Detailed cash lunar calendar for January 2020


Moon money calendar will help properly organize cash spending and profit. Already everyone knows that the change of lunar phases actively affects all spheres of vital activity, since the human body is 75% consists of water. The tides and flow of the ocean saw everything, just as the lunar disk affects a person. In this article, we consider the monetary lunar calendar for January 2020.

I will tell you in detail that I will take on every day of the month, and what business is better to postpone for later. Asking advice from the moon I taught me a favorite friend. I somehow asked why she always converges the debit with a loan, and how does it manage to pay all loans in a timely manner? To which the girlfriend stated me that she did not live without a lunar calendar and not the day. All its actions, it checks with the pheass of the moon.

Moon money calendar for January 2020

What is the moon cash calendar

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If someone else knows what it is, then it's time to know. The lunar calendar shows the shift dates of the phases of the moon disk:

  1. new moon;
  2. Waxing Crescent;
  3. full moon;
  4. waning moon.

These are the main phases of changes in the moon disk that affect all the vital spheres of our life. January month - the most troublesomestantal of all months of the year, because it accounts for the biggest waste of money. This is the purchase of Christmas gifts, and the New Year's table, and the Christmas table, and the old new year, and also baptism. The month is very troublesome, and the earnings are not enough due to a large number of holidays. But you should not lose heart, you just need to correctly distribute the money: to hold somewhere, to spend somewhere, to earn somewhere.

On a note! What should not be done in January of any year - to give a debt. The refusal must be categorical and principled - but polite.

Remember that living in harmony with lunar rhythms is a chance to increase your welfare and health. Teach yourself to look into the lunar calendar daily to ask his advice on this or that matter. Not necessarily only about the money asking: there is also a calendar of haircuts, visits to the beauty salon, planting colors, etc.

Moon money calendar

The first decade of the month

First of January , oddly enough, is favorable for business and financial projects. This is the seventh and eighth lunar day. Take advantage of them or not - another question. However, you can always read the money conspiracy and conduct a magic rite to attract money. But on this day, the rites need to have time to do before lunch.

Second Jan. It is better to spend at home, dedicate the time to rest. The eighth lunar days are replaced by nine, and the 9th l. D. refers to Satanian. Therefore, just let yourself relax and inactivate.

On Third of January drops 10 ld The number 10 is mystically connected with the family. Astrologers assure that at this time you can activate the money of the genus, if in the evening to get together with the whole family behind the tea party. It is also possible to use for successful business negotiations.

Fourth of January (11 l.) Excellent for career growth, there is a chance to get an increase. For financial operations 4.01 is not suitable, if only for small and insignificant.

Fifth January (12 l.) - Esoterics recommend reading money mantras to attract abundance. If Christianity is closer for you, you can read our Father. This is the time of contact with the highest forces.

Sixth January (13 l.) Orthodox celebrate Christmas Christmas Eve. This time is favorable to attract money through hair. Go to the beauty salon to your master on a haircut. If the haircut in the plans is not included, make a cosmetic procedure with hair. You can read the magic conspiracy.

Seventh of January (14 l.) - Orthodox Christmas. Astrologers are confident that this is the most successful period to solve any financial issues. In no case cannot inactivate, you need to be initiated. Also on this day you can get an increase in work. What can be attracted by Finance 7.01.20? Joyful and cheerful attitude, an optimistic look at things - that will turn the cash flow in your direction.

Eighth of January (15 l.) - Satanian day. Lucky only in commercial issues, sales. Otherwise, it is not even necessary and to think about things.

Ninth January (16 l.) - A good period for commerce continues. Also a day favorable and for people of creative professions. Any financial operations will be successfully followed by signing contracts and various treaties.

Cash lunar calendar

Second decade of the month

Tenth of January (17 l.) - day unfavorable to solve financial issues. This period is best to devote revision of your financial transactions.

The eleventh of January (18 l.) It is better at this time anything serious and responsible not to take. There is a chance of theft. On the household level it is possible to solve questions.

The twelfth of January (19 l.) - Another Satanian day in which you can not do anything. Transfer all meetings, do not sign any papers, do not take off and do not go to debt. Also, astrologists do not even advise even return debts - stuck in them for a long time.

Thirteenth of January (20 l.) A favorable period for solving any issues related to finance and career. Astrologers believe that in the 20th lunar days it is very good to plan or start building a house.

Fourteenth of January (21 l.) - lucky in everything, for what you would not touch. You can change the place of work, send the resume, go to the interview, go on a business trip and so on. Success will be pursued by heels.

January 15 and 16 - This is one big 22nd lunar day. A favorable time for changing the work, registration of real estate, opening schools / circles / courses. Convere and negotiations will be held.

January 17 (23 l, d.) It is better to devote to the completion of the project than the beginning of something new. The energy of this period is not harmonized with the undertaking. Also, astrologers do not advise diligently on this day and negotiate.

January 18. (24 l.) - negotiations will be well, the beginning of business projects. You can work diligently. Especially lucky those who are busy in construction. It is categorically contraindicated to communicate with unreliable partners: a great risk of deception.

January 19 (25 l.) - Orthodox baptism. Good day for business, commerce, long-term projects. But you need to carefully sign any documents so that the inattention will not turn into a problem.

Monetary calendar for January 2020

Third decade of the month

January 20th (26 l.) - It is better to devote the time of meditation, cleansing. Any things will be completed by failure. Do not even try to do something.

January 21 (27 l.) A favorable time to eliminate debts, charity and mercy. You can also visit the tax inspection. On this day, a profit can come from former projects.

January 22 (28 l.) - Any real estate transactions will be successfully held. Also to successfully start or plan repairs.

January 23 (29 l.) - The most negative day throughout the lunar month. This is the time of reflection, cleansing, completing the started cases. Cleaning companies on this day receive the greatest profits.

January 24. (30 l.) - give debts, pay loans. This period is no appropriate time to start a new one.

The 25th of January (1 and 2 l.) - Make a plan for the whole month, this is a period of planning, meditation and dreams. For the rest, simply inappropriate time.

January 26. (3 l.) - You can begin active financial and career activities. You can make profitable contracts, get gifts and profits.

January 27. (4 l.) - the day is peculiar. You can lose money, and you can establish mutually beneficial relationships with business partners and your bosses.

28 January (5 l.) Suitable for those associated with work in the media, online space and commerce. A tempting perspectives may appear.

January 29 (6 l.) - Postpone all until better times. This is a day of deception and illusions. Do not plan anything, do not meet with anyone, do not subscribe documents.

January 30 (7 l.) - Everything goes like oil, but can not be borrowed. Esoterics believe that on this day, together with money or personal belongings, you can give good luck.

January 31. (7 and 8 l.) - Follow the tips from the first of January.

Long Table:

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