Four-leaf clover: What denotes the symbol in the tattoo and amulte


The clover in different nations was associated with the positive influence on a person's energy, made medicinal tinctures of ointment from it. A four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck and luck, even small children know about it. Recently, a niece with a loud laugh brought us with a sister's leaf clover, assuring in his luck. The school year only began, and the luck of the baby is very useful. She kept the leaf in last year's textbook on mathematics: doing a mascot. And we will analyze why a four-leaf clover is so popular as a symbol of luck, happiness and good luck.

Four-leaf clover

The value of the symbol in different nations

In our native latitudes there is an opinion that a four-leaf clover attracts good luck to the end of life. In this, he may argue even with a traditional soot, so firmly consolidated by this honorary title. But not all nations clover charges positive energy, there is a different opinion about this amazing plant. But consider everything in order.


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In the environment of Christian peoples, the clover is considered solely on the positive side, as it is written in the Bible:

"... When God expelled from Paradam Adam and Eve, a woman took the escape of the four-lift clover with him to remember the happy paradise life, kindness and harmony ...".

In addition, the clover leaf is considered as the image of the cross - the main sacred symbol of the Christian religion. The leaves of the plant look at all 4 sides, resembling a crucifixion. Also 4 sheets remind us of the four Gospels that make up the basis of Christianity.

Slavic paganism

Kleve was given a special place in the traditional beliefs of the Slavs. But he entered the power only once a year: on the night of Ivan Kupala on the solstice. This is the shortest night of the solar cycle and the longest day. At this time, the fern flourished on the beliefs, and the clover leaf acquires magical power. Who will be able to find a four hundred, he will forever gain good luck, happiness, material and family well-being.

An interesting rite existed from lovers. If they managed to find a four-leaf clover on the purchase, they divided it in half and eaten. This rite fastened the bonds for many years, and no one could solve lovers.

Ancient Egypt

At the time of the pharaohs of the Egyptians believed that the four hundred protects against the influence of evil spirits of the castorcal. According to the beliefs of Egyptian priests, the mirror shares the world of living and the world of the dead. So that the other spirits did not break into the world of people during magic rites, on a mirror stroy, a clover leaf was symbolically depicted.


Symbol What is the four-leaf clover in India? He is also considered to be faithful from evil spirits and demons. Clover was depicted in patterns adorning the facades of buildings and interior. Also, this symbol can be seen on embroidery adorning clothes.

Four-leaf clover value

Four-leaf clover: Druid value

Still, the basic value of the symbol remains to attract good luck, happiness and luck. That is what perceive the leaf clover most people. They decorate jewelry, embroider clover on clothes and textile products. Bought the popularity of clover and in the art of the tattoo.

On a note! Celts made from the flowers of a four-lift clover Answar potion. It was believed that the red color attracts love, and the honey taste gives sweetness in the relationship.

Druids compared the clover sheet with the structure of the universe, and each of the four parts of the leaf had its own name and symbolized one of the four elements - fire, water, air and land.

  1. The fire symbolized self-confidence and gaining fame.
  2. Water symbolized material well-being and attracting good luck.
  3. The air helped to find a soul mate and faithful family happiness.
  4. The Earth bestowed longevity and good health.

However, on the beliefs of Druids, the clover sheet cannot be sought targetly: he brings good luck if he accidentally stumble upon him. It was believed that the talisman himself would find a person who needs it.

If you managed to find such a leaf, you had to spend a magic rite with him. To do this, with the first rays of the Sun, the man climbed on the hill and broke the leaves one by one. Throwing a piece of leaf north, called the power of fire for good luck in all endeavors. Thinking part of the leaf south, asked the element of water to help with finance. Thinking part of the leaf to the East, asked the element of the air to give happiness in love. Thinking part of the leaf to the West, asked the element of the Earth to give longevity and health.

Celts believed that with the help of clover, you can see the flower fairy. For this, it was necessary to put on the leaves of 7 wheat grains at the first rays of the rising sun. If you manage to see the fairy, then she will be able to fulfill satisfied desires.

Four-leaf clover photo

Clover as a talisman

A four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck and so on. It is only necessary to find it in vivo, and not on the farm in an entrepreneur. By catching the demand for talismans with clover, farmers became purposefully growing a modified clover on their plantations. In order not to acquire a fake, you need to find a plant yourself.

Ways to use clover in modern conditions:

  • To search for the second half you need to put a leaf under the insole of the shoe.
  • To attract finance, the sheet is worn in a wallet.
  • To get rid of longing and sadness, clover wrap in X / B matter of the blue shade and worn on the body (as incense, for example).
  • To protect the house from the negative energy, leaflets are placed between glasses in the frame and hang over the front door or in the corridor.
  • To attract well-being in the house, clover wrapped in a x / b white cloth (the same gauze or bandage) and hide under the threshold of the house or apartment.

If clover is used as a guard, then it cannot be shown to other people, especially since they brag. In this case, he will lose its magic force.

Clover is a very strong talisman, to which you need to treat very carefully. It can not be thrown or mig. If you do not want to use it for personal needs, send the clover energy to protect the house.

Tattoo clover four-leaf

Tattoo clover four-leaf

Tattoo is a reliable way to attract the necessary energies on an ongoing basis. Special recommendations regarding the parts of the body for the image are not: Usually, tattoo is applied to your hand. So that the symbol brings good luck, you need to achieve maximum similarity and paint the pattern into green.

On a note! Tattoo clover can be combined with horseshoe tattoo.

Men apply a tattoo to attract good luck in his career and business. Usually, the four hundred is combined with the image of the horseshoe.

The girls apply a tattoo to attract persons of the opposite sex and strengthen the romantic relationship.

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