What properties has a stone charoit - who is suitable for the horoscope


Charoit acts as a stone of extraordinary beauty, which is found in natural conditions quite rare, and only in the territory of the Russian Federation. Since its opening in 1948, a geologist from the USSR Ditmar, Mineral managed to gain wide popularity around the world.

What amazing properties has a stone charoit, who is suitable for a horoscope? You will receive answers to the questions set in the following material.

Stone Charoit photos

Physico-chemical features of Charoite

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Charoit enters the pyroxen group of minerals. He performs a sufficiently soft divestone stone, the spectacular gentle-violet color of which is provided by the impurity manganese in the composition.

The stone is distinguished by uneven color: so its fibrous pattern is formed by multi-colored stripes and intrusions of other shades (white, lavender, gentle-lilac, brown).

You can meet the options for charoites, which, after they were polished, the effect of "cat eye" occurs. The value of these gems is several times higher than the usual.

Mineral field

Today, there is one - the only freedom deposit, called "Lilac Stone". The place of its location is Russia, in the central part between Irkutsk and Yakutia.

In connection with the rapid destruction of the natural reserves of Charoit, the local authorities have established a restriction on its production: more than 100,000 tons of gem cannot be used per year.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to produce mineral, because its field is located on top of the mountain, where very low temperature regime, plus an increased risk of seismological danger.

Therefore, it is not to be surprised that natural charoit is an estimated pleasure. For example, for 1 kilogram of the unprocessed high-quality mineral will have to give 100 American dollars. And in the jewelry store, even the pebble of miniature sizes in the finished decoration will be about 50-80 dollars.

Charoite ornaments Photo

Healing properties Charoite

But the stone was famous not only with its rare and external beauty - he also has the ability to treat many ailments. Lithotherapeuts believe that his lilac shade plays a big role here, which reassuringly affects the state of the nervous system, harmonizes consciousness.

What other healing properties manifests it?

  1. If you are in a state of severe stress, it is recommended to contemplate crystal for a long time. Thus, you calm the nerves, many psychological disorders will disappear.
  2. Mineral improves the ability of the body to confront viruses, infections, "trimps" the immune system.
  3. Makes a more effective process of memorizing new information.
  4. Positive affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: the liver, pancreas.
  5. Reduces pain, voltage, for which a piece of faceless gems is applied to the affected place.
  6. According to reviews, it successfully heals many chronic pathologies: it leads to normal indicators of blood pressure, eliminates prostatites in men, treats diseases of the urinary sphere.
  7. With the help of the energy of purple mineral, the kidney stones are gradually destroyed, and sclerotic plaques are outlined from the body.
  8. It is recommended to use the crystal in the presence of pathologies of bones: fractures, diseases of the spine, Lyumbago.
  9. Lithotherapeuts are prescribed to their patients to apply pieces of charoite with migraine. The same actions are recommended with brain concussion to improve the condition. And if you regularly suffer from pain in the throat, a pattern or heart - stocking of earrings with a charoit.
  10. Saves and pendants with a stone eliminate neuralgia attacks.
  11. Gem eliminates inflammatory phenomena in the body, for this it must be applied to the patients.

But it is necessary to note the fact that sometimes Charoit can and harvest a person! The fact is that in its composition there are impurities of radioactive substances, which, with long-term contact with the skin, can worsen the general state of health, provoke an oppressed state.

Therefore, before being taken for such therapy, think well, and even better - consult a lithotherapist.

Suspension with charity

Magic properties of stone Charoit and who fits

Immediately after Charoit was discovered by scientists, mystical abilities were determined in it. True, considering what the gem found relatively recently, while the information on his magical power is not fully considered. Let's look at what is known today.
  • Charoit will help his owner to achieve the state of internal harmony and harmony with the surrounding reality.
  • Woiths deep wisdom in man, will develop logic.
  • According to some mystics, Charoit is a famous philosophical stone that is capable of making people immortal. Of course, this theory is nothing confirmed and therefore a few adhere to it.
  • Charoit takes away from the owner any negative (damage, evil eye, envy, energy vampirism, eliminates gossips).
  • Promotes the development of the sixth sense, the gift of eloquence. Armed with a mystical violet crystal, you will easier to find mutual understanding with other people, successfully convincing them in your own right.
  • Also, the stone neutralizes the inner aggression, anger.
  • Charoit is also a stone of love. It attracts a soul mate into the life of lonely people, married couples - gives a happy life, protects against quarrels, revives fading feelings, protects her husband and wife from ill-conceived actions.
  • With the help of a stone, you can awaken your hidden skills and abilities if you wear it constantly.
  • Representatives of creative professions Mineral will provide a constant stream of inspiration.
  • The gem will help to realize the conceived in life, coping with all obstacles on the way to the goal.

Who can wear decorations with a charoit on a horoscope

Astrologers allocate several signs of the zodiac, which Charoit will bring the greatest benefit.

First, it is scales , especially those representatives of constellations that were born in the end of September or in the first days of October. They will be reliably protected by the energy of charity from evil, witchcraft, improving their intuition, achieved internal balance, finding a lot of talents.

Another pet pet - Aries . The last thanks to the gem will be calmer, will cease to be angry due to trifles, will acquire sincere harmony.

Other zodiac constellations can also use charity strength in varying degrees of severity. Exception to the list will be Cancer, Tales and Sagittarius . This is explained by this energy incompatibility of these signs with mineral.

Charoit pleases the eye with its unique beauty, protecting the soul from the negative, so it is a powerful amulet. But all negative energy is accumulated in it, which over time can begin to act badly on the owner of the stone.

To prevent this time from time to time, perform a crystal cleansing - take it under a jet of running water for a couple of minutes, and then dry under the sunny beams. After that, the stone will be ready for further use.

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