Islamic dream book: Interpretation of dreams in the Quran and Sunna


To solve the mysterious world of night spern, representatives of any religious denominations have always strived. Muslims are no exception to the rules. On the contrary, in the culture of Islam Dreams are perceived as something sacral, holy, which is worth paying increased attention.

I suggest in this material to consider all the features that Islamic dream book: what are the types of dreams and how to properly interpret their dreams with it.

Islamic dream book

Dreams in the culture of Muslims

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If in our, Slavic culture in the collection collections, as a rule, the Association method is used, the Muslim Dream Interpretation is built in a completely different principle. So, the adherents of Islam, when the night feces decrypt, rest on the most important edition - that is, the sacred coran.

And they do not have much importance to the personal sensations of a person from the seen sleep, since Muslims completely trust the interpretations of dreams of the Great Prophet. Trying to understand the description of this either of a different dream, they first will be taken to the sacred book.

And the process of faithful interpretation of the night dreams is of great importance in Islam and there is an objective reason: correctly solving the meaning of the meaning in a dream, a person will be able to choose a loyal fork in life, thereby defending himself from sinfulness. In addition, it will be facilitated by the understanding of the current situation.

In the culture of Arabs there are several collections of dream interpretations. However, most of them did not gain serious popularity. Today, only one meeting of dreams can be called, which every self-respecting Muslim must have at home is the Islamic dream book on the Qur'an and Sunna.

Dream Muslims on the Qur'an is based not just on information from the Holy Scriptures. It also includes written works written by famous Persian thinkers, as well as data from the Encyclopedia Muslims "Meeting of Knowledge".

In addition, in Islam, the dream book included works belonging to Abdul Kerim and Rakhmetullha. These names belong to two dreams, which were written in 1891 in Persian. Additionally, when deciphering night visions, Islam adherents sometimes open a hobnaya, written by the famous Islamic scientist Imam Mohammed.

Why did the dream book on the Qur'an and Sunne become the most popular with Arabs? There are several objective reasons for that:

  1. First, it offers a large list of dreams with their detailed decoding.
  2. Secondly, there are many guidelines in the dreams that help properly analyze all the details of sleep.
  3. And, thirdly, a large number of examples of prophetic dreams are offered.

The book will provide great help to all those who wish to correctly interpret the information of their subconscious, coming in the form of night sper. And it will also be suitable for anyone who wants to sort out the psychological population of the Muslim Faith.

An interesting nuance. In Islam, interpret dreams - this is a kind of special science. And this art is available only for selected, those who have extensive experience and enjoys universal confidence.

Islamic dream book relies on the Quran

Muslim dream book on the Qur'an and Sunna: Distinctive features

The followers of the Grand Prophet are convinced that only a deeply religious person can see a meaning of a dream. To do this, all postulates of the Quran should be observed, without breaking any of his law, lead the most righteous life.

Muslims themselves are more than serious. They believe in the fact that in the dream Allah sends the soul of sleeping various tips, signs, tips. And it is very important to be able to correctly interpret the meaning of the message to make the correct conclusions from it.

But then, as one people are dreaming enough, detailed visions, others are forced to resort to the help of dreams to navigate in the misty hints of the Most High.

What characteristic features is the Islamic interpreter of the night fellow (differently - the Tafsir dreams)?

  • According to him, dreams - protruding Allah prophecies;
  • In all of them, a clear religious meaning is traced;
  • Interpretation of sleep images occurs, pushing away from the sacred Quran;
  • Unlike the usual dream meetings, Muslim dream interpretation from A to Z: Initially, the characteristics of a person always go, and then all other creatures have always follow;
  • Arabs believe that the dream, seen in the afternoon, much more truthful than the one that he was in view at night;
  • Dreams are interpreted from the position of elementary logic: if you saw a predatory animal in a dream - it means there is a threat of danger; The angel's chalitis - wait for important news and so on;
  • Visions come true in life depending on how they were decrypted.

Varieties of night gender

In total, 3 categories of dreams are allocated in Muslim dream book, namely:

  1. dreams are good (usually dreamed of righteous people);
  2. Dreams are bad, causing uncomfortable sensations;
  3. Dreams based on those actions that dreams made in reality.

Let's now understand all these feces in more detail.

Good dreams - They are sent to the Most High as a reward for the righteous life and adherence to all the rules of the Quran. Everyone who dreams only good dreams should constantly pay prayers, especially before falling asleep. According to Sacred Scripture, the first righteous who saw a good dream was Adam. In a dream, his future wife appeared - Eve.

Bad dreams People sends Shaitan (that is, the devil in the Muslim faith). Then the dreams suffer from nightmares either come vision devoid of common sense. The goal of such angry is to make fun of a person or seduce him to commit sinful acts.

An interesting nuance. In order to protect yourself from bad dreams, the adherents of Islam do not eat anything overnight, and also try to remove all obscene thoughts from the head.

