Uranus in 1 house in woman and men


Uranus in 1 house symbolizes bright changes on the human life path. If there is such an indicator in the natal map, then he speaks of an eccentric personality. This is a true innovator who bursts into the life of others and turns everything out of his legs.

general characteristics

The undoubted advantages of a person with such an indicator in a natal map include ingenuity and creativity, insight and freedom from internal restrictions. For him, life is full of opportunities, he sincerely believes that everything in this world is possible everything - it is worth only.

Uranus in 1 woman's house

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It will always resist generally accepted standards and rules, and it is precisely the key to his success. He clearly knows how he wants to behave and act, even if it does not like others. Therefore, in its activities it becomes often an innovator.

In a negative aspect, Uranus turns a person in a self-director, a ruthless leader with dictatorial savages. In a positive - makes a real genius, inventor and an incredibly talented personality capable of changing the world.

Astrolov Council: Clearly follow your dream, do not stop before, if you want to achieve the goal. Be sincere and do not pay attention to the ill-wishers and condemning you people. Often you just will envy and strive to knock down from the selected path.

Uranus in 1 woman's house

A woman with uranium in the first house of the horoscope stands out among those around people as their bright appearance and charisma. She may have unusual features of the face or some innate defect that does not spoil it, but gives a special charm.

Uranus in 1 house in a man

What is characteristic of it:

  1. Having met her, a person will never forget about such an acquaintance. It is truly bright, an amazing person, which is distinguished from the crowd. It is originally thinking, behaves often defiantly, has some natural magnetism, thanks to which it is impossible to tear the eye from it.
  2. She is very independent, the strength draws exclusively in itself and does not need anyone. It is quite sensitive, emotional, although it often hides and does not show people around. She has a scientific warehouse of the mind, which is amazing for such sensory nature.
  3. Lives in his own, known only by her rules. Often challenges the society, ignoring the rules and rules adopted in it. But for charisma and charm, everything says goodbye to her. It behaves sincere and just as he wants itself, not particularly believed to the opinion of others.

The Council of Astrologs: continue in the same vein. And even if the thought will come to something to limit himself, adapt to other people's interests, this should not be done not to lose their unusual and originality that allocate it from the crowd.

Uranus in 1 house in a man

He is very generous and responsive, will always come to help someone who needs and ask for. But at the same time will not sacrifice their own interests to others. Very whole and independent person, a man with a capital letter.

Uranus in 1 house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is a pacifist, promotes the world around the world and lives on the principles of the humanistic approach to life. In something altruist, but without self-sacrifice. It does not make control and restrictions, it will not obey and obey, because it will force him to lose freedom, which he appreciates above all.
  2. Friendly refers to people, always ready to come to contact, but it tries to not be emotionally attached to anyone, because affection for him is a loss of freedom, which he is very afraid of. Therefore, it is rare to build a relationship, preferring to be lonely.
  3. Does not trust medicine and science, prefers alternative treatments. Maybe himself become a people's healer. He studies energy, often engaged in yoga and spiritual practices, paying for a large amount of time. And he really works it.

The advice of astrologers: be sure to deal with spiritual development, despite the possible disapproval and condemnation of others. Ideally - find like-minded people who share this approach to life will inspire and maintain.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Uranus in the first house throughout the life will push a person to revolutionary actions and actions. He is constantly whining the thirst for improving and changing the surrounding world, but he begins with cardinal changes in himself.
  • Often stands out among people non-standard appearance and eccentric behavior. This shocks and surprises, but causes great sympathy. It is respected for clear principles, which he does not violate, strong character and creative nature.
  • It has perfectly developed intuition, to such an extent that it begins to border extrasensory abilities. This gift needs to be developed and used, then life will bring a lot of bonuses and will prevent endless opportunities for development and growth.

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