Equinox days and solstice


Many people do not understand the difference between the equinox and the solstice. However, these are different astronomical phenomena with features other than each other. During equinoxies, the day is equal in the duration of the night, and during the solstice - is longer or shorter than the usual one.

When will the days of equinox and solstice in 2020, what are they noticeable? Consider these questions detail. My girlfriend is practicing various magical rites these days, as it considers it unreasonable to miss it energetically strong time. What can be made on the specified days, what rituals and for what? I will tell you about it in the article.

Equinox days and solstice

Days of equinox and solstice - what is it?

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Days of equinox mean the change of the time of the year when the sun passes through the heavenly equator line. The spring equinox takes place in the sign of the fish, and autumn - in the zodiac constellation Virgin. Accordingly, the Martov Equinox marks the arrival of spring and preparation for the summer, and the September - the onset of autumn and the preparation for the winter.

Many nationalities on our planet have a new year noted at the occurrence of spring, when nature is preparing for his flourishing. But another part of the population of the planet celebrates the new year in September, believing that the annual cycle comes with harvest collection and a new one begins. In Russia, Peter's first new year reforms also celebrated on September 21.

Equinox days and solstice 2020

And what marks the winter and summer solstice, and is there a spring solstice? At this time, the daily luminaries removed as much as possible from the heavenly equator. The summer solstice passes in the sign of the Taurus, and the winter - in the astrological sign of the Sagittarius. However, the point of summer solstice gained its location in Taurus not so long ago - in 1988. Until this year, she was located in the sign of the twins.

On a note! The shortest night of the year is celebrated on the day of the summer solstice, and the longest - on the day of the winter solstice. Winter solstice is also called a solvice.

The transition points of the year determine the position of the Sun above the horizon. After the winter sun, it begins to rise above every day, and after the summer - lowers. The angle between the luminaire and the earth's horizon in the summer is 90 degrees, and in the winter - 270 degrees. Look at the position of the Sun above the horizon in different points of seasonal changes (see picture).

Equinox days and solstice 2020

Magic Transition Points of the Year

What are remarkable days of equinoxies and solstice? Our ancestors understood the importance of changing the time of the year, therefore, they celebrated these dates by folk festivities and a nationwide pear. In these dates:

  • Put the praise of the gods;
  • remembered dead ancestors;
  • baked cakes and prepared other treats;
  • They spent time in games and entertainment.

A special attitude to transitional points of the annual cycle has been preserved in the art of experts and magic. These days are carried out magic rituals to change fate, purification from negative and healing from the ailments. These days do guards that will keep a person of the specified time - from three months to a year.

Summer Solstice Day It is also noted in our days, this holiday is called Ivan Kupala . The winter solstice day is not marked, but in the Catholic Church there is a special date - Christmas on December 25th. The Savior Christmas is celebrated in the days of the birth of the new sun, when the luminaire begins to approach Earth from the remote point itself. The sun becomes more and more, and the day is longer.

In Russia Winter Solvor noted as a holiday strides - The birth of the new sun. It was a noisy and cheerful holiday with songs and treats. The people of Colladoval, dressed in fur coats to frown to scare the evil spirits, jumped through the fire. Jumping through the fire was practiced in different holidays, because this rite marked the burning of offenses, diseases and everything is bad in a person's life. It was believed that the fire cleans.

On a note! On the day of the spring equinox, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday - the Astrol Day.

The days of the strides were considered energetically very strong, because they marked the onset of a new life stage along with the emergence of the new sun. For 3 days before the solstice, the hostess was injected into the dwelling, prepared festive dishes. These days it was customary to guess for the future:

  • Girls tried to find out, married in the new year or not;
  • Married women guess the birth of children;
  • Older people learned about the future harvest.

Spring Equinox Day celebrate and today: he is called the carnival . On this day, the pancakes bake, the straw scarecrow to carnival burn. Previously, the mistresses baked special buns made of sweet dough in the shape of birds - Lark. On this day, they also jumped through the bonfire to cleanse the bad and disease.

By pancakes wondered for the future:

  • If the girl bakes the first pancake beautiful and smooth, then in the new year a loved one will be launched.
  • If the first pancake in the table will take a man, then the mistress of the house will be born a boy.

In the days of the Spring Equinoxy made rites to change the fate and attracting favorable energies in their lives. At this time, rites at attracting love, harmonization of relationships and an increase in welfare are well obtained.

than wonderful days of equinox and solstice

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the day of spring equinox

The days of equinons differ in the balance between the day and night, this is a symbol of harmony and equilibrium. At this time, you can spend a ritual for a positive change in your destiny, attracting well-being and any other change. This rite attracts new energies into life and is associated with something new.

What to prepare:

  • Candles of black and white color;
  • New pen and dense paper;
  • Flower vase with earth;
  • Plant seeds (flowers).

The altar (permanent or temporary) should be decorated with a flower arrangement of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. The ritual is carried out either at dawn or at the order of the equinox day.

Light candles, symbolizing the balance and equality of the day and night. Close your eyes and imagine your desire already implemented. Take a dish with seeds and talk to them about your desire and related hopes. Communicate with seeds as reasonable creatures, give them the warmth of your soul and love.

After that, plant seeds in Vazon and Pour. Please read how these seeds need to plant, otherwise you can simply "bury" in a pot, and they will not go. After that, write down your desire (or desire) on the sheet of paper, roll it up and seal with wax from the candle.

Fill the candles with your fingers or a special cap and hide together with a sheet of paper in a box. These items will be delivered from the box exactly in a year to pay the praise of the universe for the desired desire. It will be necessary to light the candles and pour paper on fire - with gratitude. Behind the seeds need to be careful, carefully growing them. If the flowers disappear their inflorescences, it is a good sign.

What can not be done in the magical days of equinoxies and solstice

Our ancestors knew perfectly what the transitional points of the year could have influenced by the fate of the person, so strictly followed the rules of behavior at this time:

  • The bad thoughts that visit their head these days can quickly become.
  • It is forbidden to quarrel and find out the relationship so as not to bring trouble to the house.
  • It is forbidden to peel and sadness, so as not to angry the gods and not get the trouble to the trouble.
  • It is forbidden to greeding not to get a poverty and disadvantage to your home. On the contrary, these days need to be hospitable and generous.
  • The more guests will be in the house, the happier will be held next year.
  • It is forbidden to desire evil to sworn enemies, so as not to put the wrath of the gods on your head. It is believed that the thin wish will return back in a doubled form.

Compliance with these recommendations protects from evil better than any amulet.

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