Names in the sacnesses for boys and girls: the rules of choice


The birth of a new family member always makes parents get lost in doubt how to name their child. As a rule, people choose the names that they are pretty or numbered by a child in honor of someone from relatives / famous people.

Such actions are not disabilities for Orthodox believers, as they choose the names of the saints for the kid. What is the sacnesses and how to choose a name for a newborn in them - we will talk about it in this material.

How to call a child for a church calendar

What is Saints

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Saints (or church month) is a church publication, which includes a list of all the holy individuals and days of the reverence of their memory. Sometimes the sides also contain some religious texts.

In Orthodox Months, there are many male and female names. Some of them are outdated, while others are actively applied to today.

Orthodox sacraticles offer the names of the righteous of various ranks, for example:

  • prophets;
  • apostles;
  • blissful;
  • holy martyrs;
  • yurody;
  • Reverend.

An important nuance. The name plays a very important role in the life of its owner. It does not simply personalize a person, but also provides an overview of its characteristic properties in brief form.

Therefore, all names have their own meanings. For example, the name Adam denotes the "first person; The one who has become the progenitor of mankind. " And Eve means "a woman who gives life."

When Christianity became a popular world religion, the Israeli variants of names began to be used. If you read the Bible, you will find that the Lord himself distributed different names with their characteristics. For example, the value of the name of Simon "heard Most High". Or the name of Peter means "stone".

In the Orthodox tradition, it is supposed to take the church name from the siblings after the ritual of baptism (even if this action was not in childhood, but in adulthood).

Why do you need to squander for church calendar

Orthodox believe that giving the newborn the name of the Holy Human, they thereby provide the child to his constant support. This saint will become a heavenly patron, who throughout life will protect his ward from different misfortunes, adversity and difficulties.

And it will also invisibly lead it to the light, send different signs that will help him go on the right road, protects against many errors.

Guardian angel

How to make the right choice of the name of the sacnesses

Many people are confused in the concepts of "Birthday" and "Name Day", do not see the difference between them. In fact, it is and very significant:
  • Birthday is the date when a person appeared;
  • Name Day - a day of reading the memory of that holy personality whose name is the individual.

Otherwise, the name day is also called the "Day of Angel" or "TezoMenitism". In more than a long-standing time, the birthday day usually coincided with the day of the name, but now the situation has changed dramatically. Although some people still celebrate two events on the same day.

"How to call a child for a church calendar?" - The question is quite complicated, because it contains about 1700 different names. And a lot of them have long been outdated, in the modern world they will look ridiculous and ridiculous. For example, options such as MNASEN, PIs or Kurdouva.

Therefore, so as not to guess, follow these recommendations:

  1. When choosing names to shatties for boys and girls, first of all, focus on the date of the kid. And then watch which name is offered for this particular date in church month. For example, a girl who born on January 18 can be called Evgenia, Polina or Tatiana. But only one name is offered to other dates, as, let's say, the baby, born on January 16, comes on the sacnesses of Irina.
  2. In the event that the boy appeared on the light, and the sacraticles on this date have only female names, it is allowed to view options for a few days. Orthodox priests are allowed to act as well, even if you simply do not like the proposed names.
  3. Be very careful in choosing a church name, because in the future it will not be changed (unlike the usual, worldly). As an exclusion from the rules, it is possible to name only cases when a person changes religion or receives monastic stop.
  4. Recently, there has been a popular tendency to call a child with double names: the first of them is worldly, and the second is church. The father do not forbid it at all, but give advice to both behalf as closest in sound as possible.
  5. In the event that the memory of the Holy Personality, on the day of which your child was born, it is honored only a few days a year, then during the day of the angel, the next birthdays are taken after a birthday.

An important nuance. It is not recommended to impose a child in honor of the great martyrs so that they are also not forced to suffer all their life, experience various deprivation.

Objects of the Church Calendar

Next I suggest you to find out how in Orthodoxy it is recommended to call a boy, and as a girl, depending on the date of appearance.

Sacts women names

Parents of girls are experiencing more difficulties with the choice of name than parents of boys. After all, I want to call your baby beautifully, so that in the future she has not experienced problems in society. Very often, the future mother also came up with a few harmful variants of names that dream of making their daughter.

But the sacraticles of female can offer a completely different name, not the fact that you will like it, maybe it will generally cause extremely unpleasant emotions. What to do in this case?

In fact, problems as such is not here: Choose for my daughter 2 name, one of which will be a passport, domestic, and the second - will be used only for spiritual life. Even the clergymen suggest that many great saints had several names: the first received at birth, and the second they were made to the sacrament of baptism.

how to call a daughter across the soles

As an example, I will give Prince Vladimir the Great, who, after a dedication to the Christian faith, became Vasily. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry much because of the choice of the baptismal name for the girl across the sacnesses.

