What properties does citrine - to whom he comes


Citrine - performs very beautiful mineral rich yellow hue with a bright luster. He is known to mankind since the days of the Middle Ages, he attributed great healing and magical powers. Offer in this stuff to figure out all the properties of the stone citrine, to whom he is most suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

stones citrines photo

Physico-chemical properties of citrine

Citrine - is transparent, highly brilliant stone, one of the varieties of quartz. Included in the category of semi-precious stones.

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The name of the mineral provided him with a lemon color. The word "citrus" means "lemon yellow", from here back in 1747 and there was a name "citrine". But the stone itself has been known to mankind much earlier. However, it is often confused, mistakenly calling Spanish or golden topaz. In fact, they are completely different minerals.

Since ancient times, citrine jewelry manufactured, for example, they decorated a diadem of kings. Citrine easily amenable to treatment. At present, its nature reserves do not have much, so scientists began to synthesize artificial stone in the laboratory, performing firing amethyst.

By color citrines have a very extensive range of shades: pale yellow, bright lemon, honey. In color affect the chemical compounds in the stone.

Basically the stone used in the jewelry industry for the manufacture of earrings, rings, personal amulets. In the modern jewelry stores you can hardly find a product with natural minerals - usually in the form of citrines smoky quartz is used, subjected to high temperatures. Sometimes irradiated with rhinestone, to get the desired shade.

Healing properties of citrine

People have always been aware of the magic of citrine. So, it is actively used to treat diseases of urogenital organs and the gastrointestinal tract. And Indian healers using citrine healed gastritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Do not forget about the amazing ability of the gem and in our days. Until now, use lithotherapists citrine for general health improvement, filling vital energy, improve immunity and increase physical activity.

Also, the stone cleans the body from harmful substances, has a beneficial effect on the state of the thyroid gland, treats the ulcer of the stomach. Thanks to the energy of the solar mineral, mental health can be restored, improving intelligence.

Tsitrins are also attributed to a number of other healing properties, namely:

  • treat depressive disorders;
  • improve memory;
  • get rid of headaches
  • raise self-esteem;
  • Give the ability to correctly navigate in life, no matter what happens;
  • Mineral increases the ability to clearly express his thoughts;
  • improves attentiveness;
  • Eliminates bad thoughts, nightmares;
  • Gives a charge of positive emotions.

Decorations with citrine

Mineral magical abilities

What magic properties has a tsitrine stone and which it suits? Let's find out.

  1. In ancient times, people believed that the crystal would drive any evil from the owner.
  2. Also, since ancient times, the cytrines attributed the property to make a successful person. It is desirable to have someone who is engaged in business, especially trade, entrepreneurship. Put a piece of stone next to the cash register or in your wallet and he will attract the flow streams to you. Prevents spending savings.
  3. More citrines eliminate negative energy, and they do not even need to be cleaned periodically. The stones are filled with warm, positive energy, make their owners more optimistic, fill in life.
  4. Yellow mineral awakens the sixth sense in people, connects to the region of the unconscious. Facilitates the process of adaptation to changes, allotes different troubles from the owner.
  5. Gem arouses oratory, thanks to which he patronizes actors leading, singers.
  6. Successfully eliminates indecision, helps to find the right solutions.
  7. It is also believed that citrine makes its owner more attractive to others. Therefore, it is worn to develop sociability, improving self-esteem.
  8. It is recommended to buy a sunny stone if you often quarrel with your second half - due to harmonization of Energies Yang and Yin successfully solve any of the disagreements when the mineral appears in the house.
  9. Citrine - very helping risky events. But he serves decent people, and those who have unscrupulous intentions.

Ring with citrine

Stone citrine to whom is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

The best mineral relates to the energy constellation Twins . The latter with his help will operate in themselves the gift of the speaker, it will be easier for them to establish interaction with the outside world. Also, gem provides a higher social level, promotes a person in his career.

Aquarius - This is another zodiac sign, to whom it is very suitable for products with citrine. The stone will save water from negative energy, will attract material goods into their lives and promotes the career staircase.

But not only these two constellations can successfully use the magic of citrine. In particular, it will also come true Capricorn which will fill with creative inspiration and energy for the incarnation of his ideas. For whatever the representative of the sign, everything will be released in the best way.

Virgo Thanks to citrine, will increase its self-esteem, will cease to doubt its own capabilities.

Fishes - Fill the vital energy, which they often lack all their ideas. Stone still helps them cope with any difficulties sent over.

scales - They will stop forever throughout the doubt, will acquire the internal balance.

Lions, Sagittarius, Tales and Scorpions Using citrines, they will put relations with the outside world, the nervous system will reassure, the stone will awaken in them the ability to work.

And here Aries It is better to abandon the wear of citrine. Otherwise, the representative of the hot female fire risks becoming even more aggressive, irritable and self-free, than it is from nature. He should refer to a more suitable talisman.

Raki. Also should not buy citrine decorations, if they, of course, value their calm, measured life. After all, otherwise, the mineral excessively activates their nervous system, which will not affect the overall emotional state.

Tsitrine is one of the most spectacular minerals and powerful talismans. Astrologers and lithotherapists suggest that the stone can be inserted into any media. Negative nuance - natural citrine is quite expensive, therefore, alas, not all can afford him.

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