Shopping on the lunar calendar: favorable days in May 2020


Heavenly luminaries affect the fate and human health. Even shopping must be purchased in accordance with the Phases of the Moon, especially if it concerns large things. Consider purchases on the lunar calendar: favorable days in May 2020. What days you can safely go to the supermarket or order purchases in online stores, and what better to do with acquisitions. Focus on the lunar calendar I learned my mother-in-law, she always makes successful purchases and does not spend a lot of money.

Shopping on the lunar calendar

The effect of the moon on the fate of a man

The lunar is the most ancient of all existing calendars, and even the solar calendar familiar to us has appeared much later. Archaeologists believe that the very first lunar calendar appeared 6000 years ago in ancient Egypt. At least, the study of the documents found in the excavations determined this time period. Despite the fact that the lunar calendar was the first on earth, without the sun did not cost.

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The transitional phases of the moon (new moon, full moon, quarter) occur in a direct dependence on the influence of the Sun. At this time, active interaction occurs between the luminais. The lunar month lasts about 29.5 terrestrial days, so they do not coincide in time. It is divided by quarters, which fix the shift phases of the night shone:

  1. The beginning of the month is the new moon;
  2. second quarter;
  3. full moon;
  4. Fourth quarter.

During the second and third phase, only half of the lunar disk is visible in the sky.

The transitional points of the month (quarter) are considered unfavorable days for important cases to which the costly purchase belongs. For example, the question may touch household appliances, a car or even real estate. Therefore, knowledgeable people always twist their plans with a lunar calendar.

In May 2020, the full moon falls on the 7th number, and the new moon - on May 22. The first quarter will begin on May 30, and the third quarter is 14 May.

The growing moon begins immediately after the new moon. This is the time of growth of energy potential, development of situations.

The decreasing moon begins immediately after the peak of the full moon. This is the time of concentration and maintenance of energy potential, which will decrease with the lunar disk.

To unfavorable periods of shopping and important cases are the new moon and full moon. . In the new moon, the power of man is exhausted and requires restoration, so this day is better to devote planning. On the first lunar day you need to make a plan for the current month: what to buy, how much money is to spend how much money to postpone how much to give off on credit, etc.

In the full moon, human energy is at the peak of its capabilities, and this is not always a positive characteristic. In full moon, you can spend more money than you should, or make unnecessary acquisitions. In the peak of full moon (15 l.) And the day before it is better not to visit shops and supermarkets.

Shopping on the lunar calendar May 2020

Favorable days for shopping

These days, the vibration of the night shone acts most positively on the human psyche. When the nervous system in equilibrium, a person does not make rapid and compulsive actions. Therefore, all acquisitions are carefully planned and thought out. This is especially important for large-sized acquisitions or real estate transactions.

In May, the following numbers will be favorable for shopping:

  • May 6 - a growing moon in the constellation of Scorpio;
  • May 9 - Growing in the sign of Sagittarius;
  • May 13 and 14 - decreasing in aquare;
  • May 20 - decreasing in Taurus;
  • May 23 - Growing in Gemini;
  • March 27 and 28 - growing in the sign of the lion.

The most successful from the specified days are three dates - 13, 14 and 20. In May 13, the real estate transactions were successfully held, which were planned in advance. Also, the 13 numbers can also be safe to acquire expensive things and make gifts.

In May 14, it is not recommended to carry out real estate transactions: only planning or negotiating it. We will successfully go shopping and acquisitions intended for knowledge and self-improvement. For example, computers and gadgets, e-book and textbooks.

In May 20, you can upgrade the wardrobe, buy art objects (paintings, souvenirs), acquire jewelry and luxury items. The Constellation of the Taurus favors exquisite and sophisticated acquisitions.

For multiplication of cash and return of spent money, you need to recalculate the entire cash in the house on May 14.

Favorable days for the acquisition of real estate will be the following numbers: 1, 4, 8, 12. 13, 16, 17, 20, 23, 29, 31.

Good time to purchase cars: May 17 and May 20.

Moon Calendar Shopping May 2020

Unfavorable days for shopping

What days it is better not to make acquisitions? Astrologers believe that in unfavorable lunar days you just need to sit at home for a cup of tea or coffee. This will help to avoid unpleasant monetary situations.

In May 2020, unfavorable days are:

  • 3 and 5 Moon days are May Days from the 24th to the 27th.
  • 12 and 15 ld - This is the period on May 3-4 and May 6-7.
  • 29 and 30 ld. - This is 21 and 22 May.

It also matters the rising and entering the moon, which can occur at any time of the day and night. That is, the sunrise of the moonlight does not always happen at night: sometimes the lunar disk is visible in the sky of broad daylight. Therefore, when recaling a calendar, pay attention to the time of the navigation and sunrise: this will help determine the beginning and end of the lunar day.

Unwanite days for cash transactions:

  • 1 and 9 liters. d. - This is May 23 and May 30-31.
  • 11 and 18 liters. d. - This is 2 and 3 numbers and 9, 10, 11 number.

The eighteenth day of the lunar month covers 3 terrestrial days immediately, so it lasts a very long time.

Influence of zodiac signs on shopping

The moon travels through the sky through all 12 constellations of the zodiac, and each of them has its influence on a person. Consider what signs are best to make purchases, and in which it is not worth it.

Constellation Aries favorably for investment, large acquisitions (real estate, auto, household appliances). All acquisitions are good, and large spending will pay off and return with a hundredfold.

In the constellation Taland It is recommended to acquire practical things for continuous use. It can be both household appliances and cosmetics.

In the constellation Twins It is better to acquire products of one-time use, large purchases are better not to do.

In the constellation of cancer You need to buy long-term uses or calculated for the future. This applies to real estate, land plots, jewelry.

In the constellation Lion. Do not acquire products of everyday use. You can buy what is expensive and beautiful.

In the constellation of the Virgin It is better to purchase household goods, remedies and any desired trifle.

In the constellation of weights You can make profitable online purchases or go through boutiques in the city and make pleasant acquisitions.

In the sign of Scorpio It is not recommended to make large-scale acquisitions, it is allowed to buy something on the little things.

In the sign of Sagittarius You can buy the things you need for permanent use, as well as purchase pets.

In Capricorn sign You need to plan large purchases and serious acquisitions.

In the sign of Aquarius It is worth purchasing digital equipment and any new items.

In the sign of the fish All purchases will become an unnecessary waste of money. This time is better to devote to other matters.

If you skillfully combine information about the influence of the zodiac constellations and lunar days, you can always make profitable and relevant acquisitions that will serve for a long time.

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