Just consider such moments:

  1. You can call a daughter with the name of the holy intercession, which is remembered directly on the birthday of the girl.
  2. Also allowed the name of those saints that they remember 8 and 40 days from the date of appearance.

Where did the numbers 8 and 40 come from? There is a very logical explanation here: according to Christian traditions, 8 days - known as the "day of adherents". Then it is supposed to choose a name for a newborn family member.

And the Orthodox believe that throughout the first 40 days after childbirth and the new mom, and the baby are very vulnerable, since there is no protection over. But by 40 days they should be sent to the church, where the ritual of baptism will be held with the subsequent attitudes towards the child a specific Holy Personality.

Women's names for church nameslors for months: examples

In the process of selecting the right Orthodox female names according to the Saints, it is also important to know their exact value. Indeed, in the bulk of its mass, the outstanding chores belonged to the male sex, and the famous representatives of weak gender in Orthodoxy were not so much.

You can focus on the most suitable names for women depending on the month of appearance. I suggest below to explore the calendar of female names by date of birth.

  • For January girls, such names are recommended: Anastasia and Julia. Anastasia - A variant of a simple and fairly frantic name, which combines reliability and ease at the same time. A Yuliya - Promises to be a restless, very sociable special, which will not be content with what has been striving to conquer new and new peaks.
  • February birthdaynas are decisive and lucky, the names are suitable for soles Inna, Sofia, Vasilisa and Marina.
  • March Elena, Natalia, Nina, Marina and Hope Have a rich fantasy, differ in mind, as well as a huge inner force.
  • Born in April. Irina, Eva, Vasilisa or Daria It will become incredibly targetful special, which has an enviable energy potential.
  • The same girls who are born in May, the Orthodox Month recommended to give names Alla, Tamara, Mary and Zoe . The energy of listed names contributes to getting rid of such negative qualities as stubbornness, impatience. Plus will make its owners with large optimists who do not lose inner harmony under any external circumstances.
  • Born in June fit names Anna, Valeria and sharks . Such a birthdaynance will grow incredibly decisive, brave, will be able to find a solution even in the most difficult situations.
  • July babes in the church calendar should be imposed Elena, Margaritis and Angelin . They are inherent in great sensuality, kindness and impressionability, and also - determination and stubbornness in achieving the goals.
  • August girls get names Svetlana, Ulyana and Christina . By nature, they protrude with small leaders, very freedom-loving, have developed intellect, greater insight, a lot in life is achieved by their own.
  • Born in September Irina, Veronica and Taisiya It is distinguished by purposefulness, dilapidation and peace-loving character.
  • Birthdays of October Preferably Gratows, Mariannes, Irina and Taisi . Such girls can control their emotions, have a bright mind and incredible moral stability.
  • For those who appeared in November, names are suitable Anastasia, Neonilla, Alena, Nelli and Natalia who will add more determination, purposefulness to their owners. And thanks to the listed qualities, they will be able to achieve significant vitality.
  • December girls are very honest, calm, but straightforward. They are suitable name Marina, Catherine or Anfisa.

Sacts Men's names

The strong floor is in the best position, since male names for the church calendar are more numerous and diverse than women's. Accordingly, the boy is not much difficult to call the boy. In addition, it should be noted that a year often there are several dates for the memory of the same saint.

When parents use men's sacraticles, choosing a name from there for a newborn heir, then they want the chosen saint in every way to protect the child from any problems. And also produced in the kid typically male character qualities: courage, determination, ability to take responsibility and so on.

how to call the son in saint

You can seek help with a choice directly to the priest, which will perform the sacrament of baptism or make a name independently across the soles.

Also in Christianity there are names used on specific months of the year. Pay attention to them, it will also significantly simplify the choice.

  • January chambers for church monthly commemorative names Ilya and Grigory.
  • February birthday women will feel comfortable if they are called Julia, Vladimir, George or Ivan.
  • Those kids who appeared in March, the names are most suitable for soles Ivan and Kirill.
  • For boys born in April, it is worth stopping their choice in the following name: Sergey and Vasily.
  • May kids, according to clergy, most suitable names Grigory and Nikita.
  • Names Dmitry and Paul Most often given to the kids that appeared in June.
  • For the July birthday names will be suitable options Gleb and Nikolai.
  • Seeing white light in the last summer month, numb Anton or Makarai.
  • Boys of September worth calling Stepanov and Andrei.
  • For the birthday days of October, the most successful names will be Mikhail and Rodion..
  • And November boys often become church month George and Leonidami.
  • December is best suited for men's names Roman and Matthew.

Of course, the names for boys and girls listed above are only approximate samples of the recommended church. And you can more accurately call the baby if you open the siblings for a specific number of any month. Or, if desired, you can ask the priest to offer the most acceptable options for names.

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