What stones are suitable for Capricorn by date of birth


The correctly selected mineral can completely change the fate in the right direction, so the question should be approached with full responsibility. It should also be borne in mind that the influence of minerals on men and women is different. Today we will look at the question of which stones are suitable for Capricorn by date of birth, and how to use them to improve your life. The onyx stone helped my younger sister-ibex overcome the huge set of faults, she began to worry less because of their failures and philosophically treat life.

What stones are suitable for Capricorn

Characteristics of Capricorn Women Stones

Cosals are suitable for both precious and diverse stones. Moreover, the magic qualities of stones do not depend on their value in the store. Everyone knows the river pebbles Chicken God with a hole in the middle: he brings good luck and happiness, but not worth a penny.

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Among the precious and semi-precious stones, Capricorn can choose:

  • ruby;
  • black Diamond;
  • Black onyx.

Black Diamond Astrominerologists refer to the main stones for the woman of Capricorn, as it is a powerful faith. It is this crystal that is able to protect his mistress from unkind people around others and even from induced damage.

On a note! Gems and crystals create a security cocoon of Coconut, protecting from different troubles.

Ruby Also performs the role of a defender from damage and the evil eye, but it cannot be combined with other stones. Also ruby ​​is contraindicated by hot-tempered women, as it will strengthen this negative quality. The hostess of jewel can be only balanced calm lady.

Onyx Helps complete the work started and protects against negative.

Among the diverse stones and gems will suit:

  • malachite;
  • rhinestone;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • obsidian;
  • Black agate.

Special attention should be paid Mountain crystal . This mineral has the ability to stabilize emotions, reduce degrees of suspicion and concern to Capricorn.

Many people like a stone Garnet But this gem can be worn only by balanced and calm people. He gives the ferventness of the feelings and reveals the passion, respectively, passionate nature of the grenade will turn into a monster.

Specialists advise Capricorn to give preference to bright gems that please the eyes. These stones are released from depressive mood and soften the stern temper of the wards of Saturn.

Stones choose not in beauty or price, but for certain purposes. For example, to strengthen or weaken some character qualities. If you need to achieve career heights, choose gems that enhance dedication and hard work. If you need to solve the amournal question, disclose sensuality with certain minerals.

But this refers to general advice on choosing gems. Astrominerologists advise you to choose gems, taking into account the decade of birth.

Selection of minerals according to the decade of birth

Born from December 22 to January 2 suits:

  • malachite;
  • agate;
  • amethyst;
  • onyx;
  • obsidian;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • Moonstone;
  • rhinestone;
  • star sapphire.

Malachite It is able to fulfill the desires of its mistress, and also strengthens their health. Amethyst and star sapphire They will help to cope with melancholy, keep bad thoughts under control. Onyx Helps to achieve their goals, gives perseverance. Moonstone Helps in amur affairs and strengthens family relationships. Unmarried Cashkoks will be able to find a suitable partner, wearing jewelry with moonstone. Family Caps can fully reveal their feelings, thanks to this gem, will become more gentle and sensual.

Astrominerologists warned the Cashkinos born in the first decade, from wearing Emeramud. . This gem will turn the already conservative Capricorn in a grogging clamp.

Born from January 3 to January 13 suitable:

  • turquoise;
  • opal;
  • onyx;
  • sardonyx;
  • heliotrope;
  • rhinestone;
  • chrysoprase.

These people are distinguished by great stubbornness and seek everyone to subordinate to their will. These minerals will help soften the harsh temper of the Ward Saturn and protect themselves from depression.

what stones fit Capricorn women

Turquoise Helps feel the joy of life, adds optimism and eliminates nervousness. Opal Teach workaholics to rest with taste and feel the joy of being. Especially useful opal for people with a sullen temper, but the black stone is categorically contraindicated. This gem will help to become their mistress more liberated and sociable, as well as expand the horizons and will allow to see alternative options for solving the issue. Chrysoprase He will save from despondency and depression, will strengthen faith in itself and will not allow to lower his hands.

Born from January 14 to January 21 suitable:

  • ruby;
  • zircon;
  • tourmaline;
  • hyacinth.

Ruby It will help the oscillations to achieve the most incredible goals, will feed the energy and strengthen the Spirit. Zircon Supports its mistress emotionally: this mineral is especially useful when the forces on the outcome. Zircon warns depression, and also prevents hysterical. Hyacinth It will help to turn the situation in the direction necessary for the caculation, this mineral helps during business negotiations. These stones help the cappicals charge with optimism.

On a note! The selected stone talisman is not necessarily wearing a jewelry. This may be a figurine or part of the interior, decorated with gem.

Magic powers possess the stones unprocessed by man - Druz. They retained their natural structure and energy, therefore they differ in incredible power. For Capricors, a rhinestone can be perfectly suitable for the kidney: it can serve as an interior decoration.

What stones fit Capricorn women on a horoscope

Stones for love

To successfully solve their amur questions, Cosals should choose the proper gem correctly.

Garnet Helps attract the soul mate and eliminates jealousy. But this stone is contraindicated with fermented and too temperamental, as it is able to make unmanaged and repent of women from them.

Cornelian It helps to find and charm the soul mate, and also eliminates the Handra and hysterics. In the marriage will help to preserve the marriage union, prolongs youth and gives charm.

Agate Bright colors will strengthen female spells and make their hostess attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Turquoise It will help to find confidence in its charm, gives happiness, softness and tenderness. Also, this gem helps not to respond to overweight and relieves fussiness.

Malachite Able to attract male views to the owner. If the attention of men becomes excessive and intrusive, malachite is worn in silver cut.

Prohibited stones:

  • aquamarine;
  • Yellow diamond;
  • beryl;
  • Carneol.

Listed minerals deprive Capricorn determination and courage, and also increase the degree of conflict.


Agate It is best to protect against the goat enemies and ill-wishers, gossip and intrigued. The interior composition of agate improves the microclimate in the house, helps to achieve career growth and eliminates need. If wearing a stone on the body, it will save from the evil eyes and the damage.

Opal Helps to achieve the desired, turns any situation in the right direction. This gem is useful both for a conventional housewife and for a business lady.

Tourmaline It is considered a universal guard for the Capricors. From the damage and the evil eye you need to choose the stones of the black color - it absorbs well the negative.

Obsidian It has the ability to disperse the negative energy, which is directed to the owner. This gem grands internal harmony and balance, eliminates anxiety and pessimism.

Garnet Eliminates dependencies, gives internal freedom. The stone improves well-being, helps to achieve the goals.

Turquoise , in addition to helping in amur affairs, helps to get rich. This gem is an excellent magnet for money, helps in commerce and increases profits.

Black Onyx Wraps from black magic, directional witchcraft and evil eye. This charm must be worn on his body so that it contacts the owner.

Forbidden stones

Capricorn is categorically contraindicated aventurine . This gem deprives representatives of the earthly element of diligence, which immediately entails trouble. Capricorn becomes frivolous and windy.

Pearl It is also not recommended to have decorations in the collection. It is believed that her husband's caperpool will certainly go to his mistress if she is inconsistently wearing a pearl necklace or bracelet. However, the pearls will help to find the second half, but immediately after the wedding, it will have to part.

Sapphire Unwanted for Capricorn, as it provokes for cynicism and aggression. Amethyst Together with the sapphire increase the degree of irritability and discontent everyone and everything.

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