Jasper Stone: description and combination with zodiac signs


Jasper is a semi-precious stone, which, depending on impurities, can gain different colors. In Greek, the name of the mineral sounds like "Saspis", which means "Penic". The stone began to extract even in ancient times, and used for the manufacture of workers of labor. Today it is mainly used for the production of decorations and amulets. On the valuable properties of the stone of Yasma and who comes on the horoscope, I will tell you in this article.


Description and origin

The main deposit of the stone of Yasma is the Urals. Many centuries ago in those edges were a warm sea, as well as several active volcanoes. Over the years, in the seabed depths, the colored il was mixed with volcanic ashes and various elements, stony rocks turned. Over time, the sea was treated, and formed mineral deposits became more dense and hard.

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The basis of the stone of Yasma is a silicon breed consisting of small quartz grains. By itself, it is not transparent, and has a smooth surface. The color is not always monotonous, there are instances with a ribbon texture, where shades alternate, as well as the motion-colored with multi-colored splashes and transitions. Depending on the chemical composition of Jasma, there may be the following colors:

  • Red or brown - formed by hematite or manganese. Such a stone is called bloody. Its shades range from brown to light pink.
  • Green - acquired due to the chloride layers. Yashma green tones is most often found.
  • Blue - has silicates in its composition. Similar specimens are the most rare. They are also called Irnimitis.
  • Yellow - color is formed at the expense of iron.
  • White. Most often has multicolored splashes, and in its pure form it is extremely rare.

In the untreated form, the mineral does not look aesthetically and somewhat sad. To reveal its beauty of the masters, a number of long and complex procedures are done. The stone has incredible strength, which makes it difficult to process it. However, this property of the Jasper allows its use not only in jewelry art. For example, the stone often produce various interior items, and sometimes it is used to finish the floor.

Stone Yashma

Medical and magical properties

On the healing properties of the Jasper was known in ancient times. To this day, stone is used to strengthen or restore health. It helps with a weakened immunite, contributes to improving memory, fights with pain syndrome, eliminates mental problems. In addition, when regular wearing jewelry or amulets from jasper has a positive effect on vision and smell.

People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as women with impaired reproductive function, it is recommended to wear products with a red mineral. In the presence of problems with the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract, you should purchase a stone of green tones.

Jasper not only fights perfectly with various diseases, but also protects against negative energy. Decorations and amulets with this mineral are protected from the evil eye and damage, they will be removed from troubles and vitality.

Jasper has a positive effect on the mental state, so the self-esteem in its regular wearing, he becomes more confident, thoughts acquire a positive color. The midget amulets from the semi-precious mineral empower their owner a sensitive intuition, charge the inner force and help to avoid obstacles both at work and in everyday life.

Jasper products will suit target people who want to achieve professional success. The stone will help increase the potential, it will give new features and will help to look at things in a different way. Also with it, you can reveal your talents or quickly master an interesting skill.

Blue Yashma

Who comes up?

According to most astrologers, the Jasper stone is more suited to representatives of the sign of the Virgin zodiac. He gives them wisdom and confidence, helps to avoid trouble and protects against negative. Also, the energy of the mineral gives the lack of softness and lability, which allows them to be more understanding others and find a common language with them.

No less benefit from Yasma will bring fish, which are unsure and changeless from nature. They often lack the wills of will, factories and perseverance, which prevents achieving the goals set. Thanks to the amulet with a semi-precious stone, representatives of the sign of the fish will acquire the missing quality.

Aries and twins wearing jasper is categorically contraindicated. Representatives of these zodiacal signs are overly straightforward, self-confident and arrogant, and mineral energy can make these qualities even more pronounced. As for other signs of zodiacs, they can safely acquire products with jashed, but to wear them better periodically.


  • Jasper is a semi-precious stone, which began to extract even in the ancient century.
  • Mineral has magical and healing properties.
  • Most Yasma is suitable for marsh and fish.

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