Favorable days for operation for October 2020


Astrological prediction of surgical operations is rooted in deep antiquity. In the old days, people noticed the influence of the night shone on marine tides and fetches, and began to explore the impact of gravity and on the human body. So an astrredicine appeared.

Today we will look at favorable days for the operation for October 2020. My friend always takes into account the influence of the Biorhythms of the Moon, even when it goes to the cosmetologist. Therefore, she never has complications and unpleasant moments with unforeseen results. I advise you to listen to the recommendations of astrologers in choosing a good day for surgical correction.

Favorable days for operation October 2020

Lunar phases in October 2020

Today, each schoolboy knows about the effect of lunar phases on the human and animal organism. But not everyone understands the values ​​and definitions of astrological terms. First consider which lunar phases are:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • second quarter;
  • full moon;
  • Third quarter;
  • Fourth quarter.

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The lunar phases are also called quarters, as they are exactly 4 in the lunar month. The new moon and the full moon do not form separate quarters: they are part of the first and third quarter of the month.

The first two quarters of the moon disk adds in the amount of the last 2 quarters - decreases. In the new moon (beginning of the month), the disc is not visible in the sky. The young month appears about the third lunar day.

Also, it is important for planning operations to take into account the transit of the moon through zodiac constellations, because they also make their own adjustments and affect the well-being and human health. The moon travels through the sky and looks at all 12 houses of the horoscope, but he is not delayed for a long time.

In astrological calendars, indicate the Phase of the Moon at a certain point in time, the time of sunrise and the release of the disk, localization in the zodiac constellation. These parameters must be taken into account when choosing an optimal day for operational intervention (here also includes cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation and correction of the figure).

Astromediki is recommended to refrain from operations during the growth of the lunar disk. During this period (2 weeks), there are better procedures for transplanting organs, implant lusion, teeth extension. That is, everything that requires adaptation and subsequent development. On a decreasing moon, it is recommended to carry out operations to remove neoplasms (moles, tumors, cysts, warts). The procedure will be held with the smallest health risk, without a large blood loss and slow tissue regeneration.

Important! Dangerous for operations are all days of eclipses - lunar and sunny.

In the lunar calendar of operations should take into account transition dates. These are the lunar days that are at the junction of quarters. This period is characterized by the instability of the body's work, so the outcome of the operation to predict is problematic: anything can happen.

New moon and full moon - two important dates in the lunar calendar. These are the most unfavorable days of the month, when it is categorically impossible to conduct operational intervention, unless the question relates to the life and death of a person. In the new moon of the body's forces, almost on the outcome, the energy is exhausted, and the operational intervention will add oil into the fire. In full moon energy beats the key, but this condition is dangerous overrunning energy and abundant bleeding.

Lunar calendar of operations

The effect of zodiacal constellations

The lunar disk takes turns each of the 12 zodiac constellations. In this regard, it is necessary to adjust the planned operations, because each of the constellations has an impact on a certain organ or system of organs of the human body. Some organs become weak and vulnerable, and others, on the contrary, become stronger and rushing.

On a note! An unfavorable for operations is considered to be the transit of the Moon through the constellations of twins, maidens, fish and felt.

In zodiacal Capricorn sign It is not recommended to treat the bone system, remove teeth, carry out the operations of the musculoskeletal system. Successfully operations on organs arranged near solar plexus.

Constellation of the Virgin Weakens the digestive tract, intestines, a hematopoietic system. It is not allowed to even conduct a study of the colon (colonoscopy) and remove appendicitis.

Constellation Taland Adversely affects orans located above the chest. Therefore, it is not recommended to conduct an operation on the visual apparatus, treat and remove teeth, operate the lower jaw and the thyroid gland, remove the glands and treat the throat. However, the operations on the urinary system will be successful.

Constellation of cancer Weakens the organs of the digestive system, liver, bronchi and lungs.

Fish constellation Weakens the joints, the musculoskeletal system and the visual apparatus. The operation of the digestive system organs successfully, is also favored by cleansing procedures.

Scorpion constellation Weakens the nervous and urinary system.

Constellation Aquarius Weakens legs, veins on legs, kidneys and liver. The correction of the vertebral discs and the operation on the heart passes safely.

Weigh constellation Negatively affects the vertebral post, the urinary and endocrine system.

In the constellation Twins We can plan treatment of the hematopoietic system, it is not recommended to carry out operations on organs in the upper part of the body.

Constellation of Lion. Highly weakens the cardiovascular system, so no operations should be appointed.

The constellation Sagittarius Not suitable for planned operations, since during this period all internal organs weakened.

Constellation Aries Weakens the joints, cartilage cloth, visual and musculoskeletal system, and also the nervous system. In this period, operations on the organs of the urinary system and eliminate pain from the radiculitis will be well.

Favorable days for the operation on the lunar calendar

Favorable and unfavorable days

If there is a serious operational intervention in vital organs, you need to turn to a professional astrologer to compile an individual horoscope on this issue. Because in addition to the phases of the moon and transit through zodiac constellations, there are such concepts as retrograde planets and a moon without a course.

On a note! Regardless of the calendar day of the month, unfavorable days for any operations are the days of Hecatan (Satanic). This is 9, 29, 15 and 23 lunar days.

The moon without a course is indicated in the lunar calendars. At this time, it is impossible to start operations, and also can not be taken for any business - there will be no success. The moon without a course contributes chaos and the soundness to any situation. Such a state of the night has often happening, but lasts long. Therefore, when planning cases, take into account the inefficient moon too (without a course).

Important! In October 2020, the full moon falls on the 14th, and the new moon - by 28 number. For these days, do not plan operations.

How to avoid the negative impact of the night shone:

  • Do not eat alcoholic beverages in the days of full moon / new moon and on the eve of the operation;
  • Try to avoid contact with the negative in any form: watching movies, reading, conflicts at work or with neighbors;
  • Eat seasonal fruits to strengthen the immune system;
  • Use new moon time to exemplate from bad habits.

Retrograde planets can have the most adverse effect on man. For example, with a retrograde venere, you should not make cosmetic operations and manipulations. Where to find retrograde planets? There is a special astrological calendar of retrograde planets, there is a necessary information.

An individual horoscope can be made on a doctor who will conduct an operation. In it, you can find out if there is a surgeon in the surgeon in this period, which will prevent efficiently intervene.

On a note! Favorable days in October 2020: 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 22.

In addition, professional astrologers will be able to compare the maps of the doctor and the patient, which will provide information on intense aspects and damage. It is very important to be confident that the surgeon will not harm instead of use. The fact is that the location of the planets in the doctor's card and the patient can be conflict that inevitably leads to various undesirable effects.

Also, a professional astrologer will be able to take into account the influence and fixed stars, which the client does not know about. Among them are positive and negative astronomical objects that also have an impact on the outcome of the situation. Thanks to a detailed study of the client's astrological map, it will be possible to determine the most favorable period for an important operation.

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