Moon Calendar Shopping for March 2020: Favorable days


The moon is the nearest astronomical body to our planet, so it is not surprising that it greatly affects the Earth in general and on the life of every living being in particular. Astrologers are recommended to take into account the nightlings phases, planning significant changes, such as an operation, change the place of residence or purchase of real estate.

The lunar calendar of purchases for March 2020 will tell about what days to spend money on the necessary things, and when it is better to keep a wallet on the castle.

Successful days for shopping

When acquisitions are favorable - the astrologer will tell

The further explanations of the Astrol Olga Potemkin, which reveals the secrets of a reasonable shopping on the lunar calendar. Olga is confident that the lunar calendar must be used, planning daily or long-term acquisitions.

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So, the most favorable days for purchases in the lunar month are as follows:

  • In the 1 moon day, the purchase of objects emitting light televisions, monitors, lamps and so on will be the purchase of objects.
  • The second day is ideal for committing any acquisitions, lending to finance, you can allow yourself any pleasure. But do not overpay for things more than their real value, if you need - we fight desperately, proving justice.
  • On the 3 day of the cycle of the moon, it is recommended to plan and explore the proposal market.
  • Day 4 - suitable for visiting a restaurant or creating a real culinary masterpiece with delicacy ingredients at home.
  • 5 lunar days, on the advice of the astrologer, it is worthwhile to search for and buying presents. And it is very successful to engage in charity, since all the good actions will definitely return to you by a hundredfold.
  • For 6 days, you should buy various tools, tools, mechanisms, machines.
  • 7 day - it is suitable for booking tours, plane tickets.
  • 10 days are ideal for acquiring building materials, plant seeds.
  • In the 12th - astrologers advise the choice of icons, candles and other items intended for spiritual practice.
  • In the 13th day - get any round items starting with apples and ending with tennis balls.
  • 14 days - favorable to increase baggage of textbooks, books, any scientific benefits and methods.
  • The 17th day of the cycle is perfect for replenishing alcohol stocks.
  • The 18th day is favorable to buy absolutely any items and goods, depending on your needs and personal wishes.
  • Astrologer Olga advises to go to the store for finding a pet home on 20 day of the lunar calendar. In addition, you can buy a cattle cattle.
  • In the 21st - search for various working or sports equipment.
  • 22 days of the cycle - the time when you need to make purchases of "healthy" goods, such as various bad-s and other supplements to the power supply.
  • If you have long dreamed of please yourself with a pleasant shopping cosmetics, get beautiful sets of underwear, in general, any products of beauty - do it on the 23th day of the moon cycle.
  • 24 days are suitable for acquiring familiar items. But it is not necessary to conduct experiments with the purchase of any new, unfamiliar things.
  • The 27th number of the lunar month is successfully for shopping any liquids (an exception is alcohol).
  • But on the age of 28 - incredibly favorable for shopping hikes. Whatever the thing you do not have purchased now - it will serve you for a long time faithful and truth.
  • The 30s - successful to buy jewelry, metal objects or masterpieces of art.

When shopping, according to asserts of the astrologer, not Bring any pleasure:

  • 8, 11, 19, 25, 26, as well as 29 lunar days are not acceptable for shopping. At this time, give up store hiking and deal with other affairs.
  • At 9 days, the moon cycle cannot be performed any transactions related to money, leaning finance or to contact the debts themselves.
  • 15 and 16 days of the cycle come to the full moon. Throughout these two days, it is unacceptable to carry out a large nor even small shopping, otherwise you will be unhappy with bought. Especially give up the acquisition of any personal items - it is forbidden to replace the wardrobe, buy new underwear, decoration, clock and shoes.

Packages with shopping photos

Lunar shopping calendar for March 2020

1 number

7-8 lunar days. The moon grows in the sign of the Taurus and twins. It is allowed to make minimal purchases, the most necessary.

