Lilith in 10 houses in a woman and a man


Lilith (or black moon) in the horoscope will provoke distortion of the sphere of life, in which house and the sign of the zodiac it is. Let's find out how Lilith behaves in the 10th home of a natal map.

Lilith - Dark Personality

What does 10 house answer for?

The tenth house in the horoscope is called the house of power, associated with career and success. It is possible to determine the life path of the NATIV, its goals, as well as methods of their achievement.

Lilith in 10 house: features of manifestation

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With Lilith in 10 field, a person has accumulated bad karma associated with its destination. He incorrectly assesses his real abilities, directs them not to where it follows. And all the fault - thirst to achieve fame, to propagate at any cost.

He suffers from the mania of grandeur and unreasonably overestimated self-esteem. Holy is confident that he is simply obliged to provide good work with a high salary in a flat place.

But Lilith in the 10th house will be punished by a NATIV, every time he will exceed his authority, will appear to himself of merit, it will achieve fame with the help of deception (falsification of facts, "Haip" and the like).

If there is a defeat in heavy aspects - native is ready to become famous even badly, only it would be said about him (the so-called "Glory of Herostrat"). And with the harmonious arrangement of the Black Moon in 10 field, you can talk about extraordinary purposefulness, creativity.

In most cases, the owners of Lilith in the 10th house have a number of similar personality features, and more specifically:

  • Ready to literally live at work, despite the fact that their family life suffers greatly;
  • can tyryn their home, bring them to nervous disruptions, especially if something does not work in work;
  • Speakers with bright leaders, power leaders;
  • have inconsistencies to dishonest actions, intrigues, just to get around rivals;
  • can sacrifice innocent people or their relatives in favor of "higher goals";
  • possess an depressed sensuality, lack of empathy;
  • As a subordinate behave passively.

To identify those professional areas where such people can achieve the greatest success, you should familiarize yourself with the position of Selena in the horoscope, as well as the link of the Black Moon in the 10th house with 2 and 6 sectors.

There is unhealthy careerism

Black Moon in 10 field in different constellations

  • Aries, Lion, Sagittarius - Unhealthy desire to become famous in sports or creativity, the presence of serious conflicts with the Father due to different views on the calling of the child. Vanity makes them incorrectly choose an educational institution. Such personalities are confident that relations play a big role than good education, so poorly learned, they can take care. Must improve professional qualities in labor, abandon vanity and patients with ambitions.
  • Twins, scales, aquarius - They have so many different hobbies that choose one profession becomes extremely difficult. Success in the career hinder envious and intrigue. Often they spoil the reputation, it has to restore the grains. Harm for their business comes from the father or a marriage partner. It is extremely important to have a good relationship with the boss, take only one position or work and less talk to others about their plans, goals in this area.
  • Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn - focus only on big income, and not to fulfill their destination. It is terrible afraid to lose stability and change even the unloved job. Their father can strongly limit in the means or, on the contrary, give too much finance. And in the first, and in the second case, the improper perception of material goods is produced. We experience difficulties with teamwork. Often projected to the detriment of your health.
  • Cancer, Scorpio, Fish - As a rule, we are talking about a certain family case, which they must continue. But it is important here to understand whether it is suitable for personal dreams and the wishes of the NATIV. And if not - then refuse him, look for yourself in another field of activity. Also do not risk everyone in a career, just to win. Difficult relationships with management are not excluded - sexual harassment, threats, blackmail.

They manipulate others

In a woman and a man

Women and men with Lilith in the 10th house are unique people with an unusual destiny. Often achieve success in life, become managers, politicians, artists, very bright and extravagant. But it is also often brilliant sweatshirts, fraudsters.

Little role in the life of these people is played by the relationship with the Father. They can easily understand how to secretly manage society, deftly by manipulating. But at the same time often exceed their authority, the subordinates are tyranny. The rivals are perceived as personal enemies, with which rustling.

It is very important to work out your black moon in the 10th house, using its possibilities for yourself and other people: do not put a career in the first place in the list of values, to achieve goals only with honest ways.

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