What properties has a carnelian stone - who is suitable


The carnelian is still in the days of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, it was famous for attracting real love, healing any physical illnesses and mental wounds. What other properties has a carnelian stone, who is suitable for a horoscope - find out in the following material.

Phone physico-chemical features

Cherdelik (another name Carneol) - acts as a natural mineral, one of the species of chalcedone, found in reddish-pinkish, yellow-red or red-orange color variations.

Chernelic stone photo

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The stone got his name Carneol from the Latin word "Cornus" - that is, a cross berry. And the second name of the carnelian - came to us from ancient Greece, where the mineral was previously called Sardis. According to Pralia of the Elder, Sardis - is associated with the sardia town of Sardia (Lydia), that is, the place of the first find of the gem.

The nearest "relative" of the carnelian is a sard stone (in a different sarder) - that is, a carnelian, which contains agate and quartz. The saard is easy to distinguish from the carnelian on the presence of bright white strips on it on a white-red background arising due to the presence of agate.

The carnelian is found in nature in a rather small color scheme: starting with tender-orange tones and ending with brown. It is distinguished by uneven color, with circles, stripes and other geometric patterns.

Mineralogues distinguish several colors of gems:

  • Light carnelics - orange, pinkish or dark yellow colors;
  • Carneols - Red-orange stones;
  • Sarders are dark brown minerals;
  • Sardonixes - there are opaque colorless lines on them.

Historical information

About the carnelian mentions the vintage chronicles and manuscripts. In the ancient Egyptians, the stone was associated with the goddess of Isaida, which was responsible for home comfort, love and harmony. The Egyptians were cut on a piece of carnelian leaf clover and used it as a native amulet, putting on her neck or like a ring. The talisman was called upon to ensure the location of the goddess.

The inhabitants of Ancient Russia were also very valued the stone, which they called on their way - Lincurit.

Healing properties of carnelian

It does not have to doubt the healing power of the mineral due to the presence of radium in minor quantities. Decorations with carnelian will help to solve the following problems:

  • heal damage to the skin, ulcers, growths - for this purpose, the heated mineral should be applied to the patient;
  • eliminate the diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • heal the cardiovascular system;
  • increase metabolism;
  • Reduce the headache - for which a piece of stone is put on the closed eyelids;
  • cure thyroid pathology - here you need to use beads with carnelian;
  • Removes toothpow. Just put a red carnelian in my mouth for a short time;
  • Also, the crystal increases male strength;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • eliminates fever;
  • strengthens dental enamel;
  • restores muscles;
  • cleans blood, increases hemoglobin;
  • It has a carnelian and the overall impact on the body, strengthening the immune system.

Separately, I want to talk about the strength of a bright carnelian. In lithotherapy, it is used to treat infertility, normalization of hormonal balance, facilitating childbirth. It is also used in the treatment of post-insult paralysis, skin cancer, diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems of the body, hypertension, epilepsy, nervous disorders and bad memory.

Decoration with carnelian photo

There is even a special device transmitting air through carnelian, after which it is filled with healing properties. It is recommended to breathe patients or direct it to problem areas of the body. The device has a formal patent and has already been tried on patients to obtain a good healing effect.

Mineral magical abilities

It has gems and mystical power:

  1. He is found as a strong love mascot, which is gently, delicately activates the brightest feelings in man, allowing you to meet your love. Family built thanks to the stone will be strong, faithful and happy.
  2. The carnelian will not allow any negative impacts on its owner, including even ordinary conflicts, quarrels.
  3. Red mineral increases sexual attraction (especially in men). They will make them more attractive for women.
  4. More than a red shade carnelian will fill a person with a powerful charge of vital energy for a more easy stay of difficulties.
  5. Woith while sleeping sixth senses.
  6. It will make a person more lucky, helps him implement all his ideas in life.
  7. And one more important ability - mineral eliminates financial difficulties, attracting cash flows.
  8. Will contribute to the acceptance of the right solutions.
  9. Improve the process of memorizing information will make its owner more sociable, turns it with enviable optimism.

Necklace with carnelian

Who can wear decorations with a carnelian on the sign of the zodiac

The most important is the positive effect of carnelics will manifest Virgins and twins . Moreover, it will be somewhat different:

  • Twins - We will be able to reveal such talents that were not even suspected and started to develop them. Plus, they will become more able-bodied, hardy. And lonely twins will meet their love.
  • Virgo - With the help of the stone eliminates its shortcomings of character, as much as possible in dignity. So, the Virgin will get rid of aggression, they will gain contact with their subconscious, may even develop extrasensory abilities!

In addition, the decorations with the carnelian are suitable Taurus, Aries and Lev . They will become more attractive for representatives of the opposite sex, will reliably protect themselves from black magic and just someone else's negative.

  • Aries - Enhance your self-esteem, work faith in the best future, will always be in a great mood.
  • Teltsy - Must choose a red-colored carnelian for improving personal life, gaining a couple, and another stone will reduce the aggressiveness of the representatives of this sign.
  • Lions - Thanks to the mineral, they will become successful in any affairs, and also protect their home focus from conflicts, change.

Concerning People-cancer then they must stop their choice on yellow or orange mineral. According to astrologers, such a carman will make them even more sensitive to the world around the world, significantly increasing intuition.

scales With the help of Mineral's magic, the personal life will improve, stop doubting their own value and will cease to be afraid of the need to make decisions and choose one of several options.

Sagittsev - They will acquire sincere harmony and comfort, also ensuring protection, no matter what happens.

Capricorn - Activate many buried talents in themselves, which will be very positive affects their self-esteem.

And here People-fish They will not be able to get exactly no help from the gem. In this regard, they can wear it, but only just like a jewelry.

Scorpions - In principle, they are not combined with the energy of the mineral, they are not recommended by astrolics astrologer. Otherwise, they risk becoming increased aggressive, all negative features of their character are hypertrophy.

Aquarius - Enhance your insight, protect yourself from evil envious languages.

Now you know everything about Stone Cherdelik: His properties, who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac. "For a snack", browse the thematic video:

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