2 Number

8-9 Moon days. Now it is extremely unsuccessful to start something new and spend financial resources.

3 Number

9-10 days. You can go on the start of new projects, continue old, and also freely dispose of financial flows.

4 Number

10-11 days. The moon grows in the sign of the twins and cancer. The energy of these days is too active if you become inactive - it will overflow you to the edge and makes it makes irregular shopping. Therefore, be careful, and also beware not to suffer from the actions of fraudsters.

5 number

11-12 days. The moon increases in the sign of cancer. In the morning, it is possible to resolve issues related to real estate.

6 Number

12-13 days. The moon is growing in Lion and cancer. According to the advice of astrologers, any manipulations with finances are not suitable, buying under the ban. Rest and enjoy communicating with relatives.

7 Number

13-14 days. The moon is growing in Lev. Today, shopping promises to become favorable, you can safely plan to schedule shopping. Purchased will last for a very long time.

8 Number

14-15 days of the lunar cycle. The luminaire increases in Lion and the Virgin. You can spend money on the necessary things, but you can not risk.

9 Number

15-16 lunar days. Full moon in the sign of the Virgin. Having tripped with shopping and any manipulations with money.

10 Number

16-17 days cycle. The moon decreases in the virgin and scales. Neutral posting period, but it is desirable to wait with him.

11 Number

17-18 days cycle. The moon decreases in the scales. Boldly go to the shopping center, as well as make any financial transactions.

12 Number

18-19 Moon days. Better thanks to other things, not shopping.

13 Number

19-20 days cycle. The moon decreases in Scorpio. Permissible to commit insignificant spending.

14 Number

20 lunar days. The moon decreases in Scorpio and Sagittarius. Any costs will be successful.

15 Number

20-21 days cycle. The moon decreases in Sagittarius. Conduct today by the completion of old affairs and any financial transactions.

16 Number

21-22 Moon day. The moon decreases in Arrelot and Capricorn. If there is no sharp need for shopping, then it is better not to make them.

17 Number

22-23 days cycle. The moon decreases in the constellation of Capricorn. Small financial operations are allowed, but under the ban large spending. Today it is better to save, and not spend.

Desperate Shopaholic

18 Number

23-24 Moon days. Purchase new things and goods now, they will serve you for a long time.

19 Number

24-25 lunar days. The moon decreases in Capricorn and Aquarius. Watch with hikes on shopping moles.

20 Number

25-26 days of the lunar cycle. Light decreases in the sign of Aquarius. Neutral time to spend salary.

21 Number

26-27 Moon days. Light decreases in the signs of Aquarius and fish. And today you can give yourself to raise in the process of doing shopping.

22 Number

27-28 days of cycle. The moon decreases in the fish. Buy the necessary products, as well as carry out manipulations with money.

23 Number

28-29 days of the Moon. Hard times. It is extremely unsuccessful to plan shopping for today or search for real estate, invest.

24 Number

29, 30 and 1 moon days. New Moon in the Constellation of Aries. Wait until a more favorable period with spending.

25 Number

1-2 days cycle. The moon begins to grow in the sign of the Aries. Tracts today promise to please you. But you can suffer from manifestations of greed, emotional impassable, better control yourself.

26 Number

2-3 Moon days. The luminaire increases in Aries and Taurus. You can make purchases.

27 Number

3-4 days cycles. The moon grows in the Taurus. Just perfectly engaged in trade, solve any cash issues. The main thing is to give up hasty.

28 Number

4-5 days cycle. Wait with shopping temporarily.

29 Number

5-6 lunar days. The moon increases in the constellation of Taurus and twins. You can make various financial manipulations, make even great acquisitions, solve real estate issues.

30 Number

6-7 days cycle. The moon grows in the sign of the twins. Neutral time to spend money.

31 Number

7-8 days cycle. The luminaire increases in the sign of the twins and cancer. Astrologers are allowed today to commit minor purchases, small cash deposits.

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