Last variety of dreams It has a direct connection with the real life of a person, with those actions that he performs daily. For example, young mommy can see himself taking care of her kids, and the shoemaker - to see how he repairs shoes.

Depending on what kind of sleep was breeding, his subsequent actions after awakening will be dependent.

Muslim buildings photo

If there was a place Good dream You will need to do the following:

  • We sincerely thank the Most High for a positive vision;
  • Correctly interpret the meaning of the seen, because it is a competent decoding will help you to materialize in life;
  • I sincerely rejoice in the fact that pleasant incidents will occur in life;
  • You can tell the plot of dreams, but only to those people to whom the dreams wishes good. All others should not be devoted to their nights.

What concerns Eastern SNO in, then the scheme of action is changing:

  • Waking up, you need to raise the prayer to Allah, asking for the effects of evil forces;
  • 3 times repeat the prayer of the Most High, begging to save the dream from the Shaitan;
  • spit three times through the left shoulder;
  • turn in bed from one side to another, depending on what side you slept;
  • It is recommended to make Namaz (five-time daily Muslim prayer);
  • Nobody talk about what was seen;
  • Do not deal with deciphering a bad vision, even to personally receive information.

Islamic dream book: interpretation of dreams as happens

Interpretation of dreams on the Quran is a very important process, during which a number of recommendations should be taken into account. What should be the actions awakened?
  1. The first thing to install, which group of visions includes your (good, bad, realistic).
  2. Make the main sleep line, highlight the main images, throwing down the secondary moments towards the direction. Here you may encounter the most great difficulties, so be very careful to be able to understand whether you have predicted the future or warning from trouble.
  3. Perform decipheres of selected images from a dream using Islamic dream interpretation.

An interesting nuance. If your vision is not included in any of the categories given, you can not try to interpret it. To get too big to get confused, so the most reasonable thing - just forget this dream.

The Islamic dream book on the Qur'an is different from others

As you probably managed to notice, the Arab dream book has serious differences with the bulk of similar editions. Below are 5 of its unique features.

  1. There is no accurate decoding of night sper. In the interpretation, it is necessary to navigate on the Quran and Sunnu, analyzing the images leading in the scriptures.
  2. The first who began to interpret the night feces with the help of the Quran, became the great prophet Mukhamad. It is he who owns the records of his own visions in which he highlighted various images, trying to understand their meaning.
  3. Muslims believe that sleep will symbolize something for a particular person, has a close relationship with his life, surroundings.
  4. It is believed that one dream can not be interchangeable.
  5. In Islamic dream interpretation there is no separation according to the alphabetic list. Here all visions are ordered depending on the degree of their significance in Muslim.
  6. Islamic dream book Interpretation of dreams on the sacred Koran often has significant differences from similar editions used by Europeans.

Dream Interpretation Muslims

Interesting moment. Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams Muslim is intended exclusively for adherents of Islamic faith and should only be used by them. All others will find him as an overwhelming and incomprehensible edition.

Way to think about a good sleep

According to the Quran and Sunna, it is unacceptable to tell anyone if you have chosen a bad dream. This belief is explained by Muslims as follows: allegedly, another great prophet taught people that the prediction from the dream will be embodied in reality only if you have to tell other people about it.

Accordingly, on the contrary - when the followers of the Prophet dream to be seen in the dream it became a reality, then they must share these information with their close surroundings.

In addition, in Islam, it is not recommended too attaching to the night grades, to interpret any dreams, even meaningless. And, of course, true Muslims will not use the Internet interpreters of the night trembling, since in the latter there is mainly unreliable information.

Muslim dream interpretation of dreams: examples

Consider several examples of deciphering dreams on Islamic dream book.

Angels. The winged Divine Creatures in the night - foreshadow serious changes. Moreover, these changes will be positive: maybe a person will recover after a serious illness, it is time for lack of money, something very good will happen.

Hell - On the contrary, tell about the nursing difficulties, tests, life deprivation.

Incense - foreshadow praise, glory, promise a person a prosperous and chaste life.

Storm - This symbol is interpreted based on the one who saw it: if the rich, then he will soon lose his condition, and if the beggar, then, on the contrary, the Almighty will provide him with prosperity.

Wood (His sheets) - associated with silver and gold coins.

Cat "If she scratched you, then it foreshadows a quick illness or extra concern."

Prayer - Greeting a pious person who lives on the prescriptions of the Quran and must continue in the same spirit.

Clouds - They characterize a certain king, boss or scientist who is very merciful, makes decent acts on the Qur'an.

A fish - The prevailing in a single or multiple copy promises an ambulance meeting with the future wife.

Dates - A good symbol that will tell about the increase in the property, the dreams will swim in sweet speeches.

Shcherbet "You will lead a pleasant conversation, you can comprehend science, welfare will increase.

Heck - seen in a dream the wicked spirit foreshadows an unpleasant event.

I - If the dreams in a dream uses poison, according to Muslim dream book, in reality he is very angry with something.

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