Lilith in 12 house in woman and men


The black moon in the horoscope gives the characteristics of the inner demon of a person, the destructive passion that the most overwhelmed his soul. And it is very difficult to deal with this demon, it is difficult to confront your weaknesses and vices. But still really, for this you need to know the house and the sign of the zodiac, where the Black Moon was. Let's consider the influence of Lilith in the 12th home of the natal card.

Black Moon in the horoscope

What is 12 house responsible for?

The twelfth field of the horoscope is called home restrictions and is also associated with secret enemies. According to this house, we understand whether there will be a native in voluntary or forced isolation, whether someone will limit his freedom, independence and what danger will bring him the enemies.

Lilith in 12 houses: Features

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The position of the Demon of Lowest Passion Lilith in 12 The Horoscope field is considered very complex and mysterious. In this case, NATIV distorts the concepts of "sacrifice", "mercy", in connection with which, suggests voluntary ascetic. There may be a terrible fear of being deprived of freedom - for example, to be in prison or long-term treatment in the hospital.

In an effort to plunge your fear, the individual begins to behave openly demonstratively: violates public morality, plays with fire. Often decides to become an employee of a closed institution: a hospice, prisons, hospital.

A big danger lies in to be involved in the sect, which contributes to the distorted perception of religiosity.

Parents whose child has such an aspect of the Black Moon, must carefully control his behavior, hobbies and a circle of communication. And the man in adulthood is extremely desirable to be interested in astrology and psychology to understand their weak points and work on them.

Select a number of characteristic features of Lilith in the twelfth house of the horoscope:

  • Nait is engaged in self-knowledge, studying its phobias and abilities in isolated from society places (hut in the forest, hospital, prison);
  • suffers from inexplicable fears, obsessive thoughts, afraid of darkness;
  • Someone from his loved ones have mental disorders or they behave aggressively;
  • NAVA is moving between a burden for spiritual development and devilish temptations;
  • From time to time he likes to be alone with himself, can go to the monastery;
  • It can easily be involved in the sect;
  • Loves to console yourself with alcoholic drinks, drugs;
  • inclined to suicide.

Love solitude

Lilith in 12 field in different constellations

  • Aries, Lion, Sagittarius - diligently hides the mania of greatness, suffers from aggression, pride, hysteria, buttercility. Distortion in the topics of creativity, raising children. It imagines well-known, popular, although actually afraid to be the center of attention. Feeling hate to those who have achieved more success in life. It should be rational to evaluate himself, boldly declare himself, and not blame others in his own failures.
  • Twins, scales, aquarius - For them, information dirt is very dangerous - they can quickly inspire someone else, a false idea. They do not differ in particular clutch, with ease they tell other other people's secrets, they say a lot, they also dilute gossip about them. Often come across double wedding and business partners. Due to the permanent internal monologues and disputes with imaginary interlocutors, they can develop a split personality. Must behave as honestly as possible, frankly, to maintain loyalty to the second half.
  • Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn - Bulk, arrogant, demonstrate their superiority over others, because of which they often turn out to be in proud loneliness. Perceive everyone around as imperfect and unworthy to be with them. His loneliness is "treated" by work and storage - love to collect expensive items, paintings. At the same time show greed, do not blame money. Must engage in the development of spirituality, to provide disinterested assistance to other people, practicing charity.
  • Cancer, Scorpio, Fish - Excessively mentally susceptible, ranks. They are frightened by occultism, disorders of consciousness. There are often many secrets in the family. Lilith tempts to practice black magic or commit criminal actions on the soil of jealousy or revenge, it is important to hinder it in every way. They can become refugees, victims of cash speculation, they may attack abandoned, dark places, if they won't fight their negative features.

Lilith in 12 houses

In a woman and a man

Representatives of the strong gender, which have such a position of the Black Moon, perceive themselves wrong: they themselves do not practice neither spiritual nor intellectual development, but they teach others, they create even whole system of healing or psychology.

The girls complain about life, behave aggressively, hysterically, but the sacred is sure that they are better than everything around.

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