Saturn in Aquarius: implications for men and for women


Aquarius is the symbol of altruism and sacrifice feat in the name of the common good. This unique people who live for others and sometimes forget about their own family. They are the ones who give the last shirt of others, depriving their own children. We had a friend who gave his gloves to a friend, leaving their own frostbitten fingers without heat in the bitter cold. The remarkable position of Saturn in Aquarius, than these amazing people? Consider questions in the article.

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius: a general overview

This is one of the strongest positions of Saturn, which identifies the best qualities of their wards and reveals the best features inherent in the constellation Aquarius. Often, these people sacrifice personal interests for the common good. In spite of the difficult life journey full of trials Aquarius with Saturn in the natal chart not lose heart, and rush through the thorns to the stars -k cherished goal.

Outwardly they may look cold and indifferent, but you will constantly meet them in the midst of society events - they live for the benefit of others. They sacrifice for their goal is not only personal time, but also material goods.

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Positive aspects of the personality:

  • friendliness;
  • hard work;
  • altruism;
  • dedication;
  • insight;
  • intuition;
  • nobility;
  • powerful intellect.

But Aquarius is also inherent in the negative aspects of the personality, the design of which has successfully eliminated willpower and training.

The negative aspects of personality:

  • love of intrigue;
  • narcissism;
  • egocentrism;
  • extravagance;
  • pride;
  • dramatization of events.

On a note! If you violate the aspects of Saturn are insidious.

Aquarius with Saturn in the birth chart born to society and can not imagine themselves outside of society. At the lowest level, this manifests itself in providing possible assistance to everyone. At the highest level - is the leader of the revolutionary movement, the ascetic and the initiator of radical change for the benefit of all. It is easy to lose one's head for the benefit of people and close breast recess, like a sailor. Unfortunately, among the Saturnian Aquarius it had many utopians who have laid down their lives for the idea unrealistic.

Saturn in Aquarius in men

Saturn in Aquarius in men

This is a real intellectual, scientist and researcher. Many famous figures of Science Saturn is in Aquarius. These men always have the highest goal, to which they strive for all souls. Without higher ideals, they cannot exist, the animal level does not suit them at all.

This is the soul of the company, he can rally around himself like-minded people. In society, friends feels liberated, joking and tells a lot of jokes. These people have the gift of eloquence and are word masters.

In professional activities, seeks to work in large groups, and its efficiency directly depends on the friendly relationship of comrades and colleagues. Loves various collective projects and does not seek to engage in individual activities. These people go with their heads in a social ritual, sometimes forgetting to buy a milk to his own child.

The issue of material well-being in Saturnian Aquarius often remains unresolved until the end of life, because the main thing for them is the ideological orientation, although idealized beyond recognition.

Scope of professional skills: Engineering, Pedagogy, Business, Management, Marketing, Advertising, Personnel Department. Some representatives of this combination of planets go to politics, others implement themselves in public service. However, public success and recognition they will receive only with the successful location of the Sun and the Moon in the natal map.

Saturn in Aquarius in a woman

Saturn in Aquarius in a woman

These beautiful samarities are distinguished by strong will, hardworking and perseverance. They can work for the benefit of society without the shadow of doubt and fatigue. Aquarius have developed intuition, which gives an understanding of other people, which helps build contacts. Aquarius immediately see liars and fraudsters, because they themselves do not tolerate lies and hypocrisy.

These women demonstrate independence from someone else's opinions, differ in the courage of statements and a solid life position. They are independent in decision-making, responsible and prudent. Demonstrate the desire for personal growth, self-development and spiritual improvement.

Among negative qualities there is a commitment to disputes and conflicts, syradiability and despondency. They are so focused on their own experiences that they do not notice the feelings of other people. Because of the resentment, they can go to melancholy and make an elephant from fly. Egocentricity makes them find fault in other people and demand unreal, but they allow themselves to be allowed and seeing logs in their own eye.

Sometimes they feel so self-sufficient and perfect that they are not able to hear another point of view and recognize the right to exist different opinions from their worldview. However, the listed negative aspects of the individual can be reduced to zero by the classes of spiritual practices, if you put an appropriate goal.

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