Red: value in psychology and medical practice


Everyone knows about a rag for a bull: the red color provokes aggression. But also this shade is associated with heat, no wonder infrared warming rays is also red. Studies of the impact of these vibrations per person were carried out throughout the 20th century and continue to this day.

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of red, so they treated rubella and measles with the help of tissues of the corresponding shade. As a child, I remembered the moment when the younger sister was sick with a cant: Mom hung in her room the curtains of scarlet. It is believed that it helps to recover soon. In the article, I will tell you about the peculiarities of this shade and how it affects the behavior and character of a person.

Color perception

What is color? This is a certain frequency energy having a wave nature and a predetermined wavelength. Radiation red is the longest wave (780 nm), this shade is literally oversaturated with energy. Therefore, the fiery and scarlet tone has a very strong impact on the psyche and human body.

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Red: value in psychology and medical practice 3387_1

Red vibration attract attention, and the fiery shade of the fire hypnotizes and fascinates. Prehistoric people were familiar with this tint: it is found in rock painting. Nowadays, some African tribes still cover their bodies with fire-red powder: some use it for beauty, others for ritual purposes.

Red perception: violent, warming, warm, burning, exciting sexual desire.

In ancient times, this color was considered a symbol of courage and fearlessness, no wonder the Planet of Warriors Mars was associated with him. In Western Europe, the fiery shade was considered a symbol of power and will. In Egypt, this color was considered sacred, clothes and shoes of the fiery shade had the right to wear only representatives of the highest estate and members of the imperial dynasty.

In the ancient Slavs, the red tint also had a special ritual meaning. For example, the bride's dress should have been red. In Christianity, this color symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ and atoning blood.

Modern researchers of color radiation on the human body proved that this color has a strong effect on the peripheral nervous system, and through it and the internal organs of the body. This radiation has a special effect on the blood and cordially vascular system. Doctors recognized the beneficial effects of red shade on sick cute, scarletin, neuralgia, anemia and some skin species.

Experiments with a person's room in a room in red-brown tones showed the following results:

  • raising blood pressure;
  • Pulse care;
  • Increase body temperature.

This tint also affects the production of salivary fluid, which entails an increase in appetite. However, a person cannot enjoy the taste of food, but begins to absorb the proposed dishes with greed. After that, he seeks to finish as soon as possible with the meal and hurry to leave the room: he needs active activity. Isn't that restaurant owners like to interior all sorts of shades of red?

Red symbolizes


What symbolizes the red color, what is the association? Each people and each generation has a special symbolism and perception of the color scheme. However, red has an incredit symbolism, which is associated with aggression, blood and war.

Also since ancient times, this color was associated with sexual energy, no wedding dresses of Slavs were a red shade. Sexy energy is directly related to a sense of love and continuation of life on Earth, so the red tones were perceived as life-affirming.

On a note! Wedding traditions of many nations on Earth are associated with fiery color.

Strangely enough, but this color causes the most controversial associations. It is at the same time a symbol of love and rage, vitality and sacrifice. This tone causes contradictory feelings: beauty and disgust, completeness of being and death.

The fire can be lit interest and promote full emotional burnout. Raspberry tone causes the abundance association and the completeness of life, but at the same time it symbolizes the impulsivity and unpredictability of reactions.

Meaning in psychology

What does the red color mean in psychology? This shade is successfully used for color therapy, although in official medicine, this practice has not received recognition. The shade has so much effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person that it should be extremely careful to apply it in sessions of psychotherapy. This tone has the strongest influence on the emotional sphere of man, namely, on the processes of excitation and braking. "Hot" shades lead the psyche into active state.

The effect of fiery tone on the psyche is accompanied by:

  • aggression, quick-tempered, irritability;
  • an increase in the activity and tone of the body;
  • improving the performance and productivity of labor activity.

However, the positive effect of the red shade on the psyche is short-term, and a sense of fatigue and mental exhaustion appears for increasing the vital tone. Also, fiery color symbolizes the danger, since it is subconsciously compared with a flaming flame.

On a note! Higher animals demonstrate similar with human psycho-emotional reactions to red color shades.

Who chooses this hue to whom does he like better? It is believed that this is the color of leaders, active and energetic people. They are inherent in such qualities as cruelty, self-confidence and the extreme degree of egoism. Also, this color is chosen to emphasize their sexuality and attract the attention of a potential partner (red lipstick on the lips).

red in psychology

This is a shade of various types of adventurers who are constantly looking for adventures. To sit in one place is boring, so the thought of new impressions does not give rest. Also, the fiery tone is associated with optimistic people who believe in miracles (the film "Scarlet Sails").

Character of people who like red:

  • leader;
  • domineering;
  • hot-tempered;
  • extreme egoist;
  • adventurer;
  • optimist;
  • communicative;
  • hot-tempered;
  • vigorous;
  • sexual.

People who do not like this shade are distinguished by:

  • insecurity;
  • a tendency to solitude, closedness;
  • Peacefully loving and innovable character.

It happens that a fiery shade broke out a man. This may indicate a negative experience, for example, violence.


In what cases can this color come to the rescue? For example, meditation on red or wardrobe elements in burgundy or crimson tones will help increase self-esteem (remember the raspberry jackets?) And become more confident in their abilities.

Red helps:

  • Remove fatigue, increase the tone;
  • reveal talents and opportunities;
  • development of erythrocytes with anemia;
  • when disgraced - increases the degree of optimism;
  • in the absence of appetite;
  • with low libido;
  • With training - protects joints and muscles from injuries.

It should be remembered that the excess of red tires, provokes the attacks of migraine and causes an unmotivated aggression.


Red in clothing and interior

Some people love clothes in red colors and shades - from the scarlet to the dark tone of the burgundy and cherry. What does this preference mean? Psychologists argue that such a person seeks to attract attention and always be in sight. It is distinguished by courage, self-confidence and determination. Lovers of wine shades are never sad, in any situation there are leadership qualities and seek to manage events.

On a note! Avoid scarlet and fiery shades in clothing and accessories when working on a job. These tones can cause unmotivated aggression towards you.

The muffled shades of the red in the interior create an atmosphere of heat and comfort. Everyone since childhood is familiar to the burgundy and cherry velvet curtain on the stage of the theater, it is associated with a rich cozy atmosphere. In addition, dense fabric in the interior muffles the sounds than and creates a feeling of a soft cozy atmosphere. This tone is well suited for the kitchen, hallway or work office.

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