Hematite stone: magic properties and to whom it fits


Beautiful stone with a cold metal glitter and red tide got its name because of the ability to paint water into the color of the blood. This feature of the mineral opened the Greek philosopher Teoflast back in 315 BC. NS. On the stones of the stone, it seemed to froze the blood traps frozen, so the stone was called the name of the bed in Russia. Consider the question of whom the hematite stone comes up and its magical properties.

My girlfriend claims that this stone saves it from improving pressure and improves eyesight. In her "Arsenal" there is a bracelet, beads and pendant from this amazing mineral. But hematite is also used in occult purposes, I will tell you about it in the article.

stone hematite magic properties and to whom to fit

Mineral description, its types

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This is an amazing and mysterious mineral with an unusual appearance. Hematite is a few shades: from dark gray, bloody-red to almost black. Because of the dark shade of hematitis is called black pearls. However, it differs from his properties from pearls, which has biological origin. The bed was formed in the process of prolonged weathered of iron containing iron, for which another name was received - red Zheleznyak.

On a note! If you scratch hematite with a solid surface, the blood-red trail will remain after it.

The magical properties of hematitis are attributed due to the ability to paint water into the blood color. If the mineral is wiping into powder, then after a while, the water will turn into "blood". Previously, they believed that the mineral appears in the places of large battles: the blood of the dead warriors turned into a stone.

Despite the severity and external similarity with the metal, this mineral is fragility, and it is easy to turn it into a powder state.

Hematite varieties:

  • speculate;
  • hematite;
  • iron rose;
  • iron mica;
  • Red glass head.

The stone speculates has a crystal structure and is characterized by silver glitter. Red Zheleznyak has a small-crystalline structure of the dark red (almost brown) shade. The mineral entitled "Iron Rose" has a layered structure formed by layers of flat crystals. The appearance of the mineral remotely resembles a rose. This is a favorite jeweler type of the bed, from which they create decorations.

On a note! Jewelers work with black and dark gray mineral, creating products of magnificent beauty.

The mineral called the "iron mica" is characterized by a characteristic metal glitter, has a fine-crystalline structure. The red glass head is a very interesting ore, on the surface of which are the inserts of hematite, resembling head or kidney.

On a note! In the old days, the surface of hematite was thoroughly polished to use as a mirror.

Bed powder is used to create resistant red shada dyes, for example, for staining a red pencil. North American Indians rubbed the skin with a powder of a bed, for which they got the name of redheads. Medieval alchemists tried to get gold with a bed, and modern metallurgists use hematite to create cast iron and steel.

It is noteworthy that the lap of the bed was found on the Mars planet. Apparently, because of them the planet and got its unique red color. If we consider the physical characteristics of hematite, this is the usual oxide of iron and a rust relative. In the bed of ore turns at high temperatures, for example, in the forest fire zone.

hematite stone properties to whom

Magic properties

The unusual properties of the mineral is known since ancient times. Mages and sorcerers use it in their rituals for:

  • Call of spirits dead;
  • subordination of the elements of the spirits;
  • links with the other world;
  • protection against negative impact;
  • protection against energy vampirism;
  • Development of intuition and gift of insight.

Also, the mineral works with the character of a person, soothing anger and quick temper. Hematite grants internal harmony and configures on a positive way. It helps to take the right decision and relieves from the false path, eliminating many troubles.

On a note! Hematite eliminates irritability and gives optimism.

It is not necessary to think that hematite helps the magicians and sorcerers to create evil: this mineral punishes a person for unclean thoughts. Witchcraft do not always be creating in the name of evil, most rituals are aimed at gaining well-being and getting rid of the negative. For example, Egyptian priests considered the stone of the goddess Isis and distilled off with evil spirits and demons in healing sessions.

For the development of intuition and spherical abilities, a ball of hematite is like crystal. The concentration on the metal shine helps to correctly focus attention, eliminate extraneous thoughts and find answers to the questions about the past or the future.

This mineral will help with honor to withstand the blows of fate, do not break down and do not fall into despair. He strengthens the Spirit and gives the courage, helps to achieve their goals and not turn off the way. Also, stone is used in love magic to enhance the personal attractiveness and charm of persons of the opposite sex.

Women are encouraged to wear a ring with hematite on the instrumental finger of the left hand, and men are on the same finger of his right hand. The best metal for rim - silver.

hematite stone to whom fit

Healing properties

Hematite forms around itself a weak magnetic field, which actively affects the human aura. With the help of this mineral, they got rid of many ailments of the internal organs, simply applying it to the patient space several times a day before improving the state. You can also wear jewelry from hematite, which will be heated by the body. Only it is not necessary to forget to periodically energetically clean the mineral from negative energy with flowing water or a flame of the candle.

On a note! The bed is used to purify the blood and improve its composition, to stop bleeding and during the blockage of blood vessels.

The bed is used to improve hearing, from diseases of the hearing aid and ENT diseases. It normalizes pressure, prevents blood infecting, stabilizes metabolic processes and contributes to the resorption of tumors.

Hematite decorations are used at:

  • the disease of the hearing aid (worn bracelets on the wrist);
  • increased arterial pressure (worn bracelets);
  • disease of the visual apparatus (carry beads);
  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia (worn earrings).

To reduce the pressure, the bracelet on the wrist of the right hand after the full moon. Under reduced pressure, the bracelet is carried on the left hand from the new moon to the full moon.

It is noteworthy that the medical qualities of the bed were remembered only in the 70s of the last century. Mineral began to make bracelets to stabilize pressure. And before that time, the mineral was undeservedly forgotten and used only in metallurgy and for the production of dyes.

Who fits

All minerals are used as a wubble from the dark energies. However, the stones must be combined with human energy so that there is no dissonance and unfavorable influence. First of all, a person and mineral should have a general or friendly element. For example, water signs are confronted with fire elements - they are mutually exclusive. Therefore, when choosing a stone chamber, pay attention to the element.

Astrominerologists believe that this extraordinarily strong energy hematite is suitable only to three representatives of the zodiac circle - Cancer, Scorpions and Aries . He gives courage and confidence in their own forces and opportunities, scorpions helps to get rid of hot-temperedness and irritability, the hairs opens the doors to success.

On a note! Hematite has a patronage to those who were born in the following numbers of any month: 9; eighteen; 27. Fishes, twins and devans this stone is contraindicated.

Can the hematite wear other people? To perform the task (healing, cleansing from the negative, the development of intuition), the stone can be used to all. However, only three zodiac signs mentioned above can constantly wear it.

How to check fake

Although the price of hematite is low, it is still like to fake. To verify the authenticity of the mineral, you need to do the following:

  • Spend a stone on the wall or glass: This hematite always leaves a red mark, even if black itself;
  • If hematite is lowered into water, it will instantly go to the bottom, unlike painted plastic or ceramics;
  • Natural stone reacts to a magnet, although weakly.

When buying gems, it will not be superfluous to have a magnifying glass with you. The natural mineral does not have an impeccable surface, in contrast to a glass or plastic fake. Imitation of gems looks flawlessly smoothly and almost completely.

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