What stones are suitable for the virgin on the sign of the zodiac, and which are not suitable


The sign of the Zodiac Virgin includes all those people who were born in the period from August 24 to September 23. The sign of the Virgin is part of the element of the Mutabelnaya Earth, the Patron Planet - Mercury. What stones fit the devies on a horoscope? Let's find out.

General characteristics of the sign of Virgo

The virgin, among other signs, the zodiac distinguishes increased love of order, systematic. In the main mass of the Virgin have an analytical warehouse of the mind and just tolerate chaos, surprises. They are important to plan their lives in advance for a long period of time. Thanks to the nature of the nature of the Virgin, deservedly are incredibly targeted.

Virgo sign zodiac

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They are also prone to perfectionism, which in some cases makes them the most real pedants. Virgo is distinguished by high discipline, self-organization and efficiency. They do not forgive either their errors and mistakes, nor the more missed their surroundings.

Rare Virgo dreams of public life or to be in the center of universal attention. Therefore, they will not be found in noisy parties and mass accurates of people. They spend their weekends in the closest environment, which can be entirely trusted.

More maiden acts in short materialists. Representatives of this constellation are very needed in comfort, luxury and prosperity, to which they always seek.

Thanks to the highest care to trifles, congenital scrupulusity in the performance of tasks, they are ideal performers. On the other hand, due to its critical thinking, common practicism and desire for excellence - can be successfully implemented as a leader.

Although Virgin and belong to the elements of the Earth, they often have creative abilities.

From the weak features of the nature of such personalities, you can call the desire to relate everything in life with certain stereotypes, unhealthy pedantry and the inability to forgive mistakes of other people. Also, representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very hard to humble and with their own failures and defeats.

In the workplace of Virgo is a careerist to the brain of bones, which fully controls everything that is happening.

The patron of Virgo is a Mercury planet, which provides them with high intelligence. They are also consistent in their actions and solutions, retain the loyalty once selected ideals. They are ready to take responsibility, even very difficult tasks decide.

What stones are suitable for women

Men sign can also take advantage of the power of minerals below. So, Zodiac Virgo, what kind of stone is suitable for zodiac? It is important that the gem fully approached the specific situation and the image of the virgin. Do not stop your choice on too bright minerals or too gloomy - both those and others are absolutely alien to the nature of the constellation.

Astrologers advise representatives of the earthly sign to have at least one dozen minerals (and even two dozen two). And they should be correlated from a certain sometimes year:

  • For example, in summer, wear light stones;
  • In winter - choose the minerals of blue and red colors;
  • And in the autumn and in the spring - to stop on orange and green gems.

Let's now consider in more detail what a stone is suitable for making a horoscope for women and men.


Makes more "alive" any feelings. Fill its owner (or owner) in love, wonderful mood and clear thinking. Avenant - associated with high and bright feelings.

Pearls (yellow and pinkish shades)

There is a pacifying. Rare mars from rigidity and dryness in manners. Will provide a stream of financial abundance. True, only morally strong personality can wear decorations with pearls, and in the rest of the stone of the sea will act oppressively.

Pink pearl photo


Frequently, the Virgin suffer from their own indecision. Nephritis will become a stone motivator for them, which will also give a bit of risk and recklessness, helping to gain success in business life. In addition, nephritis has various healing abilities.


Restores lack of vitality. He advocates prevention of depressive disorders, the negative impact of stress factors.

Tiger's Eye

Stone will help reduce unjustified jealousy. Assist in everyday affairs. True, note that only sincere, open and good people can take advantage of them.


Reduces the constellation inherent in this constellation. It leads to the norm of the relationship of the virgin with other people at home and at work.


Yashma must necessarily wear to the devies if they dream of a career growth. And also - if they suffer from insecurity, amorphosis.

What a gem is suitable for the grandmother

Born in the period From August 24 to September 2 - They strive for self-realization, showing healthy scrupulousness. Such personalities know how to use the abilities and talents presented.

On the recommendation of astrologers, they must choose the following minerals for themselves:

  • Yellow, orange and red agates, adules, rhinestone - to enhance positive energy, neutralizing any dark effects;
  • Amethysts, Lazurites - to become more lucky, calm the nerves.

Bracelet with lapisite photo

WITH September 3-12. The Virgin of the second decade, as a rule, have an inconspicuous appearance, and differ in a great mental vulnerability. If they fell in love with someone - it will be love to the coffin. Can work selflessly even for little money. They are desperately trying to be perfect in everything, and other people often ignore their advantages.

Their talismans are:

  • Jadeitis, chalcedones, citrines - filling with a powerful stream of vitality;
  • Heliotrops, onks - will be useful to get rid of complexes, shyness, constancy.

WITH September 13-13. Representatives of the latter decade are excellent analysts. They will always choose the best option from a huge number. If this Virgin found his favorite activity, it will give him a maximum of free time.

They can buy decorations with such stones:

  • grenades, topazami - to activate positive emotions that do not concern work;
  • Emeralds, sapphires, tourmalines - in order to increase creative abilities, self-confidence.

Additionally, it is worth a closer look at:

  • Alexandritam;
  • Blick;
  • Beryllam;
  • Yellow diamonds;
  • pyrites;
  • Rubins (but not bright red);
  • Sardonixam;
  • carnelians;
  • Uparov;
  • chrysoprazam;
  • Amber.

Forbidden stones

We have dealt with what stone fits a woman sign of the Zodiac Virgo and a man. Let's finally talk about unsuitable minerals. Here, however, only conditional conclusions can be made, since modern astrologers often do not find mutual understanding in this matter.

Traditionally it is believed that the devies cannot be purchased from:

  • Arab onyx;
  • White and black pearls;
  • turquoise;
  • hematitis;
  • blue agate;
  • Labradors;
  • obsidians;
  • pills ("bloody" rubies);
  • Serpentines.

But only a specialist in personal consultation can say.

Now you know which stone is suitable for the horoscope Virgo, and which is not suitable. Finally, browse the thematic roller:

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