Mercury in Aquarius in a woman and a man in a horoscope


Mercury is although the most miniature planet in the entire solar system, but it is of great importance in the life of the NATIV. So on Mercury is determined by intelligence, logic, curiousness, communication skills, the ability to establish links with the surrounding people.

The house and the sign in which the planet is in the horoscope is strongly affected by its characteristics. I propose to learn the manifestations today, which has Mercury in Aquarius.

Mercury in aquare

Mercury in the constellation Aquarius: features

If a person has a weak Mercury, he will not fully show all his natural talents, it will be difficult for him to achieve success, express his personality. However, such a completely does not threaten the owners of Mercury into aquare, because this provision (in exaltation) is considered fairly strong.

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NATIV - Falsemen, freely sets out his thoughts, is able to offer ingenious ideas, has innovative thinking. Thanks to this, he can create innovative technical projects, he is considered a valuable specialist. Often sells his talents abroad.

In Mercury, a man has a unique voice in aquarium, which sounds frantically through the means of communication (telephone, radio, Skype) than in life. Therefore, he is perfectly fits the profession of radio leading, commentator.

In addition to positive, there are a number of negative points of such a position:

  • Betting often seriously ahead of his time, in connection with which he remains incomprehensible to many;
  • He can even consider crazy or fantasy.

From time to time, such an individual needs to be grounded and revising their ideas, if, of course, it does not want to make all around them. Alas, but to be incomprehensible - the lot and solar water and owners of Mercury in this constellation.

Often they

What other typical uranial features give the planet of intelligence visiting uranium?

  • NATIV adores communication, with ease establishes new acquaintances;
  • has a developed sixth sense;
  • knows how to joke well;
  • Prefers to perform work in a friendly team than to work in proud loneliness over the new project;
  • Perfectly understands psychology, it can be professionally implemented in this path;
  • His ideas are designed to make the life of low social layers of society, those who depress;
  • Love and marriage uzam prefer a friendly relationship, but in the first place they always have a career and friends;
  • They cannot be called very faithful, rather they choose free love;
  • Adore travels, they receive real pleasure from exchanging emotions with interesting creative personalities;
  • Mercurian aquaries are fully concentrated on the future, which is often often neglecting by family traditions, do not value related relations with the elders;
  • But they find a common language with the peers of the sisters and brothers;
  • They are strongly oppressed by any restrictions;
  • Explain objectivity, impartiality when it is required to take a vital decision.

It is possible to argue with all confidence that the owner of Mercury to Aquarius lives in another world: a world filled with a large spectrum of colors, brightness. But at the same time it is not difficult for him to close his eyes on other people's slabs that he wants to receive and in response.

In a man

The MCH with the Mercury under consideration has the following typical features of character:

  1. He is sincere, always prefers to tell the truth.
  2. I do not agree with the values ​​established in society (in particular, with the concept of traditional marriage).
  3. Makes a good career, as he helps a sharp mind, eloquence and artistic data.
  4. Such a man does not suffer from lack of funds. True, he will not spend them on domestic needs, but it buys something unique, rare - for example, a masterpiece of a famous painter.
  5. It needs a girl-holiday with a similar worldview, which serious things prefers extreme entertainment.
  6. It cannot be called Empath, because he is completely inclined to sympathy, empathy. Most of all his own interests.

He needs a holiday girl

In woman

As for the fair sex, whose Mercury fell as a sign of Aquarius, it is easy to find out at the following characteristics:

  1. It acts as a born optimist, has a magnificent sense of humor.
  2. Easily establishes relationships with people. And it does not matter, to which social layer or intellectual level includes a source.
  3. Communication, erudition and communication helps it become successful.
  4. Often it is attracted to such disciplines as astrology, psychological programs for human management, magic.
  5. For life, she needs a man with the same non-standard hobby. But it will not be too interested in his money. The main thing is to have to talk about, as well as to ensure that a partner provides her personal freedom.

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