Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat


What symbols used the ancient Slavs to designate numbers? In the counting system, our ancestors used the letters of the alphabet of Cyrillic or verbs, as was taken from the ancient Greeks and other peoples. Roman numbers were used in Western culture, but they used Catholics.

Rus was ideally connected with Byzantium, so used an alphabetic cyphyry to record dates and numbering. My brother began to study numerology and hematosis, so he was interested in the old Slavonic numbers and writing them. In the article, I will tell you what letters of the alphabet used to record numbers and how our ancestors recorded comprehensive numbers - from thousand and higher.

Old Slavonic numbers

Literal cyphyr

To distinguish the figure from the letter corresponding to it, we used a special icon - Title. This icon drew over the letters, it looked like a wavy line. If the letter wrote without title, it denoted the sound, and if the wavy line appeared on top - read as a figure.

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The method of applying title for the designation of numbers was transferred to the Slavs Kirill and Methodius, which created the Slavic alphabet based on Greek. Have the meanings of sharp and rounded edges of Title? This is only a question of calligraphy that does not bear the semantic load. Both variants are correct.

Table of compliance of Slavic letters of numbers and numbers:

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_2

However, not all letters of the alphabet used for the numbering. For example, the letters "F" and "B" for calculus were not applied. Ignoring certain sounds due to the lack of them in the Greek alphabet: for Cyril and Methodius, these sounds were unusual.

On a note! In the old days, the numbering began with a unit, and not from scratch.

Unambiguous numbers were recorded by one letter two-digit - two.

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_3
Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_4

The following characters used to designate dozens:

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_5

Hundreds were indicated like this:

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_6

If it was necessary to record a complex number of three or more digits, used several letters under common title. If it was necessary to designate numbers exceeding the number 10,000, other signs and notation were used:

  • The letter AZ in the Circle indicated 10,000 (Darkness);
  • The letter AZ in the circle dots denoted the Legion - 100,000;
  • The letter AZ in the circle of commas marked Leodr (Million).

Sometimes the image of the components had to be memorabted by heart, which gave a lot of problems to students of church parish schools.

The picture shows the writing of large numbers in the Slavic version:

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_7

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_8

Another designation existed - a chill. It indicated trillions.

Figures from letters were separated by points. Sometimes the point stood between the numbers themselves to separate one from the other (Ts.I.F.R.A.).

Slavic numbers

Where used

Writing numbers with letters can be found in the ancient documents, on coins. For example, the numbers are clearly visible on the coins of the era of Peter the first, they minted until 1723. Now these coins are rare and are in private collections and museums.

Church-Slavic numbers:

Old Slavonic numbers of Dopererovsky Times: Live Cat 3393_10

The pisari of the tsarist era should have been owned not only by the knowledge of the alphabet, but also to know all the difficult numbers from the letters and the rules for writing them. Special difficulty represented the spell writing. For ordinary people, knowledge of this level was inaccessible.

It is noteworthy that this numbering is used and understood as part of the Church Slavonic language in seven Orthodox churches. There is no zero and negative numbers in this system. Our ancestors believed that Zero symbolizes primitive chaos, when the earth was not yet created. Therefore, this number was not considered reasonable and rational.

On a note! For arithmetic action of addition and subtraction, special accounting chambers of Abaki used. They resembled wooden scores that were used by cashiers and accountants in the 20th century.

Digital use of letters opens up wide horizons for hematodes and numerology than and the Jewish scientists of Kabbalists were engaged. The digital equivalent of the word was viewed from the mystical side and had already sacred meaning and meaning.

However, after Peter's reforms of the first, alphabetic cyphyr was replaced by the Arabic figures that we use to this day. This more convenient writing is all over the world.

Images of Old Slavonic letters

Each letter of the Old Slavonic language broke the meaning of any image. It resembles a Far Eastern way of thinking, only in the Slavic and Greek version, the recording of images was much easier and expressed in one icon or a wand instead of a complex system of hieroglyphs.

Images of letters and numbers:

  • 1 - Az - one, one;
  • 2 - lead;
  • 3 - verbs;
  • 4 - good;
  • 5 - there;
  • 6 - jelo;
  • 7 - Earth;
  • 8 - axis of the world;
  • 9 - Fita.

The unit is the number of god Svarog. This is the point of reference from which the world occurred. Until now, we use in everyday life to "join" in the meaning of something to do. For information, the Scandinavian peoples call the Supreme God-creator with the name of one (emphasis on "O").

Figure 2 indicated the Outdoor World Navi: 1 + 1 = 2. This number expressed contact with the world of ancestors, from where people had a knowledge of knowledge.

The figure 3 expressed the idea of ​​development, as well as human mediation between the worlds of Javi and Rights. Three atoms that make up the water molecule express the idea of ​​life on Earth.

Figure 4 expresses the idea of ​​the Earth, the foundations of the foundations, balance. This is 4 sides of the world.

The figure 5 expresses the idea of ​​a person, his dimension: 5 fingers on their hands and legs, 5 limbs, 5 senses.

Figure 6 - the idea of ​​health, symbol of the crystal lattice of water. Water cleans and heals.

Figure 7 is a planetary idea. In the solar system 7 planets, 7 musical sounds, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days of the week. This is a sacred number associated with the cosmic idea.

Figure 8 symbolizes infinity, universe, the axis of the world. This is a symbol of wealth, abundance and well-being.

The figure 9 is associated with death, since it symbolizes the transition state: 9 = 1 + 8 (welw and infinity). It is believed that on the ninth day after the death of the soul leaves the body.

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