Lunar Calendar Operations: Successful and Unsuccessful Days


People interested in Esoteric are well aware of the fact that the moon has a huge impact on our lives and many events in it occurring. Therefore, the lunar calendars are so popular for every month of the year, painting successful and unsuccessful days for certain actions - for example, haircuts, staining, planting garden crops, conducting health manipulations.

On the latter, I propose to stop more and consider the lunar calendar of operations.

When you can do operations

What moon is better to do operation

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When and what interventions can be done, and when it is necessary to postpone from a visit to the hospital.

Surgered interventions cannot be performed if the zodiac is in the sign of the zodiac corresponding to the patient

After reviewing the works of the famous doctor of antiquity of the Hippocratic (lived in about 460-370 years BC), we will find a warning there:

"Do not touch the iron to part of the body, which is managed by the constellation, in which the moon is now."

Hippocrates tried to warn all doctors so that they did not perform surgical interventions on those parts of the body, which manages the zodiac sign, where the Earth satellite dwells at the time of the planned manipulation.

Alas, modern doctors are very skeptical to such information, it is completely neglected. Maybe that's why not all operations go well?

On the other hand, the ancient doctor also said that the treatment of those areas of the body and bodies, which are managed by the sign of the zodiac, where the moon is, on the contrary, will bring a very good effect. From here we obtain that therapeutic treatment during this period is allowed, but the surgical intervention needs to be abandoned.

Choosing the day of the future operation, be sure to note that the moon does not pass sharply from one sign of the zodiac to another. This process, on the contrary, is characterized by soft and slowness.

Accordingly, if you have discovered the lunar calendar and found that in it 2 days in a row, the moon is in the constellation of twins, then in the first day the effect of the previous sign - Taurus will still be felt. In the evening of the second day, the influence of cancer energy will appear.

A big role is played by the sign of the zodiac, where the moon was

Based on that, when you choose the date of transaction, make sure that the neighboring constellation will not be affected negatively.

The influence of the moon on human health continue to consider:

  • Moon in Aries . It has an impact on the head, so can not be treated surgically this part of the body, as well as sign up for an appointment with the dentist.
  • Moon in Taurus . It affects the neck and throat. Banned operational manipulation of relevant bodies.
  • Moon in Gemini . It affects the upper limbs, shoulders, the area of ​​the lungs.
  • Moon in cancer sign. It acts on the whole digestive system, the stomach. The corresponding operation is prohibited.
  • Moon in a lion sign. Effect on the cardiovascular system of the body.
  • Moon in Virgo. It affects their exposure to the region hips.
  • Moon in Libra . Its impact extends to the spine with the kidneys.
  • Moon in Scorpio . It acts on the organs of excretion, and on the reproductive system.
  • Moon in Sagittarius . Under its influence is liver with zholchnym bubble.
  • Moon in Capricorn . It affects bone, lower limbs.
  • Moon in Aquarius . Her influence extended to the general metabolism, but also affected the lymphatic system.
  • Moon in Pisces . Correlates with the lower part of the legs (shins and feet).

Transfer operation for decreasing phase of the moon

Much more increases the likelihood of postoperative complications and infections, if they were made in the new moon phase - while the recovery at risk delayed. Also, the young moon scar wound harder, increases the likelihood that remain unattractive scars.

Full Moon selected for intervention, can lead to severe bleeding.

From this we get an important piece of advice: if possible, plan surgeries on flawed moon.

waning moon is a good one for operations

Discard the interventions, if the transit Moon hit the mutable sign of the zodiac

Mutable in astrology are considered Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius. How do I know in what sign the moon is and what day of the lunar calendar?

You can use special astrological services that offer to do this for free on the Internet. Or you can purchase any tear-off calendar - almost all of them also have data about lunar days.

Try not to do operations on the Moon void of course

Such information in the tear-off calendar is no longer seen. It is necessary to search on the Internet.

Also, astrologers believe unsuccessful interventions that fall on days of eclipses of the sun. And yet it is strongly not recommended to go under the surgeon's knife in his birthday and the day before and after.

In principle, this is all you need to know the usual user. After all, I do not own professional knowledge of astrology and without knowing how to use special programs, it is unlikely that you will be able to understand something more.

In any case, even what is listed in the article will already help you avoid unsuccessful periods for operational interventions than the likelihood of complications will decrease. Of course, unfortunately, people can not always have a choice - there are urgent operations, but we are talking about those that you plan on your own.

Pay attention also to the fact that the individual forecast has always has the most accurate precision, compiled by the astrologer personally for you. And it means that if you plan to make a serious operation, there are risks of complications, it is better not to rely only on the Internet, but to consult a specialist. After all, only a personal horoscope can be accurate 100%.

Be healthy and finally browse the thematic video:

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