What does the Jewish Star mean and why is the star of David


Hexagonal hexagram star familiar to everyone. It bangs on the state flag of Israel, decorates the facade of mosques and synagogue, is used to design the interior of Christian temples. What does the Jewish Star mean, why is the name of the Jewish king David?

One day, the eldest daughter approached me with this question, so I had to learn reliable information about the mysterious symbol. They say he has a magical coast of strength, so he saved the Jewish people from total destruction. Nowadays, the star helps harmonize thinking and uncover creative abilities. Is it really? Consider the question in the article.

Jewish Star

The history of the symbol

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This mysterious star leaves no one indifferent. Some of it causes anger and rage, others attract their magic qualities, thirdly simply causes interest. There is nothing special in the symbol: only two triangles. However, the six-pointed star is most magically acting on the subconscious of people.

This symbol wears the most different names, but always recognizable:

  • Malendovide;
  • hexagram;
  • star of David;
  • David shield;
  • Star Solomon;
  • Print Solomon;
  • Star Creator.

At first glance, it may seem that the symbol has a direct connection with the Jewish people. However, he was famous long before the emergence of this people. Archaeological excavations were conducted worldwide, and the hexagram was found in India and the Middle East. They found this symbol even in Britain: he used the ancient Celts.

The story ordered so that the hexagram became a symbol of the Jewish people and got the name of the Jewish star.

Star David Value


Consider what David's star means different nations. Medieval alchemists distinguished the most interesting interpretation. They saw the quintessence of natural forces in the symbol and began to use it for searching for philosophical stone. Despite the fact that the elements in nature are only 4, the alchemists invented their combinations. This is what happened in the end:

What does the Jewish Star mean and why is the star of David 3347_3

Also, their creativity belongs to the creation of a planetary hexagram.

On a note! In Indian esoteric practice, the hexagram symbolizes the unity of the creative and destructive start.

In the course of the development of history, the symbol made everything with new and new meanings, only the form remained the same - 2 triangles with vertices in opposite sides. Some nations worshiped him with a divine symbol, others attributed to devilish importance, others used to obtain sacred knowledge. For some reason it was believed that the hexagram would help to open the secrets of nature.

Interpretation of a symbol from different nations:

  • Schmers have a star symbolized the goddess Astarta, the patronage of soldiers and the carnal utya;
  • At the Middle Eastern peoples, it was associated with Lily;
  • At yogis, this symbol denotes a heart chakra, the fourth in a row is a chakra of love;
  • In Christians, this symbol is associated with the universe, as the world was created in just 6 days;
  • Other Christians believe that the number of the beast 666 is hidden in hexagram, so it fears;
  • Muslims believe that this star symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

The most interesting is that the Jews Malendovide had a purely applied decorative value, and only over time gained sacred meaning.

Star David what means

Shield David.

Consider the symbolism of the star from the point of view of modern Jews. Initially, the symbol decorated with household items and menora, as evidenced by excavations. Later, the star began to depict on synagogues and tombstones. And during the Hitler's occupation of Europe, the stars of yellow color were forced to wear all the Jews as a distinctive sign.

The National Symbol of Judaism, Malendovide, became only from the end of the 18th - early 19th century. The star began to be associated with Judaism, like a cross - with Christianity, and Crescents - with Islam. The star gained religious meaning. Since 1948, David's star decorates the State Flag of Israel.

What are the Jews connect the symbolism of hexagram? By legend, this sign used the King David as a personal press: she was concerned about his persove. This symbol turned out from the confluence of the name of the name, which was engraved on Persdne King. Nobody can check the truth of this statement, so there was simply legend. There is a parallel legend that actually was depicted on the king's rosset: not a hexagram and name, but a staff and a shepherd bag.

Nevertheless, the star was called David's shield that hebrew sounds like maghendid. Why did the star called the shield? Because there is another legend that claims that on the shields of the soldiers of David was the six-legged symbol.

Christianity and Islam

How could the Jewish star be a Christian symbol? But the archaeological excavations demonstrate the early Christian charts-talismans with the image of a six-legged star. We should not forget that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have one common root. Therefore, the symbolism often coincides either echoes. In the Middle Ages, the hexagram could be seen more often on Christian temples than on synagogues.

In Orthodoxy, this star symbolizes the Creator, and six rays are 6 days of creation. In some sources, it is argued that this is the Bethlehem Star instead of the eight-beam. Therefore, the name "Star of the Creator" refers to the Orthodox tradition.

And what is the meaning of the hexagram give in Islam, in addition to wealth and well-being? The star has a secret sacral meaning, which is hidden from ignoramus. So, the covers with the image of the hexagram covers the black stone in Mecca - the place of pilgrimage of millions of Muslims.

Six-pointed star

Magic and Occultism

Hexagram is often used in magic on a par with a five-pointed star - a pentagram. In the magic of the hexagram symbolizes the merge of the flesh and spirit. In the esoteric currents of cultures of different peoples, this symbol indicated the merger of male and female began, air and earthly elements.

Mages of modernity are confident that the hexagram helps accumulate magic energy than strengthens the power of the practitioner. Also, the sign contributes to the concentration of attention, which is also important when carrying out rituals.

This symbol is considered an effective guard against the attack of the entities of the invisible world, so it is used in the ceremonies to call otherworldly creatures and at fortune. Magages are confident that the sign is able to protect against the influence of other entities that can capture the consciousness of the practitioner.


Now you know that the star of David has widespread meaning and interpretation, and that it is not exclusively a Jewish symbol. Hexagram can wear Christians and Muslims, as well as atheistic people. Harm from this symbol will not be, it is very friendly in relation to man.

If it is necessary to protect against evil and negative, you can wear a silver suspension with the image of the star. This symbol harmonizes the space around a person, which actually protects it from negative energies. Also, the hexagram contributes to the disclosure of superconductors and activates the hidden possibilities of a person. To achieve these states, wearing a pendant of gold.

Influence of hexagram per person:

  • helps to gain confidence in their own;
  • Soothes thoughts, destroys mental blocks;
  • helps to achieve mutual understanding with people;
  • Strengthens the energy potential of the owner.

And this is not a complete list of the opportunities of an amazing symbol called the star of David. To make sure that you purchase a suspension or bracelet with a six-star star.

How to use the amulet? It must be periodically cleaned from the accumulated negative energies. For this, the artifact is placed in a jar with salt on a day or put under the rays of the sun. The method of purification depends on the material of the manufacture. For example, a silver suspension is better clean with water and charge the lunar rays.

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