Stone Chrysolite: Properties to whom comes on the horoscope


Chrysolite refers to a group of semi-precious stones, but it is still called gold. From the Greek language, the word "chrysolite" is translated as "Golden Stone". This mystical transparent mineral is painted in various tones and halftone of green. Chrysolit came to Europe from Palestine, from where he brought the knights of the Crusaders. With the light of evening candles, Chrysolite reminded the emerald, for which it would be called the gold emerald. This stone decorated the crown of Russian emperors and the ring of Jewish high priests.

Chrysolite is so great that he is not lost even in the neighborhood with diamonds. And in the ancient witchcraft treatments, he is called a strong guard from evil spirits and black energy. Who comes up chrysolit and what are the properties of the stone? My neighbor, gem helps to conduct a business: all transactions are successfully and without deception from partners.

Chrysolit stone properties to whom is suitable

Description of gem

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This stone is constantly falling in diamond deposits, but the chrysolite independent fields was not found. Therefore, it causes persistent scientific interest among astrophysics, which are studying the heavenly meteorites. Gem production is carried out in Africa, Brazil, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. One of the largest deposits of Chrysolite is located in Arizona (USA). In Russia, chrysolites for jewelry produced in the Urals, in Yakutia and the Murmansk region.

Sometimes this gem is called Peridot and Olivin. But from them chrysitis is distinguished by a golden haze. Also for chrysolitis is characterized by one feature, which distinguishes it from all precious and semi-precious stones: it completely reveals his beauty with artificial lighting.

Unfortunately, fraudsters from Sri Lanka are trying to supply fake fakes from broken green glass, so you need to be able to distinguish a real gem of imitation. Chrisolite reveals himself well with artificial light, the rays of which play as if inside the gem. Holding pebbles in the palms, you can immediately distinguish the fake: the glass heats up in his hands, gem remains cool. Also chrisolite is characterized by high durability: it is impossible to scratch. But it is much more complicated to distinguish chrysolite from the emerald, it will take the help of a jeweler.

Stone care should be careful and neat. This gem does not tolerate the effects of household chemicals, shocks and temperature jumps. Astrominerologists do not advise to wear decorations with gems too often, especially in cold winter weather.

stone chrysolite magic properties and to whom

Magic properties

Chrysolit is valued among the magicians and sorcerers with its unique properties. As an overlap is in demand, a raw stone: it retains its natural qualities and individual energy. Last jewelry processing material for fabrics is little suitable, although it is also used. Chrysolite broadcasts the energy of the sun and air, so it is used as a mascot of good luck and amulet from the dark forces.

Coastal properties of chrysolite:

  • protection against damage and evil eye;
  • protection against energy vampirism;
  • Protection against failures and natural disasters.

Medieval magicians used chrysitis to call the spirits of the dead and appeal of the elements. No rite was held without chrysolite on the altar: it was believed that evil spirits did not carry his astral radiance and did not interfere with the ritual.

Warriors this gem helped to survive in battle. It was believed that the energy of the stone protects against enemy weapons and death in battle. Therefore, the ring with a stone was worn on the fingers of the left hand, which held the shield.

Also, the Golden Stone was attributed to the properties to identify the truth, so it was used in litigation to disclose false charges. Chrysolite appreciated and merchants, believing that he attracts good luck in trading. And today, astrominerologists recommend to wear jewelry with gems at the conclusion of risky contracts and transactions.

Gem has the ability to strengthen the attractiveness of its owner, so it is used to attract the opposite sex partner. This property will come in handy and those who wish to restore the broken social connections or simply like people: Chrysolit will help become charming and attractive.

But the Gem has one fad: he does not like to change the owners. Chrysolit recognizes one owner - the very first. It will not help the rest, but it will not be harmful: it will simply turn into a beautiful decoration. For this reason, you need to choose the unprocessed stone, which no one wore and did not handle.

Healing properties

Magic properties of stone Chrysolite and to whom it fits we looked at. What will help the gem in treating diseases? Stone helps relieve fatigue, restore nerves after stress and restore vision.

To eliminate neurological pains, you need to apply gem to the patient or wearing a decoration with a stone. To restore the visual function and slowing down vision slowdown, you need to look at pebbles daily for 30 minutes. The radiance of gems is beneficial on the visual nerve and the retina.

Chrysolite is used to stabilize blood pressure and eliminate arrhythmia. Phone water helps to remove toxic substances and metabolic products from the body. You can leave pebbles in the water for the night, but it is better to give water day. Modern lithotherapeuts recommend drinking water charged on chrysolite during the medium and flu epidemics: it strengthens the immune system.

Chrysolit stone properties to whom fit

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign

Astrominerologists believe that chrysitis is well combined with the energy of twins, weights, virgins, lions and fish. That is, its energy is combined with all the four elements of the universe - fire, water, earth and air.

Gemini Gem helps stabilize emotions and get rid of permanent droplets of mood and various affects. Lions and fish Pebbles will give the opportunity to change fate for the better and gain confidence in their own opportunities. Weighs Chrysolit helps to meet the soul mate and eliminates irrational fears.

Thanks to the energy chrysolite, Virgin He will learn to patiently refer to the disadvantages of others and perceive large amounts of information. Also chrysolite eliminates these picky groups from petty and excessive attention to detail.

On a note! Chrysolite contraindicated Scorpions, Cancer and Aquarius.

What to do other signs of zodiac constellations? Chrysolit will be able to become faithful assistant for them, just it will take much more time. To tame a stone and coordinate your energy with its energy, you will have to try. But in any case, the decoration with a gem looks great and able to give the charm to the representative of any sign of the zodiac.

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