What can I talk to a guy: Practical advice


What could be worse than awkward silence at a meeting or on a date? However, such situations are found quite often when young people from embarrassment cannot find a common topic for conversation and part. The silence of a person can be regarded in different ways: a change will seem to be silent due to arrogance or reluctance to communicate.

What can I talk to a guy to interest him and have fun? Consider a few topics for conversations that will be able to rescue in the desperate situation. This know-how was shared with me one good acquaintance, says it is useful for my daughter.

What can I talk to a guy

How to tie a conversation?

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The ability to communicate is a whole art. He needs to learn from young nails: always come in handy. Today we will not consider the issues of the belief of the interlocutor, the decline in his opinion in the right direction and other tricks of NLP. Today we will talk, what topics for conversation with a guy you can choose. This is very important because not all young guys are suspended with the language and outpan of a conversation: there are those that are shy to the presence of a beautiful girl.

And there are such guys who know how to lose the gift of speech in the presence of girls. Nothing can do: hormones are sailing. Therefore, you need to come to the rescue to the help of a young man and save the situation. Also, this article will help in a situation with a completely unfamiliar young man who liked. Correctly built conversation will help link contact and not get lost in space.

On a note! In the modern world, girls can start a conversation first.

So, in order to start a conversation, you need to find the subject of this very conversation - what to lead a conversation. And the topic of the conversation will depend on the environment. For example, at the airport you will ask the questions about flights, and in Sberbank - about the work of savings cards and operators.

On a note! Universal remains the old weather topic. Best theme for the beginning of the conversation has not yet come up with.

How to talk about the weather with an unfamiliar man? For example, that rain or snowfall violated plans for rest or travel on a tour bar. Since in Russia the weather never fails surprises, then this topic will not lose relevance for many more decades. In our country, you can complain about weather surprises or incorrect forecasts with meteoobyuro, you can any unfamiliar people: the side looks quite correct. As Stanislav Hezhi Ltsted, 9 out of ten people would not be able to start a conversation with each other, if the weather remained always the same.

Topics for conversation with a guy

Conversation on a date

If you have already met and started meeting, the question of choosing the topic for conversation is also relevant. Supervisory should be shown here and identify common interests. It is unacceptable to tell the young man about the problems that worry exclusively girls: Fashion, cosmetics.

How to detect the points of contact to tie a conversation on a common topic interesting for both? To do this, you must first ask a young man about his hobbies, the place of training, the method of leisure. As soon as hear what in any way you concern, cling to the topic and develop it.

List of questions for finding a general topic:

  • place of work / study;
  • what is engaged in free time;
  • Where loves to hold holidays / vacation;
  • In which countries visited;
  • Favorite song / musical group;
  • Favorite film, actor;
  • Does the sports section attend;
  • Which foreign language knows.

Usually if the search for points of contact ends fails, people diverge. And what to do together, if there is nothing in common? But it happens that the guy liked the lot, and I want to continue communication with him. What to do? What topics can we talk to such a guy?

In this case, it is necessary to be interested in what it is especially interested. If this is football, you need to learn the names of the leading football players and team names. If this is music, you need to learn everything that concerns musical groups or compositions. Then you will have a common topic for conversations. If you will be with him on the same wave, communication will go like oil.

How to behave for communication continue? To do this, you need to learn some techniques:

  • Ask him advice: for example, what kind of rock group it recommends to listen to.
  • Ask, what he thinks about such a football player / musician / singer - depending on what you have a common topic.
  • Do not miss the moment to fire by His merits in sports / music / football, etc.

If you are limited to the time to clarify the guy's hobby, and the conversation is necessary, here is a list of universal topics for conversation:

  • Sports events in the country / world;
  • Pets;
  • New movie, music;
  • Favorite dish for breakfast / dinner;
  • Science and technology;
  • trips.

Sports events are discussing worldwide if they are, of course, global. So you are confronted with the guy these events.

About domestic pets makes sense to tell if they have them. A couple of funny stories about fluffy ugrelims, and evening atmosphere will be warmer.

New cinema is always interesting. Just first need to know what happened or will come out soon. The same applies to actors: you need to know that interesting with them happened or in which films are going to be removed.

Science and technology - in trend. Now many young guys are interested in computer equipment, various innovations, etc. If you understand this a little in this, boldly start the conversation or ask the council.

Gastronomic addiction is a common topic for all people if they are not yoga or hermits. Ask, what kind of kitchen prefers a young man or what his favorite dish is, except for Salad Olivier.

Travel is one of the favorite themes, so feel free to ask about cities and countries. Also ask, what foreign languages ​​the parenchy is owned.

What to talk to a guy by correspondence

Correspondence in correspondence

What to talk to a guy by correspondence? There are several universal topics that can be discussed with any person:

  • hobbies, hobbies, leisure;
  • plans for the future, dreams;
  • achievements, successes;
  • The results of the last day (in a positive way);
  • biography, study, boyfriend (if a new acquaintance);
  • trips;
  • technique.

During the correspondence, try to bypass any criticism, build communication only in a positive key. It will leave a good impression about you, and even more pulls more people.

Correspondence can begin with the following questions:

What can I talk to a guy: Practical advice 3352_4

If the acquaintance has been successfully held, and the guy is ready to be friends further, you can proceed to action. Correspondence may look like this:

What can I talk to a guy: Practical advice 3352_5

What is better not to ask in correspondence:

  • a question of religion (find out aunt-a-tet);
  • Criticism of politics, leadership of the country and region, etc.

Also in the correspondence is inappropriate, obscene abdomen, transition to personality and insults.

The topic for conversation with a guy

Forbidden topics

There are topics for a conversation with a guy who are categorically impossible to discuss. Here are their list:
  • Past relations;
  • financial difficulties;
  • Diseases.

It is impossible to ask a young man about the former girls and talk about their former guys, especially in a negative aspect. If a young man is persistently interested in your past relations, we say that all relationships were love and with good guys. Just your paths diverged, so you broke up.

Diseases is a taboo that needs to be silent as partisans. The thought of your chronic disease can rejuvenate the flame of passion. He learns about diseases later if they, of course, are.

Financial problems are your personal problems, and not joint. Conversations about money can be off from you all young people: they do not like mercantile specials. Your loans and mortgages are your business. It should not even stutter about them, since he will regard it as a hint of financial assistance, if not worse.

Secrets of successful communication

In order for the young man to be wondering with you, listen to the following advice:

  • Listen to him carefully and with interest;
  • To maintain the conversation, learn how to ask leaders;
  • Laugh and be surprised in the topic and on the topic;
  • Do not be nervous during the conversation - it strains;
  • Do not complain about anything other than the weather;
  • Do not boost anything, it ugly looks from the side;
  • Do not talk about the intimate details of your life;
  • Do not talk about purchases and your girlfriends.

Try to choose neutral topics that do not cause an emotion surge. And most importantly is a confident look. Be confident in your appearance and the success of your communication.

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