Rodonit: Properties of a stone, who is suitable for the horoscope


Rhodonite refers to semi-precious stones and is a manganese silicate. In nature, there are gems of various shades of pink, raspberry and cherry with additives. What are the properties of the stone Rodonit, to whom it is suitable for the zodiac? My good friend literally saved her sons from the influence of a bad company with the help of chains with the Rodonite. It turns out that this pink stone is capable not only to defend its owner, but also to drive bad and unworthy people from him. The keys boys were kept constantly and wore them everywhere with them. What else is this mineral notic? I will tell you about it in the article.

Ringing the stone properties to whom

Description Rodonita

The gem of its name received for the similarity with the color of rose petals: in the Greek "Rhodes" indicates a "rose". For this mineral is characterized by pink color, but there are pebbles and other colors. The homeland of this gem is the Urals, it is here that the largest deposit of Rhodonite is located. But in Russia, this stone was named differently: pink spat or orlets. The name was determined by the fact that these pebbles were often found in the nests of Orlov.

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The belief was connected with this that the eagle specifically brings stones into the nest so that the Orlyata grown strong and healthy. The peasants also began to put pebbles into the cradle of their children, sincerely believing in their magical power. This belief is relevant and in our days, oddly enough.

The species of genontitis depending on the color:

  • cobalt orlets;
  • Foweland;
  • ribbon rodonitis;
  • Mourning Rodonit;
  • Bowstamit.

Cobalt Orlets. It has an attractive purple tint, this nugget was discovered in the Urals not so long ago.

Fowelerit distinguish brown and yellow splashes, Ribbon Rodonit It has brown or gray brushes in the form of strips. Mourning Rodonit Use for the manufacture of tombstones, this stone has a black color. Bustamites - Pink stone with black splashes.

Value has only one type of this unique gem - a translucent genonitis of brightly raspberry tone. It is with him who work jewelers. This gem can compete with ruby ​​on beauty, but it is cheaper at times. The poets compared the pink spat with morning gar, it looks so attractive.

Rhodonite varieties:

  • ruby swarth;
  • homogeneous pink;
  • woody (dendritic);
  • spotted;
  • Residential-spotted.

Ruby Schpat It is characterized by a homogeneous red tone without inclusions of other shades. This type of rhodonite in value is approaching precious stones, jewelry made out of it. These nuggets occur in nature very rarely, mainly in the Urals.

Pink Spate. - Also a rare copy. This stone is compared with the morning dawn, its price is quite high. It attracts the gaze with flickering translucent and gentle pink tint.

Pattern Woodsplita Reminded with a moss trunk of a tree or bizarre flowers. This mineral is used for clairvoyance sessions, trying to determine the picture of the future in the intricate pattern.

On a note! All species of Rhodonite need to be protected from moisture and sunlight.

Spotted (motley) swipe Contains many different impurities that determine the color. Sometimes in such a nugget impurities more than the mineral itself. Stone is used for finishing works. If it is well polished with a thin plate (centimeter thick) spotted spat, it will become completely transparent.

Residential-spotted pink spat Does not interest jewelers and stone masters due to fragility of the texture: it is impossible to work with it.

On a note! When buying gems and products from them, check the authenticity of the magnifying glass. Natural stones always have flaws that are absent in fakes and imitation.

In order not to acquire fake Rodonitis in scammers, you need to be able to distinguish natural stones from imitation. Plastic and glass imitation is much easier weighing than natural stone. Also, the fake from glass and plastic is quickly heated in the palms, in contrast to this mineral.

However, fake pebbles have their advantages: they can be worn to those whom Rodonit is not suitable for the horoscope. Skirfully made imitation looks expensive and beautiful in jewelry.

Stone Ringing Medical Properties

Medical properties

Mineral helps to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, so it is used as a wubble to help women. Also pebbles helps to get rid of infertility. Rodonitis is used in ophthalmology to prevent the pathologies of the visual apparatus and reduce vision: the stone is applied to the eyes.

Massage with rosary of pink spat helps when the nerve is infrained, and the contemplation of pebbles before bed helps to get rid of nightmarish dreams. You can also put a stone or decorate from it under the pillow.

Plove beads normalize the work of the thyroid gland with excessive production of hormones (hyperthyroidism). Mineral aligns not only the hormonal background, but also calms the nervous system.

If wearing rodonit in a handbag or in the pocket of clothes, it will protect from the flu epidemic.

stone rods magic properties and who comes

Magic properties

The pink color of the stone opens the prospect of improving the relationship between a man and a woman, he is also used in love magic to attract the second half and gaining the reciprocity of feelings. Stone reveals attractive character qualities and forms around a woman an aura of attractiveness and beauty. Pebbles are in pocket pockets or skirts for disclosing their sexuality.

Rodonitis is considered to be a stone inspiration, so it is widespread in a creative environment. Inspiration in the stone paint artists, actors, poets, musicians and writers.

On a note! Renonite and bracelet wear on his left hand.

Mages and sorcerers use a mineral to purify consciousness from unnecessary thoughts, it is widely used in meditative techniques. Pink spat helps harmonize the inner space of consciousness and establish a harmonious relationship with the outside world.

Rodonit is a stone of compassion and mercy.

If you constantly communicate with pink sphap, disturbing thoughts and nervous shipping disappear. This is a stone of pacification and inner peace. Also mineral helps to find a way out of the situation of any complexity and not to lower your hands.

The stone is looking for help from laziness: he is generously divided by its energy and pushes to active actions.

Parents should be aware that pebbles protect against the influence of bad people and companies. The keychain from the rhodonite for keys will play the role of reliable guard for a teenager, will take away from him unnecessary and unworthy friends.

Who fits

Compatibility with stone on the zodiac sign is very important, as any mineral has its own energy and is able to influence the person.

The energy of the stone is well combined with twins and scales aura. scales They may feel much more confident with the support of Rhodonite, it provides comfortable well-being. Gemini Mineral helps to assimilate a large amount of information, so it is indispensable for senior schoolchildren and students.

On a note! Stone categorically contraindicated signs Aries and Sagittarius . At a minimum guaranteed poor well-being.

The remaining signs can use Rhodonit in order to protect and love, only have to lay down with the energy of the stone. If you can meditate on Rhodonit daily for 15-20 minutes, you can enter it to trust.

However, astrominerologists warn that with the genonitis you need to contact not too often and the whole part of the clock on the day: its energy has a very strong impact on a person. But this does not apply to weights and twins: between them complete harmony.

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