Lilith in the 11th house in a woman and a man


Why you need to know, in which house and constellation is your black moon (Lilith) in the horoscope? In order to understand your weakest places, weak spheres of life and engage in their work. In this material, I propose to learn the manifestations of Lilith in the 11th house.

Lilith - Inner Demon

What answers 11 houses?

The eleventh field of the horoscope is called the house of assistants, goodwires, like-minded people. According to him, learn whether the native will receive assistance and support, patronage, to what extent or will remain without it.

Lilith in 11 house: features

The fictitious planet of painful passions, bad karma, when it falls in the 11th house, it provokes a valuation to transfer everything bad in his friendly relations, social activities. Distorting his perception of happiness, ideals.

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Since Lilith often leads to the appearance of destructive practices, phobias, then there is a risk that the beginning of the unhealthy, incorrect ideas. Parents of children with a black moon in 11 field should pay great attention to the surroundings of their babies, especially during the period of difficult adolescence.

Relations with friends are a sore place of such a person. It may be in an aggressive environment that will require it to make unreasonable and even life-threatening actions. If the horoscope is strong Lilith, the Sun and Jupiter - the individual himself is a threat to friends. He is attracted to strange fantasies, which he fascinates his close environment.

In addition, such a person is greatly addicted to social life. He spends a sea of ​​energy to achieve social recognition of his ideas. But the innovations proposed by rivals completely denies.

According to the recommendations of astrologers, the carriers of Lilith in 11 field of a natal card should not be too relying on friends and partners, as they may face lies and betrayal. However, if they regularly work out the Black Moon, then over time will learn to intuitively determine the treacherous comrades.

Framing of friends photo

There are a number of characteristic features of people with such a position of the Black Moon:

  • Often (but not always) they are energy vampires;
  • shift his guilt on buddies (for example, stole something, and planted the other);
  • In another extreme, they themselves attract someone else's karma for which they are forced to respond;
  • desperately crave to achieve popularity, become a leader in friends;
  • Mascia deny the fact that someone else may be the leader;
  • can, as completely refuse to communicate (in order not to disappoint), and, on the contrary, contact with asocial personalities, lower spiritual level;
  • It is difficult to implement themselves in the team if they are not taken, they become solids;
  • dream of something if both real, then very difficult, utopian (for example, create a time machine);
  • Often feel unhappy, incomprehensible society, experiencing attacks of depression.

In some cases, Lilith in 11 field causes the Nativa to be desperate to oppose new, progress. He does not develop himself, and his home forbids doing it.

In a woman and a man

In their previous incarnations, such men and women seduced friends, like-minded people, seduced them. And those were defenseless in front of their charms. At the same time, they possessed such powerful sexual energy, which was involved in their close setting in a vicious life. In the current embodiment, the owner of Lilith in the 11th house is obliged to stop past bad actions and leave the vicious circle.

As a rule, in the first half of life, people are still often guided by past negative experience. Therefore, wanting to correct the destructive addiction (increased lust) recommended early get married (or marry), to make up the education of children.

They are recommended early marriage

True, it should be noted that with the indicated position of the Black Moon, children are often born out of marriage, are illegitimate.

Such personalities should not have cases with those whose sun, the moon, the dominant 11 of the fields, the Ascendent or meridian create a conjunction with the Lilith of the Native. Otherwise, will face various difficulties in relations, disappointments. And some indicators even indicate death ahead of time.

Usually, men and women with Lilith in 11 house are not lucky to friendly. Also, their ideas in rare cases are perceived positively. But they have a certain advantage - the ability to feel treachery in advance. Thereby have time to think about what is happening and draw up a further action plan.

This position of the Black Moon has its own advantages, and disadvantages. On the one hand, they really feel all the injustice of the surrounding world. And also know how to appreciate the true friendship, harmonious social relations.

On the other hand, it is very hard to experience deception and betrayal from a close environment. This becomes a strong blow to them.

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