Seraphim Sarovsky: biography, icon, what helps


Holy Hedges For more than 2000 years help people overcome earthly adversity and console in sorrow. Who is such Seraphim Sarovsky? This holy elder is the patron saint of Orthodox on a par with Sergey Radonezh. My girlfriend Saint Seraphim helped to marry safely. She says that as if someone covered their union with her husband's protective cover from adversity, conflicts and lack of money. What else helps the reverend? I will tell you about it in the article.

Seraphim Sarovsky

Seraphim Sarovsky: biography

The future holy waters were born in 1759 in the Kursk province in the family of secured parents. The boy's father died early, and his mother took all the marriage of family life on his shoulders. To stand on the path of truth to Prokhor (so was mashed by Seraphim) was destined over. Once the boy climbed onto a high bell tower, the construction of which his family was engaged, and fell from her to Earth. But not a single scratch on his body was like bruises.

After that, the character of the boy has changed a lot, she began to be interested in the Holy Scriptures. At 17, Prokhor decides to renounce worldly life and completely devote himself to serving the Lord. Mother approved this decision. At the twentieth year of life, he became a novice in the Sarov desert, where he was torn to the monks. After a dedication to Hieromona, Seraphim retired to a deaf forest and built there the skete in which he lived and prayed.

The Most Holy Mother of God was saved by holy wedliness from the deadly disease.

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For many years, held in complete privacy, the saint seraphim has not been awarded the godly visions. When the hermit was the Mother of God, he ordered to stop the life of the rejection and start serving people. Since then, Saint Seraphim instructed, consoled, healed all the suffering. Everyone who applied to him, he called my "joy of mine". This holy old man could melt one of his views and affectionate voice and soften the casual soul. After the conversation with him, people opened the hearts to God, worked out the repeated prayer and sought to virtue.

The Holy Old man became famous for a prayer feat: he was 1000 days and nights in the middle of a kneon in the forest in front of the icon of the Virgin.

Saint Seraphim Sarovsky

Where did so much love for people saint a holy elder? He saw the inner eyes of the very essence of a person, his divine nature and who he could be with the ministry to the Lord. This inspiration inspired him, connected to the disinterested ministry to all mankind. Having spent many years in deserted horses, this holy man taught that the main thing in Christianity is the compassion of the Holy Spirit. It is not possible to find it in the gate (although it is not excluded), but in the desire to find the kingdom of God within his soul.

Not in the long prayer glory to the merit of a person before God, but in a sincere flame prayer of the heart. He taught that the external prayer (the pronouncement of words) must certainly be combined with the inner (search for God in the soul). Those monks that do not know how to combine external with the inner, are monks formally. During worship services, Saint Seraphim advised to look at the icon or a candle, or close his eyes for better attention concentration.

"Crow the world, and thousands of you will be saved around" - so taught and instructed Saint Seraphim.

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Holy old man perfectly understood that a simple peasant had no time for the daily subtraction of the morning and evening prayers, so created the prayer rule:

  • In the morning / at lunch / evening, reading our father and the Virgin - three times, a symbol of faith - once;
  • From morning to lunch, continuously read about himself Jesus prayer;
  • From lunch to dinner read the prayer of the Virgin.

This simple prayer rule can master any busy person, and the creation of continuous prayer inside itself will help balance emotions and will save from sin.

What helps

Rev. Seraphim, in his life, became loved by the people of the old man on a par with Rev. Sergey Radonezh. This holy old man has commanded to read the Queen of Heaven, as it is the intercession of the genus of the human. He gave a lot of strength and time to the Holy Older to the Arrival of the Diveevsky Women's Monastery, obeying the prompting of his patronage - the Mother of God.

After the glorious death of Rev. In his cell, a particularly honorable icon of Our Lady "Deal" remained. The elder healed patients with anointing butter from the lamp, which day and night burned in front of the icon. This icon Seraphim was called "all joys joy."

70 years after peaceful death, the relics of St. Seraphim were opened, which turned out to be attenuated. This event occurred on his birthday on July 19 and was accompanied by numerous healing of patients. Holy relics were transferred to a specially made tomb - cancer.

Icon "Templement" and the non-relics of the saint are stored in the Diveev monastery.

The icon of St. Seraphim "Uming" is revered not only in the Orthodox medium, but also in Catholic. This righteous revealed an example of a genuine Christian life in Christ, and a three-time wonderful phenomenon of Our Lady and salvation from deaths from deaths is a confirmation of his true Christian virtue.

For the worship of the icon and holy relics, believers are coming not only from Russia, but from other countries. In the old new year, the believers visit the Diveevsky monastery to go through the groove along the groove of the Virgin and read 150 times "Virgin Delo, rejoice." Orthodox washed in the holy source and receive healing.

What are the saint:

  • about spiritual dispensation and termination of mental suffering;
  • about choosing the right life path;
  • about victory over pride and despair;
  • about healing from serious diseases;
  • about the meeting of the narrowed and blessed wedding;
  • about promoting business and trade.

During mental torment, the devil can easily master the devil, so it is very important to ask for help for help to Rev. Seraphim Swarovski so that he helps to get rid of sadness and despondency. The world in the soul will not be able to defeat the devil, the human enemy is powerless against repentance and humility.

What is the right life path? This ministry to the Lord. It is not necessary to go to the monastery, you can serve the Lord and in everyday life - prayer and post. Seraphim Sarovsky helps those who stumbled and leads unrighteous life.

Saint Seraphim

Despair and pride are two mortal sins that will lead the soul to hell. The holy elder helps to get rid of them a prayer for the Lord.

The Holy Older pray and good work, a decent salary and conduct of their own business. Those who seek the godly ways to provide their seven with everything necessary, the Saint Seraphim will not refuse to help.

Healing from severe illness is one of the main requests to holy. During his lifetime, he saved patients and a weak hot prayer to the Virgin, who raised him three times with the Mortal Odra. Special assistance from the saint - in getting rid of diseases of feet and internal organs.

Also, Saint Seraphim helps in family matters: strengthens the married union and helps to find the narrowed. Therefore, it is often treated with a prayer request young girls and wedding wives.

On a note! Days of memory of the St. Seraphim of Sarovsky - January 15 and August 1.

In January, they remember the blessed death of the Rev., and in August, he wore the day of gaining non-relics.

Prayer for marriage and happiness married:

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Prayer about healing:

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Prayer for help:

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Seraphim Sarovsky: biography, icon, what helps 3375_8

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