next year to constantly make new clothes and not know the needs in money.
  • When guests come to the house, to whom of them the first came to stick to the cat - he will be the most materially secured in the coming year.
  • Falls and breaks up toy with Christmas trees - the sign promises financial arrivals.
  • For nothing in the world, do not figure out the relationship at the very festive night of the year! On the contrary, try to have fun as much as possible, we sincerely laugh, hug your relatives and loved ones, wish all happiness and good luck - then you will create a strong positive installation at the next twelve months.
  • The people have survived and such a positive New Year's sign - to fall asleep at the meeting of the New Year foreshadows success and material happiness. True, it is important to do it by chance, and not specifically, otherwise the sign will stop working.
  • When guests diverged after the celebration, do not remove everything from the table. Let him remain something from the products that would not deteriorate until the morning - fruits, candy, bread and so on.
  • It is unacceptable and throw away the remnants of New Year's dishes in the trash can, they should be collected and in the morning feed them hungry animals.
  • Those who wish to purchase their own accommodation in the next year can make an easy and effective ritual. For him, you will have to stock up the lock and keys that the key chain is hung with the inscription "keys to my apartment" (or at home - as you like).

Key and castle

The lock is hiding in an inconspicuous place, and when the clock struck 12 nights, drink a glass of champagne, take the lock and open it. After that, the keys hang on the Christmas tree. If the meeting of the holiday does not occur at home, but at a party, they should be hidden in a pocket or bag and in no case lose.

Adhere to the following New Year's Eve and let the money appear in your life in the new year, like mushrooms after the rain! Just remember that in order for any signs and rituals to work, it is important to believe in them to believe, throwing any doubts aside.

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