Church holidays in 2020


In the modern world, many people get closer to God, so church holidays in 2020 are of great importance. Orthodoxy from a long time brings the idea of ​​the idea of ​​joy, pure mind and spirituality. That is why in our religion is made such an emphasis on the ceremonies of the celebration.

History of church holidays

The history of the life of Jesus Christ is indicative and teaches people of life in Ladu with their soul, unconscious and clergy.

Traditional, celebrated on the covenants of the Church, celebrations take their origin from the Old Testament. But now the celebrations and from the New Testament are added to them. Each holiday contains essential knowledge not only about Jesus and the Mother of God, but also about holy ash builders.

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The two-month holidays 2020.

At the beginning of the first millennium, the Byzantine emperors prohibited the courts, celebrations and entertainment activities, which were held during the sacred holidays.

The followers of the Orthodox religion and in our modern years adhere to such rules, refusing to work affairs and devoting the day traditional rites and church rituals.

Functions of church holidays

Church holidays are necessary for humanity for the most important functions:
  1. Mythological (for memory of our ancestors and their history)
  2. Sacral (to hold communication with the Almighty)
  3. Social (for people's association)

Nowadays, the most important is the social function of church holidays. Required rites, rituals are an integral part of a healthy socially active environment of humanity. After all, what else can you unite people, if not the rite of celebration? A believer knows that at such days the church has a completely unique strength and any parishioner, filled with this energy, will be able to continue his life in gratitude and health.

Calendar List of Orthodox Holidays

Calendars came to us from the ancient Romans. Already in 1582, Pope held the first reform of the calendar calling him Grigorian. And in 1699 Peter I released a decree on the introduction of a new era of the summer.

Church holidays in 2020

The traditional church calendar of the Orthodox religion includes:

  • Movable part that moves easily. Together with her, the date of the bright celebration of Easter is shifted. And directly itself this triumph is calculated according to the movement schemes of the lunar phases and other methods.
  • The stationary Julian calendar, church celebrations in which they do not change the date from year to year. It is different from Grigorian to thirteen days.

The two-month holidays in 2020

The two-bedded holidays (also use the name of the Twelve) call 12 most important Orthodox holidays in the calendar. They are all celebrated after Easter. These holidays give tribute to the events from the life of Jesus and God's Mother. The church year on the calendar begins on 8 (21) on the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and ends 15 (28) August, the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Most of the two-month holidays are fixed, that is, has a certain date every year. In addition to a certain event, each of the two-month holidays has additional days:

  • SUMMARY - Event Preparation. These days, people usually make houses, decoration, preparation of outfits.
  • Parcity is a continuation of the celebration. Usually this is the second day after the Orthodox holiday, when everyone feels a tide of strength and joy.
  • Detaching is the completion of the holiday. Often accompanied by repeating chants and ceremonies from the main day.


The most famous and significant Orthodox holiday was consistently and will be the Christmas of Christ.

The Bible tells us the story of the Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph to which was the phenomenon of Angela informing that Mary in the womb was immunely conceived by the baby Jesus. After the decree of the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, about the return of all citizens to the native cities and settlements for the work of the census of the inhabitants, the parents of Jesus returned to the city of their birth to Bethlehem.

There Maria and gave birth to Jesus. Angel announced the birth of the "Son of God". Also, according to the Bible, after birth, a surprisingly bright star was lit in the sky, which will later indicate the way with three breaths with gifts.

For the most part, Catholics and Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Russia at the beginning of the 20th century did not move to the Gregorian calendar and the celebration remained on January 7.

This is exactly one of the reasons for the difference of the celebration of this holiday from other countries.

Also, of course, the fault of the Soviet government for Christmas in 1918 after the overthrow of the revolution. It was in those years that many traditions confined to this day were confused.

After 17 years, the ban was removed, but the Christmas traditions have undergone major changes, because now everyone dressed up the New Year trees, and not christmas. Also, the seven-pointed star of the replaceline is significant for the USSR five-pointed. The Soviet Union was the only country in which the traditions of two holidays were connected in one.

With the collapse of the USSR, the New Year remained the main holiday in the year. But it is worth noting that over time, Christmas celebrates more and more Orthodox citizens of Russia, observing all traditions, such as a forty-day post or coming to the church in the Church of Christ.

Calendar of church holidays 2020

In modern life, we sometimes can't hold many important dates in memory. And since the Orthodox calendar is very changeable, every year a new calendar is drawn up to help us not to forget the important dates for each believer.

The coming year is not expected to deviates from the long-term traditional canon in order of holidays, but we have collected the main lower for you:

Calendar of church holidays at 2020


Church holidays are especially important now in the modern world. After all, we need to believe in something, somewhere to pour the soul and find answers to millions of questions in my head. The church helps us to understand who we are, and the holidays allow you to get closer to each other.

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