When caring cabbage on the lunar calendar: favorable days


Salted (sauer) cabbage is a favorite delicacy in our country. It is a tasty and nutritious Solney knows how to make every self-respecting mistress, and cabbage salting recipes are transmitted from grandmother to her granddaughter. When to salt cabbage in the lunar calendar, so that it turns out fragrant and crispy? My grandmother always looked at the moon before sawing cabbage: she should go into growth. What else is needed for the proper cooking of a quasher? I will tell you about it in the article.

When salt cabbage on the lunar calendar

November - the best time to salmon

Favorable days for salting of kochanov begin in November. By this time, it is already time to ripen late varieties, which go to the salting. Long-weighted cabbage varieties are distinguished by a dense elastic kochan, there are many vitamins and nutrients in them. Also, these varieties are stored at least in fresh, even in the saline.

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Soldering and jams of vegetables spend in the days of the growth of the moon, when the disc begins to pour. The active growth of the lunar disk contributes to better fermentation and better cabbage tissue catering. It is on the young moon (the first 5-7 days from the new moon) cabbage is crispy and juicy.

In the full moon and a decrease month of the kochess are not solid, the product will deteriorate. First, the wander will be bad. Secondly, maybe at all overlook. If you have been trying to try a soft salty cabbage or too backed, for sure the hostess was singing at a decreasing month.

On a note! So that the cabbage does not waste, it is best to chant after frosts.

The days of the full moon are also not suitable for work. The finished product will have a grayish shade, an unpleasant smell. Also, the cabbage can roam, and it is stored for a short time. Vitamins in the finished product are practically no, the benefits of such cabbage is minimal.

Astrologers are recommended to pick up cabbage in the days when the moon is located in the zodiacal sign of the Taurus, Aries or Capricorn. The finished product will be distinguished by expressive taste and excellent fierce.

If the middle cabbage harvester, which ripens in October, is also a good seating from it too. But late satisfied varieties can be allowed to work in December: the longer they lie in the basement, the fragrant will get a quashan.

Choose a suitable variety

Species and varieties of cabbage are a lot. What kind of kocheans are best suited for salting? The best taste is given sugar varieties:

When caring cabbage on the lunar calendar: favorable days 3328_2
Also, Svashenka variety is well suited: the name speaks for itself. These cocheans are specifically displayed for salting. In addition, they are characterized by excellent breaststroke and stored until spring.

How to choose forks to not guess? First, the Kochan should be dense and solid, without traces of rot. Upper green leaves in front of the shredding need to be removed: only white part of the fork is on the seating. It is most convenient to work with round or slightly surrounded by cochanists, large and elastic.

If Kochani managed to grab the first frost, there is nothing terrible in this: they also work with them. Some hostesses are confident that the most tasty and juicy quashan is obtained from the climbed by frost: the product has a pleasant sweet taste.

Favorable days for salting cabbage

What to salute

The selection of containers is one of the important points in this process. Previously, our grandmothers were quasilled cabbage in wooden ruddles and barrels, took oak. Now you can only dream of such a container, especially, urban residents. But it is not necessary to despair: glass jars are going to move. In them, the sauna is excellent.

It is forbidden to take a container:

  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • iron.

The cabbage is well in the enameled dishes, for these purposes tanks or 10 liter shoulders take. Plastic or aluminum in the process of driving cabbage isolated dangerous substances, like stainless steel, so they are not used for these purposes. In aluminum dishes you can not store any products, these pots are designed only for cooking.

If you are going to pickle cabbage for the first time, it is better to take a three-liter glass jar. Cabbage is well squanding, it will not have time to score and spoil: they will quickly eat households.

Well-overlooked quasher stored in a cool room: either the cellar of a private house, or in refrigerators. In the cool room, the fermentation process stops, so the quashan can be stored for a long time and not to deteriorate.

Pickup recipe

I propose a recipe for my grandmother, according to which she shed cabbage all his life. Quashana is prepared with carrots, laurels and pepper peas - classic option. Someone loves with tmin or cranberries, beet or other additives. But I like a classic recipe with carrots.


  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • carrots - 2 large;
  • Salt of large grinding - 80 g;
  • Bay sheet - 4 large;
  • Pepper peas - to taste.

We prepare forks to work: my cold water, remove the top green leaves, shining. Blutch everything in different ways. It is better to take advantage of a special tool for these purposes: it turns out delicate small stripes that will be better sprayed. Carrots need to hook on a large grater.

Prepared ingredients Mix in an enameled tank, pull the hands. After 10-12 minutes, you need to pull the mixture with your hands again, and after tightly put three-liter jars into the covered with boiling water or hot ferry. When you lay layers in a jar, add pea peppers and pieces of laurels through approximately equal intervals.

A well-raised cabbage with carrots is covered with plastic lids and leave warm for a couple of days. The warmer room, the faster the product is to go. Therefore, readiness is beginning to check for a day.

It also happens that the brine was not enough. It is necessary to prepare a salty solution of boiled water and salt, and add this solution to the edges of the can. If this is not done, a moldful fungus will appear on the surface of the cabbage.

what moon to salt cabbage

Unsulted seas

What moon to pickle cabbage to make a quasher to fame? We have already considered this question: only for a young month. What could be errors in the process of work, which lead to a planning result?

Common errors:

  • Silver of late grade cabbage is too early (not in December as it should be);
  • used strongly frozen forks;
  • nitrate vegetable - pushed fork fertilizers;
  • too long quasil - more than three days;
  • did not plunge the carpet with a wooden wand for the release of gases.

Svaunka should not wander a few days in a row in a hot room. Watch the fermentation process proceeds correctly. If the brine is not enough, the fraction of it.

A bit of history

What moon shed cabbage our ancestors? In the older times, the harvest was in a hurry to remove to the exaltation (that is, by September 27), and they began to saline in early October. For this work, the whole family was gathered to faster clouds and carrots faster. Perhaps in the old days, the first frosts happened earlier than today. Nevertheless, the information has been preserved that the crop was removed to the exaltation.

Cutting Kochanov was accompanied by jokes, songs and fun. Baked pies with cabbage, went to visit each other. Over time, such autumn gatherings began to be called cabping. Soldering cabbage occupied for about two weeks, and it was a real popular ritual - choking kochanas in every yard and the sovereign. Even in the folk calendar there is a special day associated with the cabbage: Sergey Kapuchnik, October 8.

In Russia, the cabbage was considered a favorable day for salting on October 8 (Sergey Kapuznik) and November 2 (Artemyev Day). The "Women's Days" were also observed for a mustol (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), in which the product was obtained particularly gentle and fragrant.

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