Jupiter in 12 house in woman and men


Jupiter in 12 houses - a favorable and happy indicator, albeit with some reservations. Such people are very soft and good by their nature, it is difficult for them to be strong and overcome obstacles in the life path, to achieve something. They prefer to sail downstream without managing circumstances, but obeying them.

general characteristics

The 12th house of the horoscope led by Jupiter indicates a person's tendency to leave reality in his own fictional world of fantasies and dreams. And in this world he is much more comfortable than in the present. He introvert and sociopath, which, although he loves people, but avoids communication with them.

Jupiter in the 12th house in a woman

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Almost every minute of his life, he is completely immersed in his thoughts and sensations. And it is not easy to snatch it from this state. It is very important for him to learn not to leave alone too long, do not turn into a hermit, but to go into the world and communicate with people.

Restores the energy of such a person in nature, in the church, during the classes of yoga, meditations and spiritual practices. Exceptionally alone with yourself. In his own rich inner world, he draws strength and satisfaction. Well affects him work in the garden or in the country.

Jupiter in the 12th house in a woman

A woman with such an indicator in a natal map is very romantic. She seems to be constantly hung in the clouds, but it does not make a crazy dreamer from her, but only gives additional charm.

Jupiter in the 12th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She pays a large amount of time to its spiritual development, it is very important for her. About material benefits does not think completely, she has completely different values ​​and interests. She is interested in creativity, music, literature, photography, often it realizes its potential in these areas.
  2. She gets tired of communicating with people and her periodically needs to be alone with him to restore the energy level. At these moments, she is engaged in meditations, spiritual practitioners, perhaps yoga, dreams and just resting in silence. It's never boring with her thoughts and dreams to her.
  3. She has a very rich inner world, which she herself is constantly studying, often ignoring everything that happens in the external space. Spiritual matter seems to her much more interesting than landed, material things.
  4. She has an excellent imagination, the creative potential is developed, but at the same time it still has a doctor's talent, so it can become a good doctor. And not indifferent, but good and compassionate. Mercy is also one of the main features of her character.

If she is engaged in medicine, it is more often interested in non-traditional healing techniques, tries all new and unusual. Looking for the causes of illness not so much physical as psychological and spiritual. I am sure that the thoughts are creating reality and create the level of health that every person is endowed.

Jupiter in the 12th house in a man

The man with such an indicator in the natal map also brightly manifested medical talent. But its most pulls in the sphere of psychology, the healing of the soul and the emotional state of man. And he may well become a talented psychotherapist.

Jupiter in 12 house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is often dreaming of dreams, and thanks to the excellently developed intuition, he knows how to really interpret them. If it is engaged in studying the topic of dreams, he will receive a very good tool for the development and improvement of their own potential.
  2. As if X-ray, reads hidden and depressed desires of people, their fears, thoughts, complexes. It is able to correctly determine the cause of unstable psychological states, and then solve the problem of man. Often creates its own techniques that can even disperse with traditional psychological teachings.
  3. Much time pays volunteer activities, engaged in charity. It can be found in children's hospitals, nursing homes, and considerable often his income donates those who need financial assistance.

Check the video on the topic:


  • A man with Jupiter in the 12th house is very soft, kind and compassionate. These qualities cannot be changed, and because of them it is difficult to achieve authoritative and respect for others. With the opinion of such an personality, they are most often not considered, and it suffers endlessly from the fact that all around her borders violate.
  • It will be constantly seemed to him that his merits and efforts are not assessed. He sacrifices for others, but the expected gratitude does not receive. Therefore, it is important to learn to love and indulge yourself, and only then share resources with others.
  • Only such an approach will avoid problems with self-esteem. Otherwise, a person risks very deeply into the state of the victim, and no one can help him. Throughout his life, he will have to work with love for himself and internal borders.

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