Uranus in twins in a woman and a man in the horoscope


Uranium is a planet of genius, sensational scientific discoveries, revolutionary changes, original and non-standard thinking, updates, progressive technologies.

The sign of the zodiac in which the planet is in a horoscope, sheds light on the areas of life in which the most significant changes and updates for humans will occur. Let's clarify the characteristics that have uranium in twins in today's material.

Planet Urana

Uranus in the constellation of twins: features of manifestation

The last time uranium was in the twins in such dates:

  • 1941 (from August 8 to October 4);
  • from May 16, 1942 to August 30, 1948;
  • From November 13, 1948 to June 10, 1949.

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According to the dates of birth, it is clear that most of the owners of uranium in the twins were children of military time, which either found the Great Patriotic War, or their childhood took place in difficult, post-war conditions. Despite this, they retained the thirst for life and self-development.

Public Personality with Uranium in Gemini : The famous performer of rock music, having a non-standard image, David Bowie, American public activist, human rights activist, sociologist, writer and Communication Angela Davis.

According to the famous American astrologer Marion Marcha, such individuals can be characterized by one word "innovators". In addition, they are inherent in the following characteristics:

  • Bright charisma, cause interest;
  • ingenuity;
  • continuous generation of new ideas;
  • Love to learn a new way, develop interesting directions;
  • Openness New: Support for new reforms and concepts, willingness to move forward;
  • love for any changes;
  • possess a flexible, advanced mind;
  • Quickly recycled new information;
  • Do not stick to the old relationship, if those ceased to arrange them;
  • they like a variety, fast decimal change;
  • Do not like commitments and restrictions.

Have original thinking

The main task of uranium owners in the twins - expand its individuality in the social world. After all, they act as bright individualists who can interact with society, but under any circumstances he does not conquer.

At harmonious uranium in twins - Native easily perceives any changes, seeks to keep up with the times, supports new reforms, especially educational.

In case of non-harmonic uranium in the twins (With bad aspects, the defeat of the Sun or the Moon) - native quick-tempered, it constantly does not suit something in the surrounding world, he does not have common practicism, too carefree. Faces difficulties in relationships with relatives, children.

In the period of passage of uranium on the constellation of twins - there are many significant changes at the state level: related to school education, road traffic. People at this time begin to actively fight for freedom, struggling with rigid management forms.

In addition, changes will occur in the field of automotive industry: new models of cars are produced, there are great changes. For example, in 1943, a civil car started to develop in the Soviet Union, which became victory.

Car victory

Uranus in the twins in a woman

Such a representative of the weaker sex will be a special spontaneous, very original in his ideas. Professionally, she can make a successful career in mathematics, computer science, electronics. These women often invent something new in science and technology, adore science fiction, differ in eccentric behavior.

In the first place in the list of family values, they have spiritual proximity to the partner, and not physical. No matter how many years have not been the owner of uranium in the twins, it is always ready to comprehend something new, change its familiar stereotypes of behavior, to improve, open new horizons.

Important moment. The development of high technologies that we observe today were provoked by the last generation of uranial twins.

Uranus in the twins in a man

The MCH with the considered position of the High Planet of Uranus is a compelling speaker whose head is often visited by original (sometimes even fantastic) ideas. All his life, he is trying to solve old problems with new, non-standard ways.

There are many different talents in such a man, it may especially be professionally succeeded in journalism. He has a strongly developed fantasy, in his imagination, various images often arise.

He actively destroys outdated dogmas, in an intuitive level, it feels a move of time, sometimes it has extrasensory abilities. The owner of uranium in the twins is able to combine different areas of knowledge, create fundamental changes in significant areas of life.

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