Favorable days for June 2020 operation


About marine tides and lowers know everything from school bench. And the influence of the moon on the liquid mediums of the human body is also proven. This is due to the gravitational impact of the night shone on the liquid. Therefore, favorable days for the June 2020 operation must be treated in the lunar calendar.

My neighbor works as an operating sister, it told many different cases that occur during operations. So, in the days of the full moon, a person can lose a lot of blood, and this is not connected with bad coatability. If you have a surgery, agree with the surgeon for the most favorable day of the month. It is necessary to take into account the sign of the zodiac, because the moon has a different impact on people passing through the points of the zodiac circle.

Favorable days for surgery June 2020

Lunar phases in June 2020

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Our ancestors lived in complete harmony with natural cycles and always paid attention to the shift of the phases of the night shone. This allowed them to avoid many dangerous and harmful things in life. The moon will start with liquids, and it is not anywhere anywhere: you have to consider.

The maximum effect on the liquid mediums of the human body is the phases of the moon, transitional points from one gravitational state to another.

The lunar phases are as follows:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • second quarter;
  • full moon;
  • Third quarter;
  • Fourth quarter.

Up to the full moon, the night dial is poured, after the full moon there is a decrease. Therefore, it is believed that the moon arriving up to the full moon, and after - decreasing.

For operation planning, 4 phases, new moon and full moon should be taken into account.

To get an accurate answer to the question of the successful operation, it is necessary to take into account the time of sunrise and climb the lunar disk. It also plays an important role in planning, because a sunny day almost never coincides with the moon: the sunrise of the night shine can be a white day. For example, in the calendar it is stated that on June 11, it is possible to plan an operation, but this information is not enough. It is necessary to know exactly how much the night shine goes back on this day and comes, and in accordance with these data to navigate.

Note! A person easier to transfers operations on a decreasing moon.

Try to plan operations after the peak of the full moon, as this is the most favorable period. During the growth of the moon disk, all life juices in the body are in an active state, which cannot be said about the time of the decreasing disk. It should also take into account the ability of blood to coagulation: from the new moon to the full disk the blood becomes liquid and worse cooked.

If you plan an operation from new moon to full moon, the result will not please:

  • wound heals slower;
  • blood loss is essential;
  • The scars are worse than healing, roast.

Also at this time, infection easily falls into the wound, which is fraught with new operational interference or long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Lunar calendar of operations

The influence of the night shone in June 2020

Nowadays, few people draw their eyes to the skyscoon with the intention of determining the lunar phase, and this information could largely help with a modern person. Consider how the moon has its impact on the human body this month.

Irritability to the surrounding world

Astrologers warn that in June there will be little positive energies. This means that people will torment irritability, and some simply fall into an aggressive state. Apathy and indifference will appear to affairs, so it is better not to start anything and not planning. Health will also be not at height due to low immunity. To avoid the negative impact of lunar energies on yourself, you need to fulfill the following assessments of astrolories:

  • During the full moon, alcoholic beverages are forbidden, even weak;
  • Try to avoid negative information in any form - conversations, films, news;
  • To strengthen the immune system, consume seasonal fruits and berries, especially sweet;
  • Try to get rid of bad habits to the new moon - it will make much easier than in full moon.

Remember that after the recession of energy will come to the rise, so you need to calmly wait for an unfavorable period. It will not be possible to completely get rid of adverse cosmic vibrations, but it is quite possible to reduce their negative impact.

Effect of zodiacal circle

The lunar calendar of operations will be incomplete without determining the influence of the signs of the zodiac, through which the night luminaries passes. Fathers of medicine believed that the results of healing are largely determined by the moon phases and the location of the constellations in the sky. Therefore, as austrmedicine was widely practiced in ancient times.

What was the essence of astrmedicine? Doctors believed that certain constellations were managed by each organ of the human body. Therefore, at that moment, when the night luminaire passes through the control constellation, it is impossible to manipulate with this organ.

