Saturn in the 6th house in a woman and a man


Saturn in the 6th house is responsible for working capacity and hardworking, the ability to bear responsibility, set goals and achieve them. The planet indicates how far the person will cope with its work and family responsibilities.

general characteristics

People with such an indicator in the natal map are very wise. These are inborn diplomats that will find an approach even to the most problematic person. The advantages can also be attributed to the sequence and perseverance in making decisions and achieve goals. They are not completely emotional, they know how to soberly look at the situation and draw up a clear algorithm of actions, which will follow strictly.

Saturn in the 6th house in a woman

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But if Saturn is negative, then the person is experiencing difficulties with concentration, collaboration and efficiency. It is difficult for him to perform a large amount of work, he is often lazy and postponing important things for later.

It is necessary to take care of health all life, because problems arise with him. A person is subject to chronic diseases, often a psychosomatic nature. It happens because he often suppresses his emotions, does not allow himself to openly show feeling. Diseases the body simply shouts about it.

To translate Saturn in Plus, it is important to ask yourself more often: "What do I feel now?" And do not be shy in expressing emotions.

Saturn in the 6th house in a woman

For this woman, constancy is very important. It prefers to work for a long time in one place, never will look for yourself, try to try a new one. Chooses activities once, and almost always for life.

Saturn in the 6th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She knows how to cope with stress, she does not have depression and bad mood. It has the skills of rapid conflict solutions, so often becomes a parliamentary among colleagues and bosses. The team will never take someone who preferring to maintain neutrality.
  2. Difficulties and problems are absolutely not frightened. With a cold head, she just takes them to decide, looking at the situation from the side. It is able to emotionally abstract, which often helps her in life. But the surrounding due to this quality often seems cold and insensitive.
  3. It is unlikely that it will risk and create its own business. She is closer to hire work with stable, even if not too big income. In any case, due to the developed financial literacy, it will always have accumulation and airbag.

The Astrolov Council: this woman is important to develop sensuality in itself and do not be shy to show emotions that she hides in the depths of the soul. Depressed feelings may pour into psychosomatics, so you need to learn them to express them.

Saturn in the 6th house in a man

This is a man who relates to life seriously. He is neat, responsible, in something perfectionist. It seeks to perform work perfect, a good performer. It is always possible to rely on it, so he is in a good account at the bosses.

Saturn in the 6th house in a woman and a man 3302_3

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He has a strongly developed sense of debt, and the male honor is not an empty sound for him. It seems that he was worth being born in the past century, when these qualities were most valuable. Keeps how to be responsible and impeccably fulfill its obligations.
  2. He is very purposeful, knows how to clearly formulate his desires and understand what needs to be done to achieve them. Gradually, step by step, action for action, moves to success. "Carries someone who is lucky" is his motto for life.
  3. I know how to plan, he does not need time management courses, because he owns the skills of managing time at an intuitive level. Trying not to waste time wasted, constantly busy. Does not like to sit without a case. It is important for him to bring things to the end and get the most positive results of his work.

The Astrolov Council: Sometimes such a man is important to stop, think about and understand - always need to strive for the ideal. Perhaps, the desire to be important and significant, and not their own desires, is pushing to impeccably work. He can sometimes be a little rambled, "bad guy", which throws out that those around him do not wait at all.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Saturn in the sixth house characterizes a person as a very hardworking, executive and responsible. He seriously refers to work, knows how to obey, constantly improves professional skills.
  • This is a man of rules. It is masterly oriented in instructions, regulatory documents, legislation. It is important for him to act clearly according to the "Charter" and a pointer of the upstream manual.
  • His weak place is health. It is subject to chronic diseases that are trying to cure throughout life. But it rarely succeeds, it turns out only to maintain the body in a legitimate state, not allowing complications.

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