Lunar shopping calendar for August 2020: Successful days for spending


The lunar calendar, designed for any of the life of life (beauty and care, health, work in the garden / garden, financial and other) demonstrates which lunar days it is better to perform certain actions, and which is worth abandoning activity.

For example, reading the shopping calendar, you will understand when the acquisitions will bring the greatest joy, they will serve you for a very long time, and when you should not attack shopping centers. Next I suggest you to explore the lunar shopping calendar for August 2020, so that the waste has always been like pleasure.

Girl with shopping

When to successfully go shopping in August 2020?

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12-13 Moon days, the moon grows in Capricorn. There is an increase in the total energy of the body. Astrologers advise today to play the correction of the mistakes of the past. Neutral shopping time.

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13-14 days cycle. Today, one of the strongest energetically days in the lunar calendar is coming. There is a lot of energy and it can be sent to any of the areas of life. Ideal time to fulfill any financial operations: shopping, invest or leaving them.

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14-15 Moon days, full moon in aquale. There is an increase in the irritability of people due to the maximum concentration of energy in nature. The likelihood of temptations, false temptations and performing unnecessary purchases are great. Therefore, it is better to sit at home.

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15-16 days, the moon decreases in aquale. The day is filled with the energy of calm, it will be more correct to arrange a complete relax to restore forces. Board with activity and visiting shopping centers.

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16-17 days, the moon decreases in the fish. Harmonious and creative day when it is strongly recommended to communicate, exchange information. Favorable and manifestations of financial activity: engage in scheduled purchases, solving cash issues, can borrow funds.

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17-18 Moon days. The date is suitable for analyzing your life, behavior and actions, building the future plans. But do not start anything new, wait with financial investments, do not go shopping today.

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18-19 lunar days. Heavy, the devilish energy of this day does not contribute to communication, important things. Follow any business activity, shopping.

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19-20 days, the moon decreases in the Aries. The date is perfect for the maximum active time, any changes. Also very successfully completing cash spending and investments - they promise to be successful.

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20-21 days. Powerful charge of energy of this day will give positive emotions, fill with life forces. Boldly take up for new projects, carry out financial transactions, plan to purchase items you need.

Today boldly arrange shopping

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21-22 days, the moon decreases in Taurus. What you need today is to spend the day in as a calm and dimension atmosphere as possible. Read books and watch educational videos. Refuse active shopping and other activities related to money or communication.

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22-23 days. Aggressive and conflict day when it is important to postpone with new things, do not solve difficult questions. Damage and cash spending fall, refuse even from minimal shopping.

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23-24 Moon days, the moon decreases in Taurus. The increasing energy will now help without much difficulty to resolve any complex affairs. In particular, it was recommended boldly to go for procurement - you will spend money with benefit, and things will serve for a very long time.

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24-25 days, the moon decreases in the twins. Be leopard and, if possible, get from society. The day is completely inappropriate for the implementation of any manipulations with money, unless you can go to the store for bread.

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25 Lunar day, the moon decreases in the twins. Forget about the rush, urgent things. Fully refuse to interact with energy money - spending shopping.

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25-26 Moon days. The moon now negatively affects any activity. A big chance to spend time and strength in vain, and therefore it is worth up with new things, change, communication. But you can run through shopping, but take something small, like clothes, cosmetics or food.

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26-27 days, the moon decreases in cancer. Today, all that was intended to be embodied for a long time ago. If any questions were not resolved earlier, you can re-take them. Neutral shopping time.

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27-28 Moon days. Immerse yourself in the depths of your subconscious, to extract valuable information from there. Start any business. A small or large shopping will be very successful, you can acquire what has long been dreamed of.

Purchase of furniture

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28-29 days, the moon decreases in Lev. Categorical ban on new projects, active activities, diverse acquisitions, investment of funds.

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29, 30 and 1 moon days, new moon in Virgo. It's time to summarize the last lunar month. The most relaxed atmosphere is important, without activity, changes. You can not invest in purchases, they will be unsuccessful.

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1-2 lunar days, the moon is growing in Virgo. Return and write down plans for future 30 calendar days. An opportune day for activity, sports, hikes on shopping centers in search of purchases.

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2-3 days. You can now be accepted for important events, for the help you will come by a sharpened sixth sense. Communicate a lot, go along with your relatives or friends on a fun joint shopping, because the day for it is suitable as it is impossible.

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3-4 Moon days, the moon grows in the scales. Passive pastime, slowness, quiet routine - this is what you should do on this day. If desired, minor acquisitions are allowed.

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4-5 days. Plan your future, stubbornly defend your own position. Watch out for the universe signs, collect information. Ideally get rid of debts today, but other manipulations with money are not allowed.

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5-6 Moon days, the moon grows in Scorpio. Successfully solve complex working moments, to communicate a lot, learn from a new one. Or you can take a beloved person or girlfriend and arrange a relax in the form of shopping trips - most likely, you will find the right things at a good value.

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6-7 days. Personal energy has increased markedly, which helps to quickly do any things. But this is due to procurement, then for them the day is neutral - there are neither strict prohibitions or direct recommendations for shopping.

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7-8 Moon days, the moon grows in Sagittarius. Today, do household chores or work in the team. Perhaps the commission of minor shopping, it's time to attack supermaaca and stock provisions.

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8-9 days cycle. The day is overwhelmed with extremely negative energy, which will cross any new beginnings. Plus, aggressiveness increases, it is better to work alone. Under the ban on scale purchases, like technology or furniture for the apartment, small shopping is allowed.

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9-10 Moon days, the moon grows in Capricorn. It is very important on this day to give tribute to family traditions, communicate with relatives. You can also practice gardening, building housing. Neutral shopping time.

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10-11 days. Negative trends are dominated in the world. We should stand up with any endeavors, paying attention to current household matters. Astrologers are not allowed today to make big purchases, as the risk of buying a low-quality product is great.

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11-12 Moon days, the moon grows in aquare. Day, when everything is important to make an emphasis on love, show mercy to others. Do not start anything new, communicate with relatives and loved ones, go on dates. Set aside shopping centers and planning acquisitions.

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12-13 Moon day, the moon grows in aquale. Increases total energy, pay attention to the analysis and correction of old errors. People from the past can be returned to life. Neutral time for shopping activity.

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