What days are favorable for haircuts hair, and which no


Hair - are not just a natural decoration of every girl and women, but also make in themselves the source of the energy of the cosmos. As the old legends say, it is with the help of hair, people are directly connected with the universe, they also receive invisible vitality.

What days are favorable for haircuts hair, and when it is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser? Answers to the questions assigned to you get in this material.

What days are favorable for haircuts

Kudri - a source of powerful space energy

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Our ancestors always treated their curls. For example, they believed that a person could smooth out, make damages, spell, or send any sore, using just hairs from his head! But at the same time, special attributes for hair designed to heal from different pors were greatly popular.

If you turn to the book of all time - the Bible, then there we find a story about the biblical hero of Samson, possessed long and thick hair. His life was buried in them. But the insidious Dalila seduced Samson and deprived of his hair, after which he instantly lost his miraculous power.

And you can turn to the memories of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers who have never walked with rash hair, always did on the head of the braid. Also, they periodically hid their curls, and only scallops made from natural material were used to calculate.

Strike hair in the inappropriate days was strictly prohibited. First of all, so as not to harm yourself. Until today, this custom remains relevant to many people. Therefore, for example, the calendar of haircuts and staining on the lunar calendar is popular.

Do you also dream of improving the condition of your chapels? They suffered to get rid of the above, to no avail to treat hair loss? Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the valuable care guidelines for your "Pynes", which are given below.

Hair - Space Power Source

What days are favorable for a haircut

  • In the opinion of astrologers, it is better to go to the beauty salon to shorten the Kudrey by day when Night luminaire is located in the constellations of the Virgin or Lion . Unfortunately, such days per year fall quite and quite rarely. But if you managed to "catch" the magical day, then your chapheluor will gain maximum benefit from the haircut.
  • Another favorable day for hair cuts is When the moon fell into the constellation of Taurus and Capricorn . Hair shouted on such a moon will grow very quickly, in addition, you will successfully eliminate the boning tips, you can get rid of the loss of "Pynes."
  • Finding the Moon in the Constellation of Aries - activates the revealation of new hairs, but it will not affect the state of the hair as a whole.
  • If you make a haircut on the moon in twins - Kudri will be disobedient, you will be hard to lay them.
  • Visiting stylist Plystone Moon in scales - Allows you to speed up the process of hair growth, but also worsens their overall state.
  • Moon in the sign of the Fish Zodiac - Makes the process of hair growing very slow. This day is considered conditionally favorable.

When it is worth having a haircut

Having understood with suitable lunar days to reduce the length of the Kudrey, let's talk now about forbidden days when it is not recommended that it is not recommended that:

  • If the moon is in the constellations Aquarius, Scorpio, Fish or Sagittarius . Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules when a visit to the hairdresser in the listed day does not harm the chapels, but it will suffer your well-being in general. Therefore, it is better not to risk.
  • Do not haircut in days when happens Eclipse of the Sun or Moon.

Wanting to improve the state of "Pynes", giving them vitality - it is necessary to pamper them with nutritional compositions and therapeutic rinsing on Growing Moon.

To eliminate hair loss if you are not much more interested in the speed of reverend new hairs - it is worth recording to a stylist on Descending moon.

An interesting nuance. It is impossible to independently cohere your hair - such actions will not affect the subsequent fate.

It is impossible to cut your hair

Right haircut of the week

"Can I cut your hair today or not?". To get the answer to this question, you need to take into account on what day of the week it was asked. After all, not only the lunar days have a strong influence on our hair. And even moreover, the haircut in the right day of the week will help to get rid of certain vital difficulties.

  1. For example, if the failure bar does not stop in your life, the troubles, you are imperative from bad thoughts - outlines the change in the image on The first day of the week. Haircut on Monday It will help to eliminate all the negative energy, which accumulates on the tips of the Kudrey.
  2. For people suffering from depression, which has lost interest in life will help Haircut on Tuesday.
  3. In order to attract new acquaintances to their lives, make notes of diversity in monotonous weekdays, it is recommended to sign up for Haircut in Wednesday.
  4. But the most favorable day in the week, when you just just go to the hairdresser - This is Thursday . Shorting Kudri for the fourth day, you will improve your family relationships, and more - provide yourself with a career ladder.
  5. Fifth day of the week Not suitable in order to go to the beauty salon. Unless that if you literally dream about serious life changes - then you can knear and on Friday.
  6. Saturday haircut - Provides a tide of additional vitality, very positively affects general well-being.
  7. But, never in the world, do not go to the march on Sunday! According to popular beliefs, cut into the seventh days of the week of curls - this is the same thing to deprive himself wings, support over.

An interesting nuance. If possible, write to the haircut to the master of the same floor as you. Otherwise, you will often quarrel with your loved one.

Well, by itself, that you need to pay attention to the energy of the hairdresser, so that it is pleasant to have, and not vice versa. You can not hate, paint hair or make any other manipulations from embitting, negative people who are deeply unhappy in the soul, because they will regularly transfer your negative energy to you.

Choose the masters on the inner sensations - so that you will be most comfortable with him, you did not feel stiffness, could calmly communicate with him. Ideally, the hairdresser would have a happy marriage and, so that he himself was always on a positive.

I hope that the recommendations given in this material will help to significantly improve the condition of your hair and curls will acquire vitality, impressive volume and mirror shine!

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