It is also necessary to take into account the equivalent effect of adjacent zodiac constellations, when the moon moves from one sign to another. That is, when planning an operation, the transitional state of the lunar shone from one zodiac sign to another should be taken into account.

On a note! Avoid planning surgical correction when the lunar disk passes through the signs of Sagittarius, Virgin, Fish and Gemini. Dangerous time for operations are the days of eclipses.

Capricorn . No manipulation with the bone system and the musculoskeletal system are not recommended. Especially take care of the lower limbs. However, in the diaphragm area, treatment can be carried out.

Taurus . During this period, the most vulnerable face, throat and neck. That is, the intervention of the ENT doctor is not recommended, as well as manipulation with thyroid gland, teeth, lower jaw, visual organs and blood circulation system. Operational intervention in the area of ​​the urinary system is well.

Virgo The correction of the gastrointestinal tract, the hematopoietic system favors. It is especially not recommended to conduct a rectum survey (colonoscopy) and planning the removal of appendix.

Scorpion . This sign directly affects the urinary system - weakens it. If you assign an operation, the risk of complications cannot be avoided. It is impossible to carry out manipulations with the nervous system.

Cancer . It is worth postpone the operation on the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver, esophagus, or transfer to another time.

Fishes . This constellation weakens the musculoskeletal system and the bone system, the visual apparatus and the nervous system. Any cleansing procedures and the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract are well.

scales directly affect the spine, so any surgical intervention will only bring harm. Also not desirable interventions in the endocrine and urinary system.

Aquarius . This constellation is forbidden to carry out impact on veins, legs, kidneys and liver. Well passes the correction of the spine and the healing of the cardiovascular system.

Twins Surgical correction of the top of the body is not conducive: Hands, shoulders, neck, gland system. The intervention in the hematopoietic system is well, it is possible to clean the hematopoietic system.

Sagittarius Weakens the work of all internal organs and systems, so the lengthy operations are better not planned.

Constellation of Lion. Does not have to surgery on the heart. If the operation does not have the status of vital, it is better to transfer it to a more appropriate time.

Aries It will adversely affect the nervous and visual system, the muscular apparatus and foot joints. You can treat radiculitis and urinary system.

Favorable days for surgery in June 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days

A favorable is a day, whose vibrations are fully consistent with the vibrations of what is happening or outlined events. For example, a decreasing moon is best suited to remove the neoplasms. For transplanting authorities, the arriving moon is needed, whose vibration will contribute to the adaptation of tissues and their development.

Important! It is impossible to plan operations on the days of full moon and new moon. This is the most adverse time for surgical intervention.

The most successfully will be operational operations in the next days of June 2020: 4; eleven; eighteen.

The fourth number covers two lunar days - 13 and 14. These are the days of the prevention, which will come in 15 liters. D. The disc is located in the constellation of Scorpio.

The next day (June 11) falls on 19 and 20 day of the descending moon passing through the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

And the last favorable day - June 18 - covers 26 and 27 lunar days. The night shone during this period is like a zodiacal sign of the Taurus.

It is not recommended to plan surgical correction in unfavorable days of the lunar month: 9, 29, 15 and 23. These are not the dates of the calendar, but the lunar days.

An unfavorable time includes a day before the full moon and a day before the new moon, like these transition points themselves..

On the growing month (June 1-4 and June 22-30) it is recommended to conduct a transplant of organs, implant implants and build a toothbrope.

Important! Do not plan surgical intervention on June 5 (full moon) and June 21 (New Moon). This is the most unfavorable time of the month.

If you need to remove the tooth, neoplasm from the body, it is better to assign a surgical correction for a period of decreasing disk 6 - June 20. This is the most favorable period, since blood becomes a little bit and better folds: there will be no big blood loss, the wounds will be lit faster.

Of course, if you need an urgent surgery, no one will look at the phases of the lunar disk. However, when planned operations, it is quite possible. Agree with a doctor about the time of surgical correction, given the state of the lunar disk.

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