Saturn in 1 house in woman and men


Saturn in 1 house is not the most favorable indicator, because he introduces a lot of obstacles, difficulties and tests with whom he has to cope constantly. The planet is also responsible for how it is perceived in society.

general characteristics

Saturn - Planet obstacles, tests and difficulties. The indicator is not the most favorable, but if he met in your natal map, it is not worth a despair, because you can find positive moments.

Saturn in 1 house in a woman

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In different ways, it is manifested in various signs of the zodiac, for example:

  1. Capricorn and Weighs Saturn are especially strong. But in a positive way: the planet creates a huge number of opportunities for professional growth and self-realization in the life of such people. They can achieve perfection in any business that are engaged. But finally achieve large-scale purposes to mature age.
  2. Fire signs with such an indicator will always strive for sufficiency and wealth. Money appreciates above all the rest in your life. We are ready to roll and go on heads, just to get from life what they want. And although life constantly creates a huge amount of obstacles on their way, they will achieve their own or late.
  3. Air signs have the talent to build good partnerships with people and cooperate with them on the basis of mutual benefit. As a rule, they quickly make useful acquaintances, have influential friends and get support from everywhere. It is easier for them than the other signs - the tests on their share falls far less.
  4. Earth signs are the most honest and straightforward. These qualities help them and interfere. Help to create a magnificent reputation as a specialist, and interfere with schmit and give way where it is required.

Saturn in 1 house in a woman

This woman is distinguished by rarity strict and serious. She takes a lot of responsibility, so it is difficult for her to relax. Each day is filled with a bunch of affairs and duties that no one except her do.

Saturn in 1 house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  • She does not know how to rest. Prefers to load himself with work every minute of free time. And if suddenly an unplanned window in the schedule is formed, it is completely lost. It seems to her that relaxfully live in his pleasure - it is ashamed that she is obliged to be collected and workable.
  • Does not like entertainment and holidays, considering their empty spending time. Despises people who know how to relax and have fun, idly spend time, considering them tuneaders and not capable of not as idlers.
  • Does not trust people, in communication always keeps somewhat removed. It believes that only hard work can be achieved what I want, and luck and luck is not about her. Always and in everything counts only on yourself.

Saturn in 1 house in a man

This is a very independent and responsible man who is used to rely only on himself. Does not wait from those who surround or help or support, and does not know how to ask for it, even if the circumstances require.

Saturn in 1 house

What else is characteristic of him:

  • Everything in life is achieving persistent, painstaking, daily labor. I am confident that if you constantly apply a maximum of effort in the selected direction, it is sooner or later you can come to success.
  • And he comes to success sooner or later, but his way is a constant struggle with circumstances. It simply does not see other, lighter and less energy costs of achieving goals. Because of this, it is very difficult to live and be happy.
  • It has excellent concentration ability, a high degree of hardworking, accuracy. It always strictly follows the instructions and rules that helps him grow professionally. But only in the role of the artist, leadership posts and their own business is not for his character.
  • Even when it seeks a high material situation and social status, remains a very modest and simple person. Not a luxury fall, just savs and gained capital, without understanding what money can spend money.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Saturn is responsible for the image of a person, the image that he creates in society. It may indicate personal characteristics and manner of behavior in difficult situations. In the 11th house, this planet imposes an imprint of pessimism, constant sadness and "heavy" relationship to life.
  • Saturn, in principle, the planet is quite complex and malicious, so its presence in the horoscope is familiar with unfavorable. He says that a person will have to try more than others and work to become happy and implemented.
  • But all the tests and difficulties are hardened, such a person becomes very strong and practically invincible. He is able to achieve colossal success, if he takes responsibility for the events in his hands, without becoming worried and complaining.

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