How to like a girl in correspondence


In the modern world, many acquaintances occur on the Internet. And it is very important to be able to properly present yourself even through the monitor screen, so as not to make an incorrect impression that does not correspond to reality and cause sympathy.

How to like the girl on correspondence so that she wanted to go with you on a date?

How to like a girl in correspondence

Recommendations for the successful start of Internet communication with a girl

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Let's find out which major tips should be adhered to not get into the black list, but to fight an excellent stranger felt the skillful flirt on the Internet.

Make sure the girl is free

Perhaps the most basic, where to start. As a rule, this will not make much difficulty - it's enough to see the "marital status" graph in the social network or search for photos with the presence of a guy in the photo album.

Write competent

This is a vital rule that must be followed, unless you are going to conquer the cleaning lady at school. The rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation nobody canceled, but for some reason, many guys neglected by them during correspondence.

And it is very wonderful, because the messages like "bullshit", "How did Dila?", "Hello Defchonka" and the like of the normal girls immediately cause disgust and the only desire to give the textbook of the Russian language with an unlucky cavaller.

Explore her interests

For the most part, they lays out a lot of photos, pictures related to the sphere of their interests in the profile of social networks or on a dating site.

Girl behind a laptop

Having made a simple analysis of the information, the guy will immediately be able to create an approximate impression of a girl, understand what she lives and breathes, as he spends his free time, what movies / music / food prefers, of which worldview adheres to and so on.

It is possible that in something your interests will even coincide that it will be a pleasant bonus at the beginning of dating.

In case, there is no information about the hobby in the profile - you have a wonderful perhaps to personally ask, thereby starting the dialogue.

Create an attractive profile

What is the first to make a girl when you write a message to her? Of course, it will go to your page to view photos, familiarize yourself with your interests and understand whether it should answer you.

And, it means that you need to prepare very carefully:

  • Remove any photos with other girls, former, photos that exhibit you in an impartial light - drunk, where you look not the most aesthetic way;
  • Leave several high-quality photos where the face and figure is clearly visible and which fully correspond to reality;
  • Edit the Count of Interest - add real information about your worldview, hobby;
  • Do not forget to remove from the profile any pictures or photos with pornographic hints, obscene expressions - a very high probability that they will push the girl and she will not want to start communication.

Suppose you fulfilled all these tips. What to do next? Now we will find out.

Love on the Internet

How to like the girl on the correspondence of VK

Now the most interesting is to start communication. At the same time, the following advice offer to help guys.

  1. Try to start a non-bank dialogue Refusing standard phrases "Hello, how are you?" and the like. They are very beats, so strongly enjoyed fair sex representatives, which often they respond automatically negatively to messages of such a plan. Show a little more originality and you can stand out from the "gray mass" of the same type of fans, and this is a good start.
  2. Clean interest in her inner world (On the basis of recommendation 3 above), you can figure out and ask some interesting question so that the girl is interested in and joining the dialogue. For example, if the column of interest is "dancing" to ask something like: "What dances do you look more emotional - Latino-American or Eastern?". Ideally, the conversation will continue to take place by itself and acquires a relaxed character.
  3. Departs to answer the girls Not phrases "yes", "no", "I do not know", but to expanded to tell, give my opinion the situation. The main thing is not to start too much to "ship" it with its talents, achievements, to provide the necessary information was dosed.
  4. Be sincere and real. There is no point in trying to create an image of the "alpha-male" if you are not in fact. Sooner or later, the girl will know the truth and it is unlikely that she will like it. In addition, everyone has different tastes - someone like men "pitchings", and someone makes a bet on intellect or spiritual values. No wonder the old saying says that "for each product its own buyer."
  5. Do not be too intrusive in the correspondence, Do not wind your interlocutor of a bunch of text, but do not lead yourself too detached - ideally there should be a golden middle, when interest comes from both sides and the guy and the girl alternately support the conversation. It is unlikely that someone will like an endless alien monologue or, on the contrary, a real "interrogation with the addiction."
  6. Monitor words. It has already been written above, but it will not be superfluous to happen again - under the ban, Material words, as well as vulgar hints. They will tell the girl only about your uncompatory and concern and, believe me, most likely that she will prefer to stop correspondence and find a more cultural candidate. Unless it is looking for entertainment for one night, of course.
  7. It is appropriate to use emoticons. The girls are incredibly emotional creatures and they often use these little helpers in the correspondence to better express their emotions. You should not forget the guys either about smiley, otherwise communication may seem too "dry". After all, through the Internet, we do not fully understand how the person reacts, at the expense of which it is easy to make a mistake and make an incorrect impression.
  8. Also do not forget to take advantage of compliments But only when they are really relevant. A pile of a shown, insincere to be a flattery looks caking, causing thinking about the intellectual abilities of a guy or a man.
  9. Be on a positive. No one loves whining and losers - no guys nor a girl. Therefore, far from the best idea to ship the newly familiar familiar with its problems, fears or personal experiences. Leave them with you, at least at the initial stage of dating.
  10. Demonstrate a girl What she is not indifferent to you, caused your interest, you want to continue further communication with her. And best in life, because correspondence by correspondence, but you both still do not understand anything without a personal meeting. Therefore, you should not postpone it in a long box, and quickly invite an excellent stranger on a date.

In conclusion, I would like to add that today, perhaps, the lion's share of the couple meets through the Internet. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat virtual communication with frivolous, because who knows where the second half awaits you?

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