Favorable days for surgery in January 2020


The main value of each person is his health. But sometimes, as it were, we did not relate to him, there is a need for surgical intervention. From the point of view of esoteric, so that the operation is successful, it is necessary to choose the right day. In this article, I will talk about the most favorable days for the operation in January 2020, as well as an inappropriate time for any manipulations aimed at improving health.

Operations January 2020.

Lunar calendar of operations

Every day it takes place under the influence of certain planets, which is reflected on the health and well-being of people. If there is a need to conduct an operation, you should choose the right day so that it goes as successful as possible, and the human body was able to quickly recover. An exception can be only emergency cases when the patient may die without surgery. Your attention is a detailed calendar for January with recommendations.

January 1st

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The nervous system on this day will be very vulnerable, so it should be protected from negative to avoid emotional bursts. Otherwise, harsh pains in the gastrointestinal bodies may occur. It is impossible to carry out operations on the stomach. Also without an acute need is not recommended for surgical treatment of liver and legs.

January 2

Curious and neurological diseases may be oblamed. Some people will disturb their chest pain or stomach. Operations are allowed under the condition that the immune system is sufficiently strong. On this day, you can engage in the prevention of angina, and resort to therapeutic procedures to restore the work of the kidneys. It is extremely recommended to pull the teeth, and piercing the ears.

January 3

An opportune day for operations and intensive treatment. Patients may have worsening well-being.

4 January

The result of operational interventions on this day will be unpredictable, so if possible, it is necessary to refuse. High risks of injury to sharp objects.

5 January

Operational treatment of the heart and thoracic spine is contraindicated. Also on this day it is recommended to reduce to a minimum of physical exertion, because It negatively affect health.

6th January

The day is well suited for surgical interventions. Various therapeutic and preventive procedures will be very effective. Also on this day, you can exercise the purification and rejuvenation of the body.

Jan. 7

Operations on this day will give a good result. In addition, cosmetic procedures will be very effective. Diseases that will be shown today will pass without complications, and they will be able to quickly cure.

January 8

Unwanted operational treatment of the pancreas, intestines and spleen, because They will be weakened. Other operations will be safely. It is not recommended to donate blood, because It is negatively affecting well-being in the future.

January 9

Any surgical intervention bears a greater danger of health. High risks of abundant blood loss. On this day, it should be specially careful to those who suffer from blood diseases.

January 10.

Operating actions should not be carried out, it is especially true of those patients who have a bad blood consumption. In addition, medical errors that can lead to sad consequences are possible on this day. Special attention should be paid to people with infectious diseases - the exacerbation is likely.

Calendar of operations January 2020

January 11.

If possible, surgical intervention should be excluded, especially if we are talking about the treatment of kidneys. Any manipulations need to be carried out with maximum caution, because There are risks of unexpected consequences. This day is well suited for cosmetology and preventive procedures.

January 12.

In this period, it is dangerous to carry out operations on appendicitis or intestines, because These organs are saturated with blood, and are in the active phase, so any intervention or damage is fraught with abundant blood loss. Diseases that manifested on January 12 will drag on for a long period, and they will be difficult to treat them.

13th of January

Only carrying out plastic and cosmetology operations is allowed. Special danger is carried by surgical interventions in the region of the peritoneum and spine. In people suffering from psychological ailments, exacerbations may arise.

January 14.

Any operations are contraindicated. This day is recommended to devote preventive and cleansing procedures. Special attention should be paid to the power, and the physical exertion is minimized.

January 15

It may have an unfavorable outcome of the operational treatment of the spine. Conducting other operations is permissible, especially if it concerns the removal or treatment of teeth, as well as correcting flaws of appearance.

January 16.

A special vulnerability on this day will have hip joints and lower spinal departments. They should not be overloaded and even more so exposing surgical interventions.

January 17

Operations on genitals can be dangerous. Also high risks of infection with infections, including sexually, therefore, it is better to give up from sexual proximity to this day.

January 18.

Surgically interventions will have a positive outcome. Due to the fact that the moon will decline, many patients will improve well-being, because Diseases will begin to retreat.

January 19

Operations are allowed, except for the treatment of the knees. It is also not recommended to calculate ears or carry out any other manipulations with them. People with allergies or asthma should take maximum caution.

January 20th

This day is better not to assign any operations. Intensive treatment is also contraindicated. You can resort to methods of alternative medicine, or engage in cosmetology procedures.

January 2020 operations

January 21

A favorable day for surgical operations, if they do not touch the legs. A high chance of receiving bruises, so today you should not plan long walking hiking.

January 22

It is possible to carry out operational treatment, but if it concerns the brain or eye, there are high risks of emergency situations. In addition, blood pressure jumps are possible, so hypertensive is not recommended to go under the surgeon's knife without an emergency.

January 23

Not a very good day not only for surgical intervention, a and other treatment. Any manipulations will be painful and almost unsuccessful.

January 24.

You can give yourself about yourself to know the old trauma of the leg and stop, so do not strain them. Heart operations are categorically prohibited. For people suffering from asthma, it is not recommended to visit perfumery stores.

The 25th of January

Not the most successful day for operations on the head and face, because Completions and unforeseen reactions may occur. Other operations are fully allowed, except for the removal of teeth and other manipulations in the oral cavity.

January 26.

Prohibited surgical interventions aimed at treating the ears, throat and the occipital part of the head. There is a big risk of injury due to erroneous actions, which can entail serious consequences, up to death.

January 27.

The cervical vertebrae and larynx are in a weakened state, so it is impossible to carry out operations on them. Without acute necessity, surgical treatment of liver and legs is also prohibited.

28 January

Plan the operation on the gastrointestinal organs is urgently not recommended, because On this day, they are very vulnerable. You can resort to intensive therapy. In order not to exacerbate the situation, it is necessary to monitor its nutrition, and give preference to dietary, easily friendly food.

January 29

Great for any surgical intervention. The only one from what should be refused - the removal of teeth. Diseases that may arise today will quickly pass.

January 30

On this day, it is impossible to operate the respiratory organs. Surgical manipulations on other parts of the body are fully allowed. Today there will be effective procedures aimed at cleaning organs.

January 31.

Mental health may be at risk. Strong nervous shocks negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal organs. It is strongly recommended for operational treatment on this day, especially if it concerns the stomach.


  • The correct selected day of operation will strengthen its efficiency and ensure a prosperous outcome.
  • Calendar of operations for January 2020 gives detailed recommendations for every day.
  • In critical situations it is worth listening to the recommendations of the doctor, and agree to surgical intervention, if the patient's life depends on this.

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