Sorokoust about health: what it is when and how it is ordered


To provide spiritual support to the Orthodox believing in the Church, various types of services and demand are offered. Perhaps the greatest popularity among other appeals to the Lord enjoys the Sorokoust about health. What is it when you need to order it and what is his difference from other prayers? I propose to clarify all these questions in this material.

Sorokoust about health - what is it?

Sorokoust - performs a special variety of church commemoration, which is committed upon request of the believer. In practice, the fortiest is that for 40 days each time the Divine Liturgy ministry, the Holy Father will get a part of the prosphirt for all those people whose names are denoted by forty.

Sorokoust about health

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Then all extracted particles are sent to the Bowl of the Savior. Special prayer is pronounced above, asking for laundering the preggie of each coming person. To the completion of the ministry, the bowl with particles are submitted to the sacrament, parishioners are given the opportunity to join one of the greatest wonders - blood and flesh of the Savior.

Important moment. Sorokoust and subsequent communion testify to the maximum participation of the believer in church life.

Every time, in the process of liturgy on the altar, a bloodless sacrifice (the symbol of the victim of Jesus for the sins of all mankind), people who participated in this sacred action bring themselves great spiritual benefit.

Newcomers in the Christian religion may well wonder where the number of "40 days" to read the forty-store. Why didn't you take any other time segment? And this question has an answer if you turn to the book of all times - the Bible. In it, 40 terrestrial days - are considered a very symbolic temporary segment, according to Christian worldview:

  • As the gospel says, Jesus for 40 days was in the desert, where he held the post and read prayers;
  • 40-day prayer wards were committed by many other saints;
  • According to the Christian faith, when a person is dying, it is precisely 40 of his soul that is determined by either another place.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the number 40 is often used in the church, and the prayer of the forty for forty days has a deep symbolic meaning.

Important moment. Sorokoust about health is designed not to just improve the physical condition of the person, but also take care of his eternal soul. It must be remembered about the spiritual benefit of this action.

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What is meant when "concern about the soul" says? This includes getting rid of the gentlemen, the desire of a person to live an await life, resistance to its low-lying passions. And if the believer will not work hard to work hard - he cannot be helped by any pliers and offerings.

Prayer photo

Correct order of Sorokoust about health

First of all, pay your attention to the fact that the temple does not conduct divine liturgies every day. They are held on the days specifically reserved for this. So, for example, you will not be able to order a forty-head of health on weekdays. And in the churches in which the Divine Liturgy performs on concrete days, the process of reading a forty-store about health is often tightened for a couple of months.

A common excitement of submitting parishioners appears when a priest begins to pronounce the names of people who should pray. People are worried that they do not forget about their loved ones, ignoring his name.

Here it is worth listening to the recommendations of the Holy Fathers who spend not to embarrass their restless mind similar thoughts during prayers. The Lord is well known, about whom was laid at a fortyst of health, so you can not worry about this. Even if suddenly the purely chance of the right name and will not say - this does not mean that God does not take a bloodless sacrifice.

Sorokoust about health is not the only prayer for the healing of patients. You can also seek help from a nonpressible psalm. The difference between the latest and forty-dock about the health is that the psalter is usually read in the holy monastery of monks. After all, it is important for it to comply with certain conditions, for example, so that the monks are exactly as much as necessary and no one, since this prayer should be pronounced without interruptions.

If you do not know which of the two options to stop your choice, then just remember that there is no such concept as more "strong" or "weak" prayer. It fills it with certain qualities, a strong belief of a person who prays.

Let us now find out how can I order a forty-head about health at the temple? To do this, you need a candle shop, the seller of which should find out the features of the worship services of this particular place. Then take a paper sheet, in its top sign "about health", and then list the names of all those who should pray for the service.

It is usually allowed in one sheet to denote names no more than ten people. To record names, a genitive case is used. For example, the note of the Sortoist on the health will have this kind:

"About health"

  • Tatiana;
  • Leonid;
  • Irina;
  • Alexandra and Sprouts.

Sorokoust about health photo example

It will be necessary to make a cash donation for all the names that will go on the maintenance of the Church. In some temples, they call a fixed amount, and in other donation size is fully produced and depends only on the desire of the parishioner.

For whom you can pray for a zhokoust about health?

The priests are in a hurry to warn that the order of the Rest is permitted solely for those Christians who were baptized in the Orthodox Church. This is explained by the fact that God respectfully refers to the freedom of the will of a person, no one forces to believe with the help of power. And if the suffering did not have the desire to turn to Christianity, then, very high probability that he would not approve the prayers for himself. Based on what, in the church there is a number of rules that respect the will of the ill or the deceased and his choice.

If you do not know what kind of religion is a person, and he himself can not tell you this - ask for him sincere prayer to the Most High in the Church, but do not order a forty-toast to health.

And this prayer can be used for:

  • believers of Orthodox Christians;
  • those who were baptized;
  • Picky.

It should be remembered that it is not necessary to wait for the disease at all in order to order the Divine Liturgy. It is quite possible to do it for a person who is in good health in order to protect him from possible health problems.

Also there are no restrictions on the supply of forty-store about health: it can be ordered when you have a need or desire and no limits in its time framework. By ordering Sorokoust, be sure to write down the name of the suffering that was given to him in the process of baptism, mark his problems that ask to get rid of, or, for example, it may be the rest of the soul.

Most churches advise to supplement the fortiest with appropriate marks, namely:

  • About the baby - for the baby, less than 7 years old;
  • about the tracker - for a child who is more than 7 years;
  • about the warrior - about the serviceman;
  • About sick or suffering - for someone who suffers from ailments.

How is a forty-head about health

  1. It is impossible to compare the forty-head about health with magic pills. After all, people very often love to "wind", not understanding the true sense of those or other actions. When Sorokoust is ordered, a bloodless victim is brought to God, then the seekers hope that God will certainly heal the suffering from pathology. But in reality, only the Lord knows how it will be best for the human soul, and we can only pray and believe in the best.
  2. Some people for some reason think that the Sorokoust can only be served about the rest of the soul , and about the health of him - a bad sign. This is just a superstition, to which it makes no sense to listen.
  3. Be sure to order Sorokoust independently. A variant of a rather common myth. In fact, in the world of developed information technology, you have the opportunity to even seek help via the Internet. To do this, go to the site of the church or the monastery. Such a way will be very useful to those due to the state of health are not able to independently walk to the temple, but wishes to order Sorokoust about the health of someone from the close environment. It doesn't matter how you will make a petition, the main thing is to have a real faith and the desire to help.
  4. Mages and mystics, there is such a rite as the feeding of a forty store about the rest of his enemy for a living person. Allegedly, then the person who made this action should encounter trouble. In the temple, they do not give explanations to such an intention, because completely other values ​​are preached in the Christian faith. But the only thing that can be argued is probably the only one to whom you hurt the designated actions is just only yourself and your soul.
  5. According to another common myth, Sorokoust about health should be ordered not in 1, but immediately in 3 or even in 7 temples - That the result is better. The indicated opinion is nothing more than the people's superstition.

Important moment. Have you ordered a fortyst about health and man after that started correcting? Be sure to consult a prayer for gratitude to St. John Kronstadt.

Now you know, Sorokoust about health - what it is and how to order it. Finally, browse the thematic video:

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