Uranus in Cancer in men and women in the natal chart


The planet Uranus in astrology has similar characteristics to the constellation Aquarius. It is closely associated with any innovation, innovative thinking, sudden flashes-illuminations, an inner voice, inventions, sharp unexpected change, freedom, future, space and flight.

Uranium acts, as well as electric discharge. It is a great joker, which is able to turn 180 degrees life, fun, and then return all back. How will manifest itself Uranus in Cancer - talk about it in today's material.

Planet Urana

Uranus in Cancer: Features displays

Owners of Uranus in the sign of Cancer are all those people who are born in such times:

  • from 31 August to 12 November 1948;
  • from June 11, 1949 to August 24, 1955;
  • from 29 January to 9 June 1956.

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According to a famous astrologer of the United States Marion Marcha, such persons may be characterized by the term "restless." Why it happens?

Cancer - a constellation of family, which is very important for the maintenance of family traditions, respect for elders, love for children. Uranus - a different freedom, and independence, and in this case it turns out to be a guest of the family kingdom of Cancer. The planet begins to interfere with the sign of the zodiac, which fell.

What are the typical characteristics of the owners can be found Uranus in Cancer?

  • They often turn into a real family rebels: independent thinking causes them to struggle with the established family tradition.
  • Want to parental attitudes to them were not as children, but as equals and friends. Otherwise, they will rebel freedom-loving character.
  • Their behavior depends on how there is another planet in the horoscope. And rebellious Uranus in Cancer is directly dependent on the native temperament: some people have a very strong desire to get rid of the family ties, while others just secretly dream about like.
  • This is a deeply creative individuals realizing their talents in a career and family (upbringing of children).
  • They are very generous, willing to give others material objects or valuable ideas. But even if their services will be assigned in the future other individuals - they are not very something and upset.
  • Uranianskie Cancers often fly in the fantasy world of a "bright future". However, do not hurry to get to active measures for the practical realization of their dreams.
  • Such people are closely related to mysticism. Often have a very strong intuition tells them the right solution in any situation. Interested occult, such as astrology.

they are attracted mystics

Important moment. To pacify the rebellious spirit of the holders of Uranus in Cancer it is desirable to acquire the most modern appliances. In it they will find an outlet, happily perfecting their family nest with the latest technical and electronic novelties.

Uranus in Cancer in Women

Owners of the position of Uranus from birth are able to dive into the depths of his subconscious, where they extract the necessary information. They push into the world of unusual ideas, breaking outdated tradition.

In this case, the planet Uranus gives love to a woman unaccustomed to society, a strong emotional relationship. This can affect the sexual life, resulting in the various intimate perversions.

Uranus in Cancer allows its owner to perceive reality in a new way. A very elect can even get brilliant occult insight (insight) that destroy the nines old judgments about the world.

It has good intuition

Uranus in Cancer in Men

In a man's horoscope Uranus in Cancer manifests itself in a positive or a negative way:

  1. In the first case - harmonious planet's position will constantly send his ward creative inspiration. Since childhood, he feels like an adult, understands many of the processes occurring in the world, seriously interested in spirituality, mysticism, parapsychology. Man with Uranus in Cancer can open up a whole new direction in one area of ​​life where seemingly everything has long been well studied.
  2. Inharmonious manifestation of Uranus in Cancer in men consists of the following traits: increased anxiety, stubbornness, lack of restraint, desire to constantly "in the clouds". Due odurmanivaya mind illusions are the stronger sex can relocate aimlessly, wandering - such actions, they consciously or unconsciously seek to break all sorts of communication with the home country, relatives, friends.

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