Sultiya in Orthodoxy: What kind of sin is how to get rid of


Being a believer person is to conduct a permanent fight against the inner enemy, which is trying to lead to the truth and to deprive the world in the shower. For a 2000-year history, the Orthodox Church found many associates, who inspire believers and so on with their example to fight idolatry and sins.

What is a sin, with which this sin is connected? We learned about him not so long ago and completely by chance from the father. It turns out that he is connected with fear before the future. I want to tell you about this in this article.


Sins in Orthodoxy

Even atheists know that mortal sins are an insurmountable obstacle to finding the life of eternal. Therefore, believers lead the incessant internal struggle with this dangerous phenomenon, as the Savior commanded. The "lamps" of the souls should constantly shine, which we resemble lamps before icons in the church and home iconostasis.

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How does sin seem to us? Many people believe that this will certainly be murder, theft or adultery. But in fact, sins can be very different, and sinning can silence and calm people who do not think.

What is sin in christianity? This is a veiled idolatry. A person does not bow on a wooden idol, as pagans did, but still makes idolatry. Because his heart belongs to God partly, but a partially adored object. This object of worship can be anything: money, drinking, exhaustion of power, collecting, etc. Everything that leads or gives a person from God, one way or another can be called idolatry.

For example, a favorite collection was stolen from the collector, and he swear in the hearts. He forgets that it is necessary to thank God for everything, as the apostles commanded, - and flows into the sin of haters. If a person chooses the object of worship a favorite being (animal, another person), he can fully plunge into a sense of love and adorations - with his head. He does not have place in the heart for God, everything is occupied by the object of worship. That's what sin is in Christianity, and that's why you need to fight.

dictate what kind of sin

Sin of multiycia

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Distribution - what is this sin? Sins are different, some of them are disguised under the good intentions. For example, a sin of dying looks quite innocently from the side: a person takes care of his future well-being and collects money to "black day". What is bad in such an expulsion and economic activity? Yes, and the word "push" from the Church Slavonic translated as "collecting, sapping." It seems to be a person and without choking at all, but simply hesitates for his future and the future of children.

But here and lies the trick: a person does not trust God, it is obviously thinking about the bad. He neglects the commandments of evangelists who wisers taught that "Tomorrow takes care of himself":

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There is no love of God in fear. If a person is afraid that tomorrow he will have nothing to eat, it means that he does not just trust the creator. He does not love him. A person is trying to independently solve his problem with food, forgetting that the creator of the world worries about it. It turns out that the person is trying to "sit on the throne of God", replace him with himself. This is visible to idolatry: a person worships himself, his ability and a smelter. And God, how would it be aside aside.

Also, a multi-way man may suffer so much that he will simply forget about the kingdom of God and the truth of him. He has no time to look for the kingdom of God in his soul, since all the thoughts are engaged in searching for food for the future. And it does not matter that this future has not yet come, it is important to take care of him. A person also does not take into account that this future may not come at all. This is reminded of the apostle Jacob (Epistle of Jacob 4 verse 13-17):

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However, not every believer is in this report. Many soothe themselves the thought that nothing is said in the Gospel about the "black day", which means that there is no sin in it. But the apostles directly pointed out what exactly the sin of concern about tomorrow's day is manifested.

Sin of multiycia

Many believers see in these verses from the Gospel of another sin - Srebrolubie. However, nothing is said here about the love of money, but it is precisely for concerns about your future and planning profit. A person is more thinking about his material well-being than about the compassion of the kingdom of God and the truth of him. Jesus taught his followers in the Nagorno sermon so:

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Not only is the "black day" - this is an imaginary phenomenon, so he is also dedicated all the time and all thoughts of man. No one thinks that tomorrow may be in God's court, but everyone is reflected on the illusory "black day".

This, of course, takes care of the enemy of the human, striving by any truth and inconsistencies to lead believers from the path of truth. The enemy human encourages people to look at those who do not think about tomorrow, as on frivolous and unreliable personalities. The assembly among the townships is an indicator of a serious attitude to life.

Does it all say that a person should live carelessly and not to think about anything? Of course not. It is necessary to take care of their loved ones. But at the same time it should be aware that life and death is in the hands of God, and do not rely on their strength. Previously, our ancestors spoke "without God to the threshold." This means that a person without God's grace and before the threshold will not be able to walk, not to provide himself with everything necessary. Therefore, you need to worry and take care of your neighbors, but without arrogance and exceeding your heart over the creator of life.

Fear for the imaginary "black day" gives rise to another sin - greed. A person can stray accumulated in his Chulana and do not share with the needy. The idea that he has something very much, so heats the soul that he plunges into the bunch of sin. A person pulls out that he has something that needs to be needed, Lukavit and reminds. This is already purely devilish habits manifest. Therefore, it is necessary to free from the multi-way as soon as possible until this sin entailed other sins.

How to get rid of? Prayer and post, as well as a sincere request for help in this matter. It is necessary to recognize sin, call it by name to confession - and renounce